Secular lions, who forgot - Russian, career, now, what do


Sleepy lionesses of the beginning of the century are ladies that turned outwardness of frankness. In the desire to attract and keep attention to his own person, they boldly missed the scandals, the audience was shouted and heated the interest in the style of Nude. What are engaged and how the secular lions look like, who forgotten, in the material 24cm.

Oksana Robska

Phenomenal for his time Oksana Robska fell on the eyes of the public after the casual novel in 2005. Then the life of the rich, which also cry, worried no less Brazilian TV shows. In addition to the authorship, the celebrity opened the first in Russia the agency of women of bodyguards, having occurred to the wave of trends in the struggle for equality.

In 2011, Robski disappeared and moved to California to help his son cope with allergies. Next to Oksana 6th husband Oleg, who, by rumors, is also a businessman.

Now Robska retrained into a scenario. Judging by the publications in "Instagram", Oksana says that after 45 life just begins, and enjoys the role of grandmother. By changing the 6th dozen, Robski admits that suddenly became a resident of Montenegro. The celebrity still did not lose the taste of life, smiles and open to experiments, scolding the champagne with an empty glass.

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Maria Conte

Muse of the Igor Chapurin Maria Konte became a patronage of art at secular parties and was at the peak of glory after the publication of the book of "Rublevski" books in 2006. Although at the time of universal popularity, "glamorous folkloclist" was already known in the narrow circles of the owner of the Event Agency.

Later, Mary Timofeeva-Rysovskaya's sonorous surname presented the mysterious Italian Count Conte, with whom she soon broke up. And then the "ESEMES-poet" became the official mistress of the "Almighty Men" and went to the list of invited persons to closed events with his companion. A completely unexpectedly, a celebrity broke a relationship with the patron and father of his daughter, and after faced with a diagnosis of "skin cancer". The disease made the secular lioness, which everyone forgot, change the worldview.

Now, in social networks, the celebrity publishes psychological etudes dedicated to the topic of art of communication. The woman has mastered the profession of the oncopsychologist and receives patients who collided with a similar problem.

Ulyana Zeitlin

The leading show "Pourevka to Rublevka", Friend Ksenia Sobchak and the legend of Moscow Beaujda Ulyana Zeitlin is known to the public with restraint in behavior. She did not raise and received the fame of an extraordinary blonde, who did not hide preferences regarding secured men.

In 2006, the celebrity had a son, about the father of which the star did not told so far. Maternity influenced the worldview of Ulyana. In 2015, Zeitlin received an offer from Oligarch Alexei Fedorychev. The pair legalized the relationship and moved to Monaco.

Now the Russian secular lioness chose the lifestyle of a housewife, which baked pies and is engaged in the upbringing of the heir. In 2020, together with the girlfriend, Nick Belotserkovskaya Ulyana took part in the shooting for the telegram channel "Antizetan", where the answers were ignored by the answers to questions about the secular party, showing that she was not interested in it.

Anastasia Kalmanovich

Producer Zemfira Nastya Kalmanovich remember not only as a participant in secular parties, but also as an actress. The takeoff of the artistic career was then not happened, and after the murder of her husband, celebrities quickly forgot.

However, this did not prevent an inference to successfully marry Fedor Fomin's producer. Couple appeared son Tikhon. Now Kalmanovich lives into two countries - Russia and Latvia. In "Instagram", the celebrity communicates with subscribers in the heading "Smoking", where answers questions, argues about healthy diet and the benefits of live bread.

In an interview with Esquire from May 2020, Anastasia admits that he returned to the Baltic forests, no longer playing any games and happy to be just a mom and just his wife.

Eva Lanska

The writer with the sonorous pseudonym Eva Lansk is also known as the author of his own songs. After a loud divorce with the ex-spouse Viktor Khristenko, the celebrity was engaged in charity and helped the pupils of orphanages and children whose parents are limited in funds, reveal their talent.

Judging by the posts on social networks, now Eva is building a director's career, which is known as the winner of film festivals. In an interview with foreign publications, Lansk says that it is too falling in love with heroes, and therefore prefers to engage in films in their works on their own.

Polina Deripaska

Polina Deripaska is known as the wife of the Aluminum King of Russia Oleg Deripaska. In the "zero" Polina knew as a permanent visitors of the capital clubs. Later, the secular lioness, which was forgotten, cooled, became the owner of a large publishing house. In 2020, unexpectedly for all Polina, who returned to the Maiden's name of Yumashev, became Chairman of the Committee for Football Football RFU.

The businesswoman recently opened its own beauty salon, whose beauty-arsenal is cosmetics developed by Chemists Skolkovo. And Polina Yumashev helps the Fund, which is engaged in the program "Women's Health" dedicated to breast cancer. Now she does not like publicity and prefers to demonstrate a business grip by the results in business, which is confirmed by the Forbes list.

Polina Yumashev

Olga Rodionova

Oligarch's wife and Russian actress Olga Rodionova after the edition of the book in the style of Nude, for which she was exposed, began to position itself as an erotic model. The promise of the woman was then not understood, and Ksenia Sobchak could not respond easier to celebrity creativity, for which he paid for compensation for moral damage of 20 thousand rubles.

Now, in the past, the scandalous lioness, who forgot about, lives in Amsterdam, travels a lot and revised their views on life after the accident, in which he almost died.

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