Eleanor Filina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Music Harbor 2021



Eleonora Filina is a popular television and radio host, music editor and journalist. Together with the children's writer, Edward Uspensky, who became a husband, led the program "Ships came to our harbor." Listeners and spectators fell in love with a pair of warm, spiritual situation, reigning on the transfer. However, it later turned out that the spouses do not get along with each other, creating only the visibility of harmonious relations before the public.

Childhood and youth

About the children's and adolescent years in the biography of the singer knows little. Eleanor Nikolaevna was born on April 28, 1962. In childhood, Filina was fond of music, loved to sing. In his youth, she graduated from the Music Faculty of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

Personal life

Personal life of celebrity is full of dramatic collisions. Eleanor married a classmate, a novel with whom it was still in school. It was an early marriage: both were 18 years old. Soon the girl realized that she had little in common with her husband. During the first marriage, two children appeared in the family, the eldest son Denis and the youngest Vlad.

In order not to closes in yourself, not to immerse yourself in depression because of the scandals with her husband, Eleanor took up his work, worked on the radio. One fine day, the colleague Lyudmila Yakovlev offered a branch place leading in the program "The ships came to our harbor", the author of which was the author of the book about the crocodile gene and Cheburashka Eduard Asspensky.

A woman was warned that the writer had a difficult character, however, at first, after his acquaintance, she admired her every act. The man seemed good, caring, showed the attention to a young colleague whom she launched her from the spouse. The writer even helped to arrange the eldest Son of the Filin in the elite external in the suburbs.

For several years of collaboration, a wonderful creative duet, who loved the public. Over time, working relationships turned into personal attachment. With the first husband, Filina decided to part, Assumption was divorced with the second wife of Elena, who, without having to betray, banned the author to see the daughters. The wedding took place in 2005, after which the couple began to live in a country house along with the younger son of the singer Vlad.

From the first days of dating a boy writer, according to a woman, showed egoism and rigidity. Schi is constantly scolded the child and even threw even a bottle with "gas production". The attitude of Edward Nikolayevich to the new spouse has changed. As TV presenter admitted in an interview, during work in the transfer to registration of marriage, it and the writer never conflicted.

The marriage as if removed the mask from his beloved children's writer. The man raised his voice, used the faded words, abused alcohol. Home tyranny frightened a franch, causing thinking about divorce. However, thoughts about the joint brainchild, song transfer, stopped a woman.

For 10 years, a celebrity, a celebrity, as if he led a double life: appeared in radio ester and television together with Assumption, depicting a happy and beloved lady. And at home, the scandals began again, because of which the psyche suffered not only from Eleonora, but also in Vlad.

When the stepfather almost drowned in the home pool (according to the wife, having gone with alcohol, according to the writer's friends, because of a heart attack), the teenager regretted that the man remained alive. Finally, the singer gathered in spirit and wished to put a point in the relationship. But at the same time, it became known about a serious illness, hitting the writer.

Deciding that it is impossible to throw a person in a difficult moment, the actress went with her husband to Germany, where the author of children's books was treated. Therapy was successful, and the woman finally told the spouse about the intention of divorce. Assumption threatened that he would deprive the "recalcitable" status of the co-supporting program, and also blocks accounts.

Eduard Nikolayevich himself presented his vision of parting to journalists with the third spouse. It turned out that the writer was confident that his wife had a young lover. Indeed, in the press periodically appeared articles reporting on a certain David Chesed. At that time, the young man was barely 20 years old, and the Filin passed for 50.

According to rumors, the lady for the sake of the beloved took a loan of several million so that he could open his business on the mines. However, this monetary contribution did not justify himself. According to the artist, the young man turned out to be the son of a friend of Assumption: his father asked for a friend to the heir to live for some time in the country house of the writer. Communication with him a woman denied.


Since 1991, together with Edward Uspensky Eleanor, the ships came to our harbor. The concept of the transmission was as follows: the writer and his assistant lived a fragment of some popular folk song. And then asked to respond to those listeners who knew the full version of the composition. In the process of "Interactive", interesting facts have been opened in the creation of a hatcher.

The program quickly became popular and gained an additional format - television. Since 1999, the show has come out on NTV. In 2000 and 2002, the project received the "Teffi" premium. In subsequent years, the TV show appeared on different channels. The guests became famous artists, singers, politicians, simple workers.

Due to conflicts in the family of the show several times were under threat of closure. In 2011, Filina left him after the divorce, began to speak with solo concerts around the country. The performer's repertoire entered the songs "in the Cape Town Port", "a girl with deer eyes" and other samples of "yard" chanson.

Since 2017, on the channel "Nostalgia" Eleonora Nikolaevna began to transfer the "Music Harbor". The name of the previous show, the artist was not able to use the familiar and loved public: the copyright on him belonged to Assumption. In addition, the branch appeared its own website, which is under development.

Eleanor Filina now

Now the TV host continues to engage in creativity, prepares esters for their own author's show. She also gives concerts with a constant repertoire. In the midst of the Pandemic COVID-19 on "Youtyuba" a woman released the project "We sing in the kitchen." The ethers are laid out in "VKontakte", in Facebook, as the artist reports in "Instagram". There she is divided into photo and video fans.

In May 2020, a scandal broke out in the press. The Russian State Children's Library proposed to call a new prize in the field of children's literature by the name of Edward Nikolayevich. Having learned about this, the eldest daughter of the writer Tatiana wrote an open letter, in which he requested the organization to abandon this idea. As the main reason, the woman called the cruelty of the Father, its tyranny towards family members. The third wife of Assumptionsky supported such an initiative.

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