Series "Master" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Trailer, NTV


It is more painful than to fall, the higher it was climbing - with this indisputable truth, it was configured to face many soared to the top, but due to the circumstances of the abyss in the day. So the "Master" series shot on the order, the release date on February 18, 2021, tells the story about the difficult fate of the former champion of a rider, forced to start everything from scratch. June 15, 2021, the project was broadcast on the NTV channel. Information about the premiere - in the material 24cm.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series dedicated to the random team "KAMAZ Master", performed the following actors:
  • Anton Vasiliev - Denis Sazonov, a former Racer, who became the youngest winner of the champion title in the world, but excluded from the team, who, who failed to achieve the former greatness in other disciplines, decided to return to the usual sport.
  • Igor Petrenko - Eremin, Deputy Director of the Team, who does not wish to return the former pilot of Sazonov, which was divided into a gross violation of team ethics, and therefore seeks life in every way to complicate Denis.
  • Linda Lapinsh is the former spouse of Denis Sazonov, seeking to take the place of the navigator to further become the first pilot in the history of the Rally-raids.
  • Anatoly White - Kuznetsov, head of the KAMAZ-Master team, seeking to achieve discipline in the team and lead the wards to the next victory in competitions.

Also in the series were filmed : Nikita Pavlenko, Angelina Poplavskaya, Sergey Shakurov, Ingrid Olerinskaya and Matvey Semenov in the role of Seva.


The series "Master" thought again five years ago - Fyodor Bondarchuk, who spoke by the producer of the project, then visited the KAMAZ-Master team base and caught fire the idea to make a film dedicated to Russian championships of the Rally-Raid.

The chair of the director of the new TV show took Stepan Korshunov, who was already familiar to the audience on the work on the projects "Poketin", "Moscow. Three stations "and" Vocal-criminal ensemble. " Also, the cinematographer acted as a creative producer of the TV series "Retribution" and "Three Captain", taken for the NTV channel.

The cinematographers were seen by his task not only to create an interesting sports drama, but also to provide a spectator audience a chance to learn how to legend how the real riders of the legendary team of the Kamsky Automobile Plant.

For the accuracy of the narrative as the main locations for the filming, there were selected places related to both the prototype of the team and to conduct the competition. The frame of the "Kamaz Masters", located in Tatarstan, the Silk Road Race Track, which runs in Kazakhstan, and the Zona Kagan competition in Kazakhstan in the Astrakhan region. A number of scenes were filmed in the capital of Russia.

The members of the KAMAZ-Master team provided active assistance in the preparation and holding of filming, granted consulting and technical assistance to cinematograms, and the Administration of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.


As already mentioned, on the preparations for the shooting of the series left for five years - only at the beginning of 2020, when members of the KAMAZ plant team released after the Rally in Saudi Arabia, immediately work began on the site. At the same time, according to the initial plan of the creators, the "Master" series was to be broadcast for the spring of 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic interfered into the process, and the release had to be transferred.

Prepare and work at the site actors accounted for in close cooperation with both representatives of the team directly and the staff of the automotive factory.

Artists, in order to penetrate the spirit and atmosphere of the project, provided the opportunity not only to ride in the cabin of the rally trucks, absorbing the indescribable impressions of the unlikely drive and the adrenaline booming in the blood. But also allowed to look at the manufacturer, stroll along the noisy shops, watching the future-winning raids winged cars.

Members of the film crew in the first days of work also took place at the factory museum, in which the full story of the participation of the Trucks of the Kama Automobile Plant was preserved in races. As a reminder that the path to the current vertices, when behind the back of the KAMAZ-Master team, the mass of victories was long and difficult. And it started at all from the first lines of world rankings.

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The artists remembered that admiration for the possibility of touching the history of the famous team, and at the same time to feel themselves on the site of the famous riders, albeit simply as passengers sweeping on the mighty trucks, was powerful and unique.

And the performer of the role of Kuznetsova Anatoly White admitted that even in his youth was heard about the merit of the team, and therefore, now embodying her leader's image on the screen - a considerable honor for him. Supported a colleague and performers of the rest of the roles, expressing the pride in that they had a chance to play real champions, who had time to conquer the highest titles in their careers in their career.

Thus, who played in the series of Pilot Belikov, Makar Zaporizhia admitted that the achievements of the domestic factory team are delighted. And the performer of the role of Zhenya Linda Lapins happily shared with the press, how surprised it was met at the factory - after all, women in Kamaz master, unlike the series, no.

Prototypes and certificates

Of course, the filmmakers with real events from the life of riders who took off the series "Master". And as a prototypes, such prominent persons were used as the founder of the team of the Kamsky Automobile Plant Semen Yakubov, the five-time winner of Dakar, and not less the titled current leader of Kamaz Masters, Vladimir Chagin. Did not pay the televisers and other champions.

For five years from the moment when for the first time Fedor Bondarchuk, he was talking about a picture dedicated to KAMAZ athletes, members of the team were looking forward to the premieres. For them, the creators demonstrated an 8-serial film first. According to the riders themselves, although shown on the screen and is presented somewhat differently, it seems from the cabin carved car, they liked the work.

reference : Specializing in rally raids in the class of sports trucks The Russian team "KAMAZ-MASTER" from Naberezhnye Chelny is deservedly considered the strongest in the world - by the shoulders of the participants 18 victories in the Dakar rally.


The audience even before the "Master" series went to the screens, expressed their approval to the authors who decided to show the world of cargo auto racing to a wide audience, especially paying attention to the quality and realism of the filming and the reluctance of the creators to roll into a melodrama, but to pay more attention to the competitive process.

Series "Master" - Trailer:

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