Edwin Marton - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Scribes 2021



Edwina Marton was destined to become a great musician, because he was brought up in a creative family. Hungarian violinist became famous thanks to the virtuoso possession of the instrument and the ability to arrange a spectacular show.

Childhood and youth

Edwin Marton was born on February 17, 1974 in the village of Foril, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine. Mother was a Ukrainian, and father - Hungary, and later the family moved to his homeland. Both parents are associated with the music to which Evina and his sister wanted to bring, which became a pianist.

For the first time, the boy has shown interest in creativity in the early years of the biography. He liked the girl from the kindergarten group, and the mother advised to fulfill her Serenad on the violin to attract attention. After several classes, Marton managed to prevent a melody as a birthday gift. The award was a kiss, because of which a novice musician told his parents that he wanted to become a violinist.

True, soon Edwin regretted her desire, because I had to do several hours a day. But efforts did not disappear for nothing, because at 7 years old, the boy performed the works of Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart and composed his own melodies.

And at 8 years old, he was attended by a music school at the Peter Chaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. The institution chose a father who believed that in Russia the best specialists. Marton had to live in a boarding school, early to get up in class and sometimes rehearse in the toilet due to lack of space. But he gave his first concert together with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra.

After graduating from school, the young man returned to Hungary to continue his education at the Ferren Sheet Music Academy. During this period, the violinist visited the master class of Rujsero Ricci, where he received a prize as the best participant. The American musician was so fascinated by the young pupil, which invited him to speak at the International Competition in Berlin. Edwin was awarded the Grand Prix.

Already in 1993, Marton joined the National Philharmonic Concert Agency in Hungary, where he was recognized as the youngest artist. He actively traveled with tours, for the period of which he visited Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Thanks to the acquaintance with Dorothy Ray, the guy was credited to the Juladsk school. In addition, the violinist studied at the Vienna Academy.

The formation of his game style was a special influence of the musical culture of New York, in which he lived while studying in Giulard. Edwin actively experimented with mixing different directions, which eventually fascinated his more classics.

Personal life

The personal life of celebrities has developed successfully. In 2009, he married Adrienne Gombosi, who gave him the sons of Maxim and Noel. The children went at the footsteps of the Father and took up the music, but the artist's wife is far from creativity and is fond of cooking.


The first compilation replenished the discography of the artist in 1996 and was named Sarasate. International popularity came to the guy after he won the competition and received a violin of Stradivari for 5 years. In subsequent years, Edwin has repeatedly become the temporary owner of the master tools.

As a musician admitted, such an honor suggests and greater responsibility. The violin is stored in a banking safe, and only a security guard can be delivered to her concert. Once he was late, and the artist almost remained without a tool.

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Soon the new collections of the Trigger Strings 'N' Beats and Virtuoso, which were warmly met by listeners. During this period, he continued to tour, fulfilling the works of famous composers, including Antonio Vivaldi.

During one of the trips in 2003, a man became acquainted with Evgeny Plushenko, which later began to cooperate. Three years later, Edwin accompanied the Russian figure at the Olympics, where he played a melody from the movie "Great Father".

It is not surprising that the next collection of artist has gained wide popularity. Stradivarius called delighted with listeners who were especially remembered by the compositions Bellydance, Romeo and Juliet, Love in Venice, Ice Symphony, Fireworks and Tosca Fantasy, which is modern processing of Cavaradosi. The last one in 2013 sounded as a song in the execution of Ivan Jogogan.

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After that, the violinist struck the public with a bright appearance at Eurovision in 2008, which went accompanied by Dima Bilan and Yevgeny Plushenko. In that year, Russia, which they represented, became a winner country.

The musician did not stop at the achieved and continued to please the listeners with new performances. He was noted by cooperation with David Garrett, the high-quality execution of the Grandioso composition and the release of Hollywood album, whose track leaf was included by the tango amore melody. And in 2018 began to cooperate with Skirist Yudzuru Khani, who used in the arbitrary program his music Origin.

Edwin Marton now

In 2020, the artist continues the musical career, pleaseing the fans with new performances. Now he supports relations with them through the page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and talks about news.


  • 1996 - Sarasate.
  • 2001- Strings 'n' Beats
  • 2004 - Virtuoso.
  • 2006 - Stradivarius.
  • 2010 - Hollywood.

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