Interesting facts about the film "The Treasury of Republic" - 1971, actors and roles, shooting, scenes


The detective adventure film "The Doom of the Republic" director Vladimir Bychkova was released in 1971. Despite the lack of a strong literary basis, the 2-serial ribbon gained popularity in viewers thanks to the star acting: Andrei Mironov, Oleg Tabakov, Spartak Mishulin, Georgy Calle and other celebrities were filmed in it. The success was also ensured by an interesting swirling plot, a detective component and high-quality musical accompaniment. After half a century, after entering the picture, it does not lose relevance and is considered to be a model of folk movies.

In material 24cm - interesting facts about the film "Therent of the Republic".

Film for teenagers

Character Andrei Mironova, Marquis, who organized the abduction of a collection of art objects, was a rather ambiguous hero, which in the Soviet film of another kind could prevent strict censors. With children and "non-serious" films, the situation was otherwise: here, according to cinematographers, sometimes quite strange things happened. Therefore, in a scenario application, the authors indicated that this is a film for teenagers.


Zinovy ​​Gerdt recommended the director Vladimir Bychkov to pay attention to Andrei Mironov's actor and take it to the role of Marquis. Bychkov replied that he would agree if he passed the "exam for professional benefitness": demonstrates the skills of possession of the sword and the ability to ride the horse. Mironov masterfully performed several "Pa" from the straw mannequin, to which the founder of the Cascader school, who was present on the exam, reacted enthusiastically, comparing Mironov with Gerard Philip. By the way, the comparison I was pollen to Andrei Alexandrovich, as he was a fan of the famous French actor.

Another interesting fact about the film "The Treasury of the Republic": during the preparations for shooting Andrei Mironov did not agree to take riding lessons from professional coaches. He argued his refusal to the statement that he was able to sit on a horse from 3 years. The director and colleagues, of course, doubted his words. In the proof of Mironov brought a folder with children's pictures to the set: on one of the photos of Little Andryol, they captured the riding ... on a wooden horse. On the back of the photo it was stated that the horse of the future star presented Leonid Rocks.

On the set of the scene with horse riding, there was a curious case, which later told the assistant director of Vera Lind. Mironov sat down in the saddle and ineptly poked the horse in the side, after which she rushed forward with mad speed. Rider at the same time shouting loudly: "Sber-Mi-Those of the Young Cowboy!"

Chinese provocateur

A camel who participated in the filming of the film, received the nickname "Chinese provocateur". Relations with Andrei Mironov did not develop from the very beginning. The camel constantly tried to bite the actor or spit into it. Circus workers helped to find out the cause of such a relationship: Mironov was cleanly, and to kill the unpleasant animals of smells, poured on himself before shooting a liter of cologne, which did not like camel. When the actor abandoned the habit of led by perfume, their relationship with the dugorb "colleague" came to normal.

Dish from Mishulin

An interesting fact about the film "The Doctrine of the Republic": The actors often experienced financial difficulties during filming, as the salary was detained. Sometimes artists even starved, and sparky Mishulin saw them, which in the interruptions between the filming was retraced to the chef. Colleagues recalled his "corona" kulesh, which he was preparing in a small saucepan right in the hotel room with a small hunting kerosene lamp, the size of a portrait.

By the way, then electricity was often turned off in the hotel, so such a "campaign" device was cut off. And the recipe for dishes that all ate and praised, according to Mishulin, was extremely simple. He used everything edible, which could then be found: canned, cereal, soups from bags. But everyone liked such an uncomplicated dish.


Attentive viewers discovered in the film of Kinolyaps. So, in the scene, where Marquis and Keshka, whom he saved, talking on the roof, in the background there is a television bog. This object clearly does not correspond to the era shown in the film (the action occurs during the Civil War).

Propaganda of alcoholism

The poet songwriter Yuri Entin wrote for the film the famous "song about the sword." This was the first work of the author to the cinema. Andrei Mironov came to the composer Evgenia Krylovoy in the evening of December 31 to estimate the resulting result. Initially, the lyrics seemed to the Mironov comic that did not fit the tragic fate of his hero, and then the last verse was completed, which changed the situation.

It is worth noting such a curious fact: in the stitches from the song of the Marquise there are words "swords ringing, like a clock of a glass, from childhood I caress me." In this phrase, strict censors saw the propaganda of youth alcoholism.


The director of the picture Vladimir Bychkov in every film sought to shoot the son of Vasily, who became a kind of talisman for him. In the "Testament" of the younger bulls prepared the role of the boy Keshki. But the father quickly realized that due to the completeness, the offspring was not too much like a street unwornery, because the guy played another character on the nicknamed bun. This hero was invented specifically for Vasily Bychkov. And the role of the beshki's beshki was getting Vita Galkin.

An interesting fact about the film "The Doctrine of the Republic": For the young actor, this work in the movie became the first and last role, and there was no information in the network about it. It is not known how his further fate has developed.

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