Interesting facts about Peter Chernyshev - youth, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Naomi Lang, daughter


This figure skater, who has already left the sports career and working the coach and periodically appearing in the diverse ice show on TV, was still in his youth, he became a five-time champion of the United States, where in that period he lived and performed. However, in Russia, he knows primarily not as a glorified athlete, but as a popular actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Interesting facts about Peter Chernyshev, who was 50 years old on February 6, 2021, in the material 24cm.

Error youth

Considering interesting facts about Peter Chernyshev, it is worth starting a story with the episode that the figure skater himself considers the mistake admitted in youth.

We are talking about the color of the celebrity hair: Chernyshev, engaged in dancing on ice, once decided to paint in the blond - according to Peter himself, in this way the skater wanted to attract the attention of viewers and refereeing.

The celebrity claims that in ice dancing there is not enough to correctly pick up the music, to put the choreography and finely roll the number. It is also necessary to impress, including its own appearance. And then all available funds are suitable, whether it is a memorable cut of costumes or a change in hair color.

So the figure has happened. Not knowing what it is still possible to change, in order to achieve high marks, Peter Chernyshev decided to repaint. Although afterwards this step was assessed as frankly stupid.

It is entertaining that, according to Chernyshev, he appeared on the light with bright gold hair of a natural blond, who over the years, as it happens in the younger children, darkened.


In a selection of entertaining facts from the life of Peter Chernyshev, it will not be exactly possible to bypass the party and the moment of dating an athlete with his future wife Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, held during the filming of the show "Dancing on Ice" in 2007.

The spark between the actress and the skater, according to celebrities, ran at first glance. However, a couple of stars became not immediately. Among other things, it affected a similar alignment and the fact that rumors went about Peter as a natural lovelaes, which were attributed to novels with many celebrities.

About the partner of Chernysheva Naomi Lang, with which the figure skater once performed, and they said at all that the latter gave birth to a daughter from him. Subsequently, these gossip were not confirmed, but for some time they forced the Zavorotnyuk to stay away from the faced man.

Only some time after, Peter and Anastasia were able to get to know each other and get close to get a wedding already in 2008.

Wife's disease

When, in 2019, rumors about the disease Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who watched the development of events of fans and journalists struck the following: Peter Chernyshev, obliged, it seems to remain in such a serious time for her, continued to participate in various shows and ice productions. The figure skater was even accused of indifference to the state of the spouse. Meanwhile, it was the case to a banal simply: money was required for expensive treatment that Chernyshev and earned.

In those difficult for couples, Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev, the days of support sounded from all sides. The former wife of Peter Natalia Annenko also spoke. The latter not only stated that she was confident that her ex-spouse would attach all the forces for the sake of recovery of the beloved, but even readiness, if this would need to help find doctors in the United States or translate patients to specializing in the treatment of cancer, overseas medical institutions.

Life with a star

In the selection of "Interesting Facts about Peter Chernyshev" it is worth mentioning about the attitude of the figure to sudden fame that fell upon him after meeting with Zavorotnyuk.

At first, Peter with Anastasia even had to hide relationships, trying not to appear together in crowded places in order to avoid unwanted attention. It came to the point that one day a couple is overlooking the journalists even pursued by the car, and the in love remained only to run away, "shaking the tail", as in some spying militant.

The ability to be normal alone was provided only during foreign trips - abroad, Russian stars were interested in few people.

Children of Zavorotnyuk

In 2018, Anastasia and Peter were born daughter Mila. At the same time, until the moment, the skater participated in the education of children actresses from the previous marriage - Anna and Michael. The man's husband admits that his decision was still a beloved sentence not least affected the attitude of Anastasia to the guys - just such a mother for his own child and wanted to find Chernyshev.

According to the athlete, to establish relations with the children of the wife, he turned out relatively quickly. Probably, the last role was played in this and the fact that Peter not only tried to fully open in communicating with Michael and Anja, but never sought to oppose himself their biological father, did not try to take his place. And, understanding that the dad in children already exists, it tried to become the best friend for them, which was the support for mutual trust.

Relief from hockey

It is noteworthy that for the first time, Peter Chernyshev came out at all as a figure skateman. As a child, a future celebrity was seriously interested in hockey. It did not have to my soul to parents who worked that the child could be injured at any time.

And since in parallel, six-year-old Petya took care of both figure skating, in which he soon began to demonstrate decent results, then the mother with his father, with the support of the coach, tried to completely switch the child to a new direction. So the club had to be postponed to the far corner.

Torn shoot

Completing the story about interesting facts about Peter Chernyshev, it can also be mentioned that the figure skaters were invited to be filmed in the series "Hot ice", released in 2008. However, he spent only one day on the site. According to one version, the reason is in the absence of a guide talent at an athlete, because of what he was denied role. On the other, in the employment of Peter. Chernyshev himself argued that for some reason he did not add his role, but they paid a penalty after three months of waiting.

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