Vasily Pushkin - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



In 2013, a house-museum of the poet was opened in Moscow on the old Basmannaya street, in whose work was not revelations, and in biographies - exploits. The main merits of Vasily Pushkin, writing mediocre poems, began to prepare the soil and the creation of an atmosphere, in which the genius of his nephew, reformed Russian literature. According to Alexander Sergeyevich, Uncle "sucks him with muses."

Childhood and youth

Friend of Vasily Zhukovsky, Nikolai Karamzin and Peter Vyazemsky was born in the spring of 1766 in Moscow from the marriage of Leo Alexandrovich Pushkin with the second wife of Olga Chicherina. Due to the transition to the Gregorian calendar after the October Revolution, Vasily Lvovich shifted from April 27 on May 8. The father of the "Sun of Russian Poetry" Sergey Lvovich accounted for Vasily younger brother.

About the family text of Pushkin and childhood, Vasily Lvovich knows little. Alexander Pushkin attributes the characteristics of the grandfather as a home tyrant - a genuine son of his father: Russian great-grandfather Alexander Sergeevich and his namesake Alexander Petrovich in a fit of jealousy killed his wife Avdotu Golovin. However, Sergey Lvovich described the atmosphere that reigned in the house of the Father, as a family idyll.

In 1773, Vasily and Sergey simultaneously attributed to the Izmailovsky regiment, assigning Sergeant Chin to the minor brothers. Young Pushkina received a home education, perfectly mastered Latin and four modern European languages. Before the death of the Father in the 1790th brothers remained at home and led the "free lifestyle".

In early 1791, Vasily and Sergey Pushkin simultaneously grew the rank of ensign. Although the military service of Uncle Alexander Pushkin lasted for a long time, she was unwillingly, a man even took his leave for a duration of 6 months, which mentioned in the story of the First Age. " 2.5 years before the birth of a nephew 30-year-old Vasily Lvovich resigned in the rank of lieutenant.

Personal life

In July 1795, Vasily Pushkin was married in the Temple of the Life-Great Trinity with the Capitoline Vyshlyaste. The bride was for 12 years younger than the groom and heard the first Moscow beauty. During the courtroom, the man dedicated six poems to the girl.

In August 1802, Capitolina Pushkin initiated a marriage process, which was the reason for which the marital infidelity of Vasily Lvovich served. The poem not only adulted with the former fortress Agrapne Ivanova, but also took the "freely published girl" in the Paris Tour.

After the divorce that followed in 1806, the former spouse Pushkin married the colleague of the ex-husband, and Vasily Lvovich was imposed by the church of the Epitimia, which included and ban on re-marriage. In the 1810th 44-year-old Uncle Alexander Pushkin, he twisted the novel with a 16-year-old Meshchanka Anna Vorozheikina - Sister Silk Merchant. Love with young keeper gave Vasily Lvovich two children - daughter Margarita and Son Leo.

Despite numerous attempts, to legalize personal life to the poet failed. In order not to leave the actual family without an inheritance, in 1827, Vasily Lvovich wrote the will, according to which all the property was transferred to the vorochina allegedly to pay a documented loan.


According to the testimony of contemporaries, Vasily Pushkin was interested in two things - literature and fashion. Although the lifted bibliography of the poet was limited to one collection, thanks to him an integral part of the Russian literary process was the informal communication of the poems and writers. Pushkin-senior, who received a nickname Parnassian father, introduced poetic tournaments, writing works on the specified rhymes and poetic appeals to the poets to each other.

Vasily Lvovich was an older Arzamas Society of Slantless People (Arzamas), in which the writers of different ages united on the basis of love for a buffonade and the rejection of the attempts to extract the Russian language undertaken by Alexander Shishkov. In addition to the uncle and the nephew of Pushkin, in Arzamas, Denis Davydov, Vasily Zhukovsky, Peter Vyazemsky, Konstantin Bathyushkov, Alexander Pleshcheev.

A man in a litobate was nicknamed, or Vyzhushka, and Alexander Sergeevich - Cricket. Arzamas collapsed after the Decembrists' uprising, and one of the Arzamasse residents Dmitry Bludov was the workman of the Supreme Court over confused, and the other - Nikolay Turgenev was sentenced to the death penalty, which escaped due to the flight abroad.

Many works of Vasily Pushkin are inherent in the elements of satire. If the bass "Dove and Butterfly", addressed to the younger sister Elizabeth, only with fraternal aspiration recommends to love her husband, then the work of the "Japanese" allegorically proves: not to notice the vices of the Fatherland can only be a person, devoid of vision and hearing.

In the Satire "Evening" Vasily Lvovich anticipated the plot collisions of Griboedovsky "grief from the mind." Characterized by speaking names of the characters of the work, implancing the Moscow secular society of the late XVIII century, - Skopidomov, Stroj, Mother.

The top of Creativity Vasily Pushkin is the poem "Dangerous Neighborhood". The work is a parody and the biblical first Psalm of Davidov, and on the slogans of the French revolution ("all equal in the Bordend"), and on literary disputes (public girls are fighting books with the writings of opponents of Vasily Lvovich). The Character of Buyanov, who took the bad neighbor in a brothel, acts as a literary forerunner of Nostride Nikolai Gogol.


Parnassian Father died on September 20, 1830. The reason for the death of Vasily Lvovich is not known exactly, but in the last years of his life the poem suffered from gout and numbness of the right hand."Star and fucking I become

And through stocking I'm afraid "

So with bitterness stated the former fierce, loved to wear lace stockings, which was stammering on the slope of years.

All the troubles and expenses associated with the funeral of the uncle took over his great nephew Alexander.


  • 1822 - "Poem Vasily Pushkin"
  • 1893 - "Pushkin V. L. Works with Biogr. Essay and notes. "
  • 1971 - "Poets of 1790-1810 / Vasily Lvovich Pushkin"

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