Beso Gataev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Colorful Factory actor Beso Gatayev has an extensive filmography. A man is in demand on the screen in the images of brutal Caucasians. The artist seeks to transmit the inconsistency of human nature and prefers to play not easy characters, which cannot be unambiguously called negative or positive.

Childhood and youth

Beso was born on June 2, 1981 in the capital of Georgia. By nationality, actor - Ossetian. In the troubled and unsettled 90s, the Gatayev family moved to a historic homeland - to North Ossetia. The boy's school years passed in the village of Kirovo. Already then he demonstrated numerous talents: he was engaged in boxing and showed worthy results, loved to sing and play on stage.

Bauro Gatayev in youth with friends

By the time the school ended, before the young man got up a difficult choice. He could choose between a sports and theatrical university, but accepted an unexpected decision and began to study at mathematics in the North Ossetian State University. K. L. Hetagurova. Having received a diploma in 2003, Beso continued to look for a vocation. He entered the acting department of the same university and graduated with honors in 2007.

The classes of boxing Ghataev also did not leave and in 2006 became a master of sports. Athletism only attached charizms to scenic images, which the artist embodied on the stage of the North Ossetian State Academic Theater. V. Thapsaeva. The singing data was useful, which a man had improved, after graduating from the class of academic vocals in the college of arts. V. Gergiev.

Personal life

Beso, as a Caucasian, Surov and Little Surveillars. He prefers not to spread about his personal life, but emphasizes that the family is in the first place. It is known that the man has a wife, and, judging by the "Instagram" profile, he brings up two children, a boy and a girl. He spends his free time in their circle and can not imagine better leisure. Joint photos occasionally appear in Celebrity Account.

The actor loves to watch movies and prefers historical and patriotic genres. Gatayev believes that in the past life was a warrior, and now feels the morale, which is willing to serve as his great homeland. A man tries to live honestly and proud that he did not commit doubt.

Theater and films

Gatayev's theater career began, still living in Ossetia. I first pass on the stage in 2006, for a couple of years later, Beso became the leading actor of the Republican Academic Theater. The actor played Don Juan, Ostab Bender, Sirano de Bergerac and a dozen other roles. Music gifts allowed a man to become a soloist in the North Ossetian Opera and Ballet Theater.

However, Beso's ambitions did not fit on the provincial scene. In 2011, the artist decides to move to the capital. In Moscow, the new stage of his creative biography begins, associated with filming in films and serials. The scenic career of Gatayev continued in the "School of Modern Plays" and the Moscow Theater Studio under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov. The actor repeatedly received theatrical awards and became a laureate of festivals, where he was noted dramatic talent and vocal skill.

For the first time, Gatayev appeared on the screen in 2006, when the documentary tape of the "Page of the History of Alanya" was filmed in His Homeland, where the actor had the role of the prisoner of the Midiwiest Velmazby. With moving to Moscow, the filming in the cinema and serials turned into a run of the main work. Proposals have enough: Ossetian starred in numerous militants, dramas and comedies. In his filmography, there are both uncomplicated "real boys" and "empty house" - a piercing picture nominated for Oscar.

Beau rarely get the main roles, but the artist does not sit without affairs. Every year it is involved in the top ten projects of a different scale. Among the early works - shooting in the tapes "Golden Stock", "Man nowhere", "Your World". Later, "steppe wolves", "Babonki", "icebreaker" and "on the edge" were added to them. Often, a large and brutal man whose growth is 197 cm, plays negative characters - prisoners, criminal authorities and nameless Caucasians with a dubious reputation. There is also terrorists on his account, for example, in the TV series "on the edge", where Sophia Jokin became partner on the site.

For the soul, the actor leads YouTube-channel, where he reads poems and sings the songs. "Let's talk", "And I thought, you're happy" is typing thousands of views.

Baison Gatayev now

Besu continues to actively film and serials. In 2020, there were five films in production with the participation of Games - "Highway", "Dancing at the height", "Gold", "Dr. Preobrazhensky" and "Actor". News From life A man regularly postpones in "Instagram", and on YouTube places new poems and songs in its own performance.


  • 2009 - "On the game"
  • 2011 - "Three days of Lieutenant Kravtsova2
  • 2012 - "Empty House"
  • 2013 - "Real Guys"
  • 2014 - "Bratany-4"
  • 2015 - "concerned, or love evil"
  • 2018 - "Ordinary Woman"
  • 2018 - "Alien Blood"
  • 2019 - "Moms of Champions"
  • 2019 - "Phantom"

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