Interesting facts about Mikhail Gorbachev - Wife, Children, Nicknames, "Dry Law"


Not one decade will break a spear in disputes about who in reality this person was in fact. The wet by the West, purposefully conducted a policy, which eventually became the wreck of a mighty empire. Or, even worse than the first option, the infantile idealist, naively believed that his actions will make life in the country better, and the old enemies will turn into friends. Interesting facts about Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and last president of the USSR, in the material 24cm.

"Mineral Secretary"

The activities of Gorbachev as a manager became a natural "Dembel Accord" in the symphony of the existence of a powerful empire, which was not the last role in the dissonance sound of which such a "note" played as an introduction in 1985 of the dry law.

Anti-alcohol campaign, after which Mikhail Gorbachev received a nickname "Mineral Secretary," was presented with a tribune as an event, aimed primarily in combating alcohol addiction and the overall healing of the country's population. However, the result of the reform turned out to be opposite promises.

So, instead of a decrease in alcohol consumption, there was an increase in poisoning as a result of use not to appoint all sorts of alcohol-containing non-splashing products: the people, devoid of opportunities to freely acquire hot drinks, found handicraft alternatives.

Denateness and polish, cleaner, brake fluid and glue - all this defended itself, filtered out, it was frozen and wound on the drill to become subsequently liquid with a degree. Which - let the risk for life and health - after all, it was possible to drink. And in the case of technical alcohol and various cologne and tincture, the "final consumer" and did without technical sophistication, absorbed without prior processing.

Also on the second half of the 80s, a real boum of moonshine was coming - despite the ban, chased both for themselves and for sale. Speculatants have been earned at the suddenly ended alcohol deficit. The result was that the redistribution of financial flows was happening - "drunk money" ceased to generate income to the state and left "in the shadow".

By the way, a curious fact from the life of the country of the Soviets: By the time of the "dry" reform of the proceeds from the turnover of alcoholic beverages reached a quarter of the state budget, and without that injured due to arms race with the United States. So the power received in addition to the increase in the consumption of counterfeit and non-rigous alcohol-containing products of even impressive size, the economic gap, only the extinguishing "flooding" of the vessel called the "USSR".

Separately, it is worth noting that for the period of operation of the dry law, there is a jump-shaking increase in interest from Soviet citizens to narcotic substances - for "pleasant impressions", the people, limited in the usual ways to relieve stress, appealed to new types of "Doping".

Foreign castles

Often, there are articles in the press that the first President of the Soviet Union owned an impressive amount of real estate outside of Russia, and the politician himself allegedly prefers to spend the days away from Native Osin. However, a similar "interesting fact" about Mikhail Gorbachev, the truth does not match somewhat.

The retired leader does not exist more than the powers in reality for almost three decades officially lives on the Government of the RSFSR, along with other life benefits of the State Dacha, located on Rublevo-Assumption Highway, in the village of Kalchug.

The object is under the protection of the FSO, and the personal car with the driver with the driver and the driver and the driver and the supervision of the servants are applied to the number of Bonuses.

But, for fairness, it is worth noting that completely without overseas real estate did not cost. So, it is known that the daughter of a retired policy with children has long been living in his own home in Germany.

Moreover, until recently, Mikhail Gorbachev had a 17-bedroom villa with a plot of 2600 square meters in possession of Mikhail Gorbachev. m, built on Bavarian Lake Tegernze. This place is considered an elite area, and the cost of real estate here is very high - the "family nest" of the former Secretary General European agencies approximately assessed 7 million euros.


At this time, the phone has turned from a means of communication in the status status. Therefore, nothing surprising is that Mikhail Gorbachev's acquaintances were repeatedly presented as a gift expensive gadgets. In the collection of policies, there will be a rapidly tricked iPhone and "assembled manually specifically for privileged persons" Vertu.

But Gorbachev himself to the "complex" devices with the breathtaking functional and the transcendent number of useful "buns" useful for the user. Do not cause an adult already delight of diverse "whistles". Mikhail Sergeyevich is important that the device is convenient - the numbers on the buttons are larger - and easy to handle.


Curious the following interesting fact about Mikhail Gorbachev: At the former president of the Soviet Union, the striking memory of the face.

As an example, this is most often a story with a French journalist, which once arrived at the head of the head of the destroyed state of Gorbachev for the interview. Seeing a woman, the politician thought thoughtfully, where he had already met with the visitors, because the lady seemed to him.

It turned out that the visual memory of the ex-leader did not fail: five years before the new meeting, even by Mikhail Sergeyevich, President of the USSR, a journalist attended a press conference held in the Kremlin.

Raisa Maksimovna

The future spouse of Raisa Titarenko, with which she lived for more than 45 years, Mikhail Gorbachev met in a student, in the MSU hostel, where both studied.

The celebration of wedding "Grandiose" was noted in the university dietary dining room and they tried more not to part. Raisa even refused to edify the graduate school, having left with her husband in the Stavropol Territory - Gorbachev's distribution was received there. And then in most business trips, the spouse invariably accompanied the chosen one.

The allegiance of his own wife Mikhail Sergeevich retained and after her death, the cause of which leukemia was not amenable to treatment in the best foreign clinics. He tried only to load himself as much as possible, to forget about the loss of his beloved, - for the most part traveled the world with lectures.


In addition to the moral impact, forced to plunge into the work, the death of his beloved spouse affected the health policy. Unattended Raisa Maximovna, who diligently controlled the diet of her husband, Gorbachev was seriously recovered. But before - before the loss of his wife - did not allow himself to gain more than 85 kg.

Ex-Secretary's immigration in nutrition As a result, diabetes added to trouble. True, the last years of Gorbachev is trying to monitor itself, limiting the consumption of the sweet to which it is not indifferent.


The late spouse Mikhail Gorbachev was heard by an avid coffee amateur. And did not give up the most exquisite varieties in foreign business trips.

Among the interesting facts about Mikhail Gorbachev periodically occurs information that the Secretary General took over the love of coffee from his wife. However, according to the Kremlin chef's chef, Anatoly Galkina, the first President of the USSR loved black tea with milk - this drink politician requested to serve before each significant meeting and performance.

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