Kahi Kavsadze - biography, personal life, cause of death, photos, movies, roles, "White Sun of the Desert" 2021



Kahi Kavsadze conquered the acting game of the heart of millions of viewers. Handsome Georgian was remembered by the public with bright characters, managed to convey the unique character of each hero played. The artist devoted the whole life of the scene, fulfilling roles in the Tbilisi Academic Theater. Shota Rustaveli.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born on June 5, 1935 in Tbilisi. Father David Kavsadze went to the front at the very beginning of the war, and in a year he was captured, translated into the German concentration camp. In 1944, thanks to the efforts of Georgians living in France, a man got liberation. He moved to Paris, and after returned to the Union. At the homeland of the former captive, they were soon repressed, sent to Siberia, where he died in 1952.

Kahi Kavsadze - biography, personal life, cause of death, photos, movies, roles,

Kahi, together with their native brother, have inherited musicality and artistry from the Father: before the war, David led the Georgian ensemble of songs and dance. The boys were engaged in a music school for gifted children. However, the post-war status of the Father - the enemy of the people - did not allow the brothers to graduate from her: they were excluded from the institution. The mother who worked as a doctor was engaged in the upbringing of the guys.

Theater and films

In his youth, still being a student of theatrical university, young Georgians received the first role. It was the 1957 film "Song Eteri", where he played Murman. In the historic drama "Mamluk", the guy appeared in the episode - depicted a slave cut-off for the girl. The following was followed by small works, removed both in Georgian and Russian film studios.

In 1969, an important event was occurred in the creative biography of the artist - Kahi was invited to a new draft director Vladimir Motyl "White Sun of the Desert". In this tape, Georgian got the role of the Bandita of Black Abdullah. The events of the picture unfolded in Central Asia in the early 20s of the 20th century.

Kahi Kavsadze - biography, personal life, cause of death, photos, movies, roles,

The leaders of local gangs were hidden from the Red Army. Abdullah also escaped, leaving Harem his own wives, who expected an inevitable death. Save the Eastern Women instructed Krasnoarmese Fedor Sukhov. The gangster, the plans of which hinder the actions of the hero, one after another committed brutal murders. In the Final Basmach, expected retribution.

Despite the fact that the image played by Kavsadze, on the idea of ​​the director, a negative, severe and brutal character fell in love with the audience. According to the performer himself, he sympathized with "leader", sought to show that the hero defended the most expensive - father's house, land ancestors.

The role brought the actor folk love and recognition. In 1973, a man appeared in the musical waterwear "Melodies of the Veriy Quarter". According to the plot, the main heroine, Bachet Wardo, decided to get money for the daughters of the poor man of Pavle, because the girls wanted to do dancing. In this kind comedy, Georgians appeared in front of the audience in the image of the Italian balletmaster inocheno.

From 1974 to 1980, Kakhi was filmed in a series of short-acting scenarios of the Rube Gabyadze. Here he got diverse characters. Givi Berikashvili, Baadur Tsuladze and other Georgian actors, became partners of Kavsadze on the project. The plots of telenovell, uncompressed and kind, and came to the public.

In 1988, the screens came out the film Czechidze "Life Don Quixote and Sancho". As a basis, the director took the novel of the Spanish classics of Miguel de Servantes, and for the role of the main character chose "Black Abdullah". The picture turned out to be unusual and original in structure. The tape includes elements of ballet, stage production, puppet theater.

The artist managed to realize on the screen of a romantic madman, ready to fight with windmills. The trials of the artist celebrated film critics: Kavsadze received several premiums for work. At first, he did not want to take a picture: filming took a lot of time, he did not want to part with his wife. But Bella persuaded the spouse to stay in the project.

Kahi Kavsadze - biography, personal life, cause of death, photos, movies, roles,

In 1991, the filmography was replenished with the historic drama "Tsar Ivan Grozny". In the picture, the actor tried out the image of the Russian ruler. Prince Silver in the project played singer Igor Talkov. And in 2006, the fans saw a favorite artist in one of the series of the comedy film "Golden Calf". In parallel with the film, Georgians played in the theater. In 2001, he fulfilled the role in the play "Birds", created on the play of Evgeny Ungard.

In 2011, the documentary tape of Nana Gianelidze, dedicated to the life and work of the artist. In the picture "Kahi Kavsadze. Is there a theater there?! " The actor spoke about his family, a career in the cinema and on stage, love for the spouse. The project was awarded the Nika Prize as the best movie of the CIS and Baltic countries. In subsequent years, the artist continued to be filmed, playing the role of old men in appearance to her age.

Personal life

The personal life of the actor turned out to be permeated at the same time happiness and sadness. The only love of the man became Bella Mirianashvili. Young people met in theatrical university. At that time, Kavsadze turned 22 years old, and the girl was 18. Bright, gifted, they immediately fell in love with each other. Soon the wedding took place.

Spouses played together on the theater scene and starred in films, for example, in the 1958 picture of Mamluk. Both were successful in movies. Belle was even lucky enough to get a role in the painting of Sergey Parajanov "Grenade Color". A woman presented her husband of two children - the daughter of Nanukka and Son Heraclius. However, the birth of the second child cost her health.

At the 5th month of pregnancy Bella got sick with inflammation of the lungs. Feeding to harm the health of the child, did not accept medicines. And after, when the child was already born, he felt worse. The survey showed an infectious disease of nerve endings. Gradually, the actress was treated, then their hands. The remaining years before death, she spent in a wheelchair.

The wife's illness became a big blow to kakhi. The artist did everything to help the beloved. Lucky abroad, I was looking for medicines, but nothing helped. Nevertheless, Bella did not lose the power of the Spirit, insisted on the husband to continue to take. Woman died in 1992. From that moment on, Kavsadze has no longer raised the relationship.


Unfortunately, the actor failed to avoid contamination with coronavirus infection. In November 2020, it became known about his hospitalization with a diagnosed diagnosis. Then, however, the ailment of Kahi Davidovich is overcome, which were especially welcome and fans of his creativity.

And in February 2021, an alarming headlines appeared in the media. The executor of Abdullah's role was in the First University Clinic Tbilisi with a disappointing diagnosis - bilateral lung inflammation. A month later, the picture did not change - the artist remained in the intensive care unit, and the doctors were afraid to make any forecasts

On April 27, Georgia lost the greatest actor. Kahi Davidovich died, despite all the efforts of doctors, and the cause of the death of the idol was the consequences of transferred coronavirus infection.


  • 1957 - "Song Eteri"
  • 1958 - "Mamluk"
  • 1965 - "Lebedev against Lebedev"
  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"
  • 1973 - "The Melodies of the Veriy Quarter"
  • 1974 - "Paris"
  • 1977 - "Lemon Cake"
  • 1978 - "Kings and Cabbage"
  • 1984 - "Repentance"
  • 1988 - "Life of Don Quixote and Sancho"
  • 1991 - "Tsar Ivan Grozny"
  • 2006 - "Golden Calf"
  • 2014 - "Tali and Toli"

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