Interesting Facts about Irina Alferova - Constance, Abdulov, Children, Grandchildren, "Walking on Flinks"


The unique beauty of the Soviet and Russian cinema Irina Alferova refers to work as confession, and therefore often refuses the proposed roles. She takes age, he reads books and admires the actress of Romi Schneider, considering it "crazy beautiful." Other interesting facts about Irina Alferova - in the material 24cm.


The first noticeable work in cinema in Irina Alferova became the film "Walking on the flour", and the folk love performer brought the role of Constance. Meanwhile, the shooting at the director in the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" George Jungvald-Khilkevich turned out to be a carriage for the actress. That period star remember does not like.

Initially, Alexander Abdulov, Irina Ivanovna, was held on the role of D'Artagnan. Together with his spouse, the actress hoped for joint shooting. And how events developed further, still remains a mystery.

It is rumored that the director stopped the choice of Evgenia Simonova. The actress fell, according to Hilkevich, in the type of sophisticated Frenchwoman.

By that time, the screens had already been a large work of Alferova "Walking on the flour". The fans were filled with writing letters with recognition in love for the executive officer Dasha Bulavina. And in the desire to heal the interest of the audience to the Soviet beauty received an order to urgently remove Alferov in another kinocarthine, the premiere of which will be held in the near future. Then the choice for the "Three Musketeers" fell.

Later, the director was extremely unhappy and argued that Alferov was imposed on the role of Constance. The actress was sprinkled in the actress. The star was denied rehearsals before filming, they were not allowed to work with choreographer. Irina Ivanovna had to apply makeup and change clothes into the costumes. Most scenes in the film is either the presentation of the actress about the role, or improvisation.

During the filming of some episodes, Alferova had to play, turning to the chair. And Hilkevich was released by Alice Freindlich on shooting for unwillingness to work in a frame with "Constance".

Meanwhile, in interesting facts about Irina Alferova, a different version of the conflict between the director and the artist can be attributed. It is believed that Irina Ivanovna had the negligence to drop a sharp phrase against Hilkevich. He remembered an insult, and after the actress feelings were played.

By the way, after the filming, the exchange of baggas between Alferova and Hilkevich did not stop. The director did not ceremony in the discussion of acting talents and personal qualities of the actress, and Irina Ivanovna, known as a straightforward man, often "answered reciprocity."

Tears across Abdulov

Perhaps the events of shooting the legendary film about musketeers would be developed otherwise, if the husband Alexander Abdulov would be near Alferova.

A beautiful married couple of the Soviet Union Irina Alferov and Alexander Abdulov was often compared with the French stars of Romi Schneder and Alain Delon.

In marriage with Abdulov, the actress lived 17 years old. However, the happiness of the spouses turned out to be "interesting." Bright sociable Alexander used to be the center of attention. Family nest often appeared friends who were stayed late. Charismatic spouse could walk until the morning.

While Irina was a single nature and a noisy life. Take the restless knife of the husband, the star could not. Spouses began to distance. Later, Irina Ivanovna will say: "Sasha Abdulov for me is another planet."

In marriage with Abdulov Irina dreamed of attention, and he did not get it. "I cried all the time," Alferova admits. Behind the backs rumored about the treasures of Alexander, but Irina could not believe that the beloved was capable of meanness.

Divorce was heavy for Alferova. Alexander Gabriovich began to interview about treason and other women. And Alferova intuitively occupied the creative position and began to talk about the ex-spouse only good.

Later Abdulov called Irina the only wife before God. And Alferova on the right took place next to the widow of Julia Miloslavskaya at the funeral of the actor.

Prohibition of Orditsev

By the way, television "Walking on the flour", whose name is eloquent than facts from life, is often called epigraph to the biography of the star.

The attention of men to the big-eyed beauty manifested himself while studying in Gitis. And on the 4th course, the folder with photos of the actress fell into the hands of Vasily Ordentsev. The director invited Student Alferov to the samples in the television series "Walking on the flour." The director defended the girl in front of an idiotovet, and later dispelled her doubts by the phrase "You're Dasha! ... nobody needs you! "

And stamped the creative potential of the actress at the time of filming, forcing me to comply with certain conditions. So far, work on the project, Alferova was forbidden to be removed from other directories or work in the theater.

Interesting facts about Irina Alferova worth adding a curious nuance from a creative biography. As it turned out, the future star was not illustrated by the terms of the contract, drowned in the role and read on Roman A. N. Tolstoy. The actress offered work in Chukhraya and Gaidai projects, but she refused, referring to the disease, and focused on the series Orditsev.

Irina Alferova in the film

Later it helped to make a useful conclusion and understand that you should not fill on the screen. It is enough to wait for your role.

"It is important for me to go to the cinema, on the stage to remain myself ... In this sense - yes, I am not a notion actress," confesses later the celebrity. His hearts

The same principle, Irina Ivanovna adhered to "Lenkom". Even when Mark Zakharov put it on secondary roles, the celebrity did not roll, but waiting for its o'clock, completely revealing in the crowd. Then I saved the movie.

But the resentment for 15 years of theatrical oblivion in Lenkom is not left, only pity about the stolen time. However, the famous theater presented an Alferova that love, which many only dream.

The first acquaintance with Alexander Abdulov occurred on the steps of Lenkom. Yankovsky, Zbruev and Abdulov argued, who will win the heart of beauties. Oleg Yankovsky immediately saw a spark in the eyes of Abdulov and, showing his hand to Irina, said: "Oh! Your wife!"

Roman developed rapidly. Alexander could break and go after his beloved on tour to hand her flowers. And after a short courting Abdulov made a beauty proposal. Irina promised to give an answer if the boyar swept her on his hands through the park.

Alexander picked up Irina and gladly fulfilled the condition of the contract. It is saying that he was so wore her in the park, while Alferova did not accept a proposal for marriage. "Male-holiday" Alexander Abdulov accompanied Irina in life for 17 years.


However, Alferov among colleagues will hear a single one. On the eve of the 70th anniversary, she confesses the theater in an interview that the theater will cover the gorgeous tables, the toasts will sound, but this is a star.

"I would have come, the Balcker drank, something washed - and would kill," the celebrity admits.

Irina Ivanovna and gathering in a family circle are incomprehensible. Celebrity's daughter, Ksenia Alferov, knowing about mother's preferences, puts a gift for the door to birthday, calls and runs away.

Celebrate the anniversary of the star will be at home, with her beloved husband: "Good wine, cheese, bread. And nothing needs to be prepared. Ideally!" - reveals the actress with TASS journalists.

About old age

Having encountered a round date, to say that the language does not turn, Irina Alferova remains beauty, good over the years and is not shy of grandmother's status. "I hate when women ask grandchildren and children to call themselves Katya, Masha ..." - says the performer in an interview and adds that she has come to the age.

Meanwhile, Alferova's plastic surgeons does not recognize. The celebrity suggests that after interventions, the transformation rushes into the eyes, and the charm disappears. "I do not want to be clone. I chose old age, "the star admits.

In her beauty-arsenal cream, good sleep, walks in the fresh air and simple exercises. Interesting facts about Irina Alferova should be supplemented with the fact that paid fitness in a closed space is not for it. There is a street where she comes out to break the blood.

"And, most importantly, it is necessary to preserve human joy from everything," the actress summarizes and not without irony adds that the divine commandments should be observed, as they are forces, sometimes to break them, but repent.

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