Joe Dispens - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books, Meditation 2021



Dr. Joe Dispens - a certified neurobiologist and the author of several bestsellers for the development of subconscious. By teaching control of thoughts, he pursues the goal to help people change their lives for the better. He is written a lot of literary work, and quotes from his books are very popular among Internet users.

Childhood and youth

Joe Dispens was born on March 24, 1962 in Buffalo, New York. The writer prefers not to share the past, practically nothing is known about his biography. The official website of the scientist states that it has two higher education: the bachelor's degree of the State College Evergrin in Olympia, Washington, and defended his doctoral at the University of Life in the city of Marietta, Georgia, graduating from him with honors. The dispensary studied neurology, neurobiology, brain activity, memory formation, aging and longevity.

At a young age, Joe got into a car accident, as a result of which his spine was broken in six places. The guy had to move the operation, during which the damaged vertebrae would fit with steel rods among themselves. However, you could not guarantee the successful outcome of the doctor.

The young man refused to surgical intervention and decided to heal himself with his own thoughts. Twice a day, for several hours, he meditated, visualizing the desired result. After 9.5 weeks, Joe got on his feet.

After two years, the dispensary founded the Washington State of Washington, where he was engaged in chiropractic.

Personal life

Both about the biographies and about personal life, Dr. Joe Dispense tries not to spread. It is known that he has a wife named Robbie and three children, two boys and a girl. In social networks, a man sometimes shares the photos of relatives.

On the example of the education of daughter, Joe presents material about what is like being a parent, and shares how to correctly motivate children. In an interview posted on the Yutiub-channel Rewrite Me in November 2015, Joe says his daughter is 25 years old. It is easy to calculate that it was born in the 1990th or 1991, depending on the month of birth.


After a wonderful healing, the scientist is convinced that a person with the help of the mind can affect life and physiological state. Joe devoted his works to how to reconfigure the mind, change the program of thinking and thanks to this, to form a personal person, which in turn will create the desired reality.

Pursuing the goal to teach people to manage their own lives and achieve the desired, Joe Dispenser created an amazing bibliography. Today best-selling publishing New York Times is recognized by four writer works.

One of the most popular works of the author is a series of books "The Power of the Subconscious, or how to change the life for 4 weeks" 2012. They disclosed the technology of transformation of life, the priority in which is given to induction - relax. Here the writer talks about the benefits of meditation and breathing techniques, and also answers the question of how to get rid of the traumatic experience of the past and translate consciousness to a new level.

In 2014, the book "Myself Placebo: How to use the power of subconscious for health and prosperity". Joe tells about the charming properties of the strength of thought, the methods of applying the placebo effect in medicine and how the thinking process affects the physiological functions of the body.

In 2017, the book "Supernatural Mind was published: as ordinary people make it impossible with the help of the subconscious force." She tells about the real stories of people who got rid of diseases with the help of thought strength, and a quantum world that exists outside of space and time. The author teaches how to activate the sishkovoid gland (third eye). Business coach Tony Robbins noted this work as an exceptional practical guide, thanks to which you can learn to go beyond the boundaries of the usual reality.

Labor "Develop your brain. The science of changing his mind with the help of the power of the subconscious "is also among the most popular works of the author. The idea of ​​the book is that the previously dominant opinion on the immobility of the human brain throughout the life of modern neurobiology is questioned. Scientists adhere to statements that various factors affect the development of the brain, including experienced emotions.

Joe Dispens Now

Basic dispensary activities - teaching. According to the information from the official website of the writer, now Joe works at once in several educational institutions: a quantum university in Honolulu in Hawaii, the Omega holistic research institute in Reinbeké, New York, and the Center for Yoga and Health Crypalu in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He is also listed by the Chairman of the Research Committee of the University of Life in Atlanta.

Joe goes around the world with lectures, master classes and training for enterprises and organizations. In September 2020, the lecturer planned to conduct a progressive seminar in Moscow.

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