Dalton Vig - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Dalton Vig - a Brazilian actor, known in the post-Soviet space, thanks to the creation of a Sida's image in the TV series "Clone". The choice of drinker and blonde (in Latin American standards) of the artist for the role of Moroccan Araba at first puzzled the audience. However, the game Viga melt the hearts of skeptical confused fans of soap operas.

Childhood and youth

The actor, the full name of which - Dalton Vig de Souza Varene, was born in the midst of the 1964 Brazilian winter in Rio de Janeiro. According to the sign of the zodiac artist - cancer.

Dalton's parents, the master of the instrumental workshop and the employee of the Ministry of Education, broke up when he was 3 years old. The boy and mother left the cultural capital of Brazil in Santus - a port city in São Paulo, whose population is now approaching half a million people.

The main teacher of Dalton was a grandmother, because the mother disappeared at work, he tried to build a family with a new husband. In adolescence and early youth, Vig was very shy. Enhance the self-esteem Junior helped Karate classes, psychotherapy sessions and a trip to the United States, where he taught English and worked as a waiter.

Returning to Brazil, Dalton entered the Faculty of Advertising Methodist University in Sao Paulo and graduated from the Center for Arts and Education Célia Helena. After that, Vig began to be filmed in commercials and participate in theatrical productions.

Personal life

Vig for a long time was a supporter of freedom in his personal life and related to marriage only in 48 years. The actor's wife became Colleague Camila Circass, the most famous for participation in the series "Love for Life".

Previously, a man connected a romantic relationship with actresses Mikaela Goes and Barbara Paz. The latter after parting with Dalton twisted with Extra Babenko - director of Jewish-Ukrainian origin, who starred in Hollywood, the famous "Thistle" with Jack Nicholson and Meryl Strip in the lead roles.

A week after the celebration of the Vigom of the 52nd birthday, the actor was born children. Camila gave her husband to Murhur and David's sons.


Debuting in the short drama O Porão ("basement"), released on screens in 1995, Dalton received fame after participating in the TV series "New Hercules" and "Black Pearl". The role of Viga in the ribbon "Walk through the clouds", a multi-sieuled criminal drama about the father of the family who came to his senses after the 18-year-old coma was not so great as the other rising stars Vivian Pasmanter and Fernanda Souza, but the actor posted 100%. On Russian television, the series was demonstrated under the name "Air Castles".

In a multi-stage drama about the fate of Italian immigrants in Brazil "Land of love", Vig flashed in several episodes. The main roles in the series performed veterans of Brazilian television Antonio Fagins and Raul Cortes, as well as young performers of Thiago Lasrad and Anna Paul Arosiu.

"Clone" in which Dalton starred in 2001, marked a new era in the production of Kinosag. The series told not only about the lovers of the main characters of Zhildi and Lucas, the images of which created Muurila Benisiu and Giovanna Antonelli, but also about the interaction of European and eastern cultures, ethical problems of genetics and the risk of durability consumption. In the tape there were also a place for training and fights on the Brazilian variety of Jiu-Jitsu, and the fighter Bodor Belforte played himself.

Viga Character is one of the two Rashid brothers, which, despite the beauty, generosity and the presence of a joint daughter, could not conquer the heart of her first and hotly beloved spouses. The viewers of Europe and America did not understand how Said is inferior to Lucas. In 2009, the US Hispanic television company removed the abbreviated version of the "clone", the anti-drug line was removed from the plot.

In the multi-seater fantasy melodrama "Prophet" Dalton got one of the main roles. The partner of Viga became Thiago Fragoso, also starring in the clone. Dalton Character in the "Prophet" - the complete opposite of Said, the hard jealous jealous of Klovis Moore.

Clean the "clone" in the latitude of the topics considered, another series, in which Vig shines, - TV show "Two persons", which was published in the late 2007 and early 2008th. Plastic surgery, religious fanaticism, bisexuality - this is an incomplete list of problems affected in the picture.

In the center of the plot of "two persons" - the complex biography of the Hero of Dalton, turning from the villain in a positive character. In the series, the actor met with a long-standing "acquaintance" - Susan Wieer ("Air Castles"), Antonio Phagundse ("Land of Love"). In "Two Faces" from "Clon", Deborah Flabella, who played in Novella about the cloning of the daughter of Lucas, and Shenio Garcia, who created the image of uncle Ali, who was loved by all viewers.

Dalton Vig now

In 2019, Vig starred in the Full-length Bayopic "Cardek", telling about the founder of French spiritualism, extremely revered in Brazil.

In 2020, the actor is involved in the shooting of the 2nd season of the series about the adventures of Pollyanna, created by Brazilian televisions based on the work of American writer Elinor Porter. The scans of Dalton interviews in connection with the release of the 1st season occupy an important place in the "Instagram" of the artist.


  • 1995 - O Porão
  • 1995 - "New Hercules"
  • 1998 - "Black Pearl"
  • 1999 - "Air Castles"
  • 1999-2000 - "Land of Love"
  • 2001 - "Clone"
  • 2007 - "Prophet"
  • 2007-2008 - "Two persons"
  • 2009 - "Fifty-year-old"
  • 2011 - "Brazilians"
  • 2018 -... - As Aventuras De Poliana
  • 2019 - "Cardek"

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