Alexey Varlamov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Alexey Varlamov - Prose writer, publicist and researcher of Russian literature. In 2003, the author received a doctoral degree in philology, and in the period from 2011 to 2016 he served as chief editor of the "Literary Study" edition. In addition to writing activities, Varlamov also implemented as Professor MSU and the rector of the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Varlamov was born in Moscow on June 23, 1963. His father was a censor in the newspaper "True", and the mother taught Russian and literature in high school. Childhood, the boy spent at the Noginsk district of the Moscow region, near the station Kupavna.

Little Lesha was fond of journey and fishing, and I found a special pleasure in reading. The first literary experiments he did in young years.

Up to 13, Varlamov lived on the Avtozavodskaya Street and was a student of the English specialized school. In 1985, Varlamov graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. Alexey's candidate dissertation was devoted to the study of Russian prose the end of the 20th century. In the Doctoral, he analyzed Mikhail's creativity.

In 1987, in the journal October "published his debut story" Cockroaches ". The work was viewed by the author's orientation on the style of classical literature. According to the writer, he from youthfully preferred the works of Anton Chekhov, Ivan Bunin, Alexander Pushkin, Andrei Platonova and Yuri Kazakov. In the 1990s, the publicist collaborated with the publications "October", "on the eve", "literary newspaper" and others.

Personal life

Alexey Varlamov married. A little known about his family: together with his wife, the writer raised two children.

Drawing inspiration from the stories of loved ones, personal life and experience, the author often describes the events in the works that came with him or his family. In the composition "Birth" we are talking about the problem with which the Warlamov's spouses faced in anticipation of the Son. Hard pregnancy, complex childbirth and a difficult diagnosis for a long time held parents under pressure from negative thoughts. Doctors made a mistake: the baby turned out to be healthy. But the impressions of the father were reflected in prose and found a lot of responses from readers.

Thanks to creative activities, publicist visited many cities of the country and saw Siberia, Caucasus, Urals, Far East and Altai with his own eyes. Within the framework of foreign trips, Varlamov was in China, the United States, Europe, taught in foreign institutes.

Alexey Varlamov is open to communicate with the press and easily agrees to interview, observing media traditions. The writer leads a page in Vkontakte, but posts and personal photos appear rarely there.

Career and creativity

Alexey Varlamov's first book was on sale in 1990. According to the writer, it was a thin, printed on low-quality paper, but circulation has numbered 75 thousand copies. The "Banner" edition in 1991 published the works of "Pokrov" and "Sainness", and on the pages of the New World in 1992, the "Christmas Eve" and "Galash" appeared. The next light saw the story "Hello, Prince!". A year later, Varlamov entered the Union of Writers of Russia.

By this period there is a way out of the Birth of "Birth", published in the "New World". Personal history The author described against the background of historical events developed in the country. The optimistic final in the small history of the same family gave a feeling of a positive attitude of the author and in relation to the future of his native state. The work received the "Antibuker" award.

Starting from work with small genres, gradually the author switched to the Hands and novels. In 1995, published a debut large format work "Loch". It continues the theme of Russia. The essay is built along the canons of fairy tales, and the action takes place from 1963 to 1993 in Moscow and Munich. The traditional for Russian literature the motive of the wanderings found the application in the novel. The history of the main character has ever developed against the background of state peripetias. The collapse of the Great Empire in the refraction of the author's fantasy is symbolic and refers to the death of mankind.

Characters of writings Alexey Varlamov often find themselves in difficult situations from which the will of the Fate. A miracle that happens to them is impossible without faith. The author describes it and the saving providence itself. It is worth noting that Varlamov was brought up on atheistic principles, but after graduating from the university, he was baptized and in creativity affects the important moments for his worldview.

The topic described in "Loch" found a continuation in the novel "Sunken Ark", which was published in 1997. He narrated the heroes from the northern sect of the Skoptsov. The Trilogy of the works of this genre completed the work of the "Dome", which replenished the writer's bibliography in 1999.

The plot is developing in the period from 1965 to 2000 and is a bandstone story that sees the world in distorted colors. Due to the disease, the hero observes fantastic phenomena and events like a dome from the fog, which arises above the country who survived the restructuring and subsequent changes. The dome symbolizes the isolation of Russia.

The book "Kupavna" published in 1999 brought the author of the Scholarship of the Moscow Literary Foundation. In parallel with work on novels and the lead, a man continued to write publicist articles, essays and literary materials. In 2000, published the story "Warm Islands in the Cold Sea". This is the history of buddies who went to the Russian north and visited the Belomorsk Islands where monks live. After 6 years, Varlamov received a premium Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

In 2014, the light saw the novel "Mooked Wolf", in which the author transfers the reader in the century ago and describes events unfolding for four years. Analysis of the First World War is adjacent here with fictional situations and symbolism.

The book "Soul My Paul" was published in 2018 became a bestseller, like the previous works of the author. Works of Varlamov were translated into several foreign languages ​​and popular abroad. Stories "All people are able to swim" and "Bremen Musicians" enjoy the special attention of the Russian-speaking public.

Alexey Varlamov Now

Alexey Varlamov is a permanent author of the series "Life of wonderful people." His authorship belongs to books, describing the life of Alexey Tolstoy and Vasily Shukshin, Grigory Rasputin and Alexander Green, Mikhail Bulgakov and Andrei Platonova. Now, the publicist is still engaged in writing literary articles and essays. In 2020, he teaches Russian literature on the beginning of the 20th century in the literary institute. A. M. Gorky, in which it takes the post of rector.


  • 1987 - "Cockroaches"
  • 1992 - "Hello, Prince!"
  • 1995 - "Birth"
  • 1995 - "Loch"
  • 1997 - "Sound Ark"
  • 1999 - "Dome"
  • 2000 - "Kupavna"
  • 2006 - "Sound of a burst theater"
  • 2008 - "Russian Century"
  • 2014 - "Mental Wolf"
  • 2018 - "My Soul My Paul"

Awards and Prize

  • 1995 - Antibuker Prize
  • 1995, 1997 - Prize of the Journal "October"
  • 1995 - Leepzig Literary Club Prize LEGE ARTIS
  • 1997 - Newspaper Prize "Moscow Railway"
  • 1998 - Prize publishing house "Roman-Gazeta"
  • 1999 - Scholarship of the Moscow Literary Fund
  • 2006 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize
  • 2007 - National Literary Prize "Big Book"
  • 2013 - Patriarchal Literary Prize
  • 2015 - Prize "Student Booker" for the novel "Moved Wolf"
  • 2015 - International Prize "Writer of the XXI Century"
  • 2018 - Prize of the Governor of the Kirov region in the nomination "Alexander Stepanovich Green Prize"

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