Prototypes of the main characters of the "Ugryum River" - by whom they were doing, similarities, differences


On March 9, 2021, the series "Ugryum-River" was started on the name of the novel Vyacheslav Shishkov. The history of the merry merchant family seems like the audience believable, and the heroes are not fictional characters. Who were and what the prototypes of the main characters of the "Ugryum-River" were engaged in the material 24cm.

Prokhor Gromov

The author of Roman Vyacheslav Shishkov put in the name of the fictional river. And the prototypes of the main characters of the "Ugryum-River" became several generations of Metonin merchants. By the way, the merchants of Gromov, as well as Kupriyanov and Gruzdov, really lived in Siberia. The trading house "Gromov and Sonov" was sold by the Pashnin, and the widow of Ivan Gromov successfully accepted her husband's business and continued the management of golden fores.

On the prototype of Prokhor Gromov, the merchant-name-named Alexandra, who put water supply facilities in Tomsk, and then public baths. However, Gromova's activity turned out to be incommensurable with the scale of the business of the Hero of the Roman.

Shishkov himself was familiar with Nikolai Efimovich Matonin, who told the author of the family history. Collective images Writer and transferred to the novel under another loud surname.

Violas of Siberian seats found curious details that Shishkova from seven Brothers Matonins was interested only by Averyan Kosmich Matonin. This is his father's father, Santa Petr Grigorievich, told about the lessed gold.

And later, Averyan gave a niece at the wedding of a pendant in which the groom found out the jewel of the mother. Then this story overtook legends, and in different interpretations, the pendant of the killed parent turned into a bracelet, brooch or earrings. Meanwhile, the similarity with the plot line of the novel is obvious.

After the scandal, Averyan sacrificed money for the construction of the church, and the family chased failures. Heir to Averyan Kozmich died in a 4-year-old age. Matonina has no more children. Averyan and his wife Olga Diomidovna were charity, wanting to pour children. Later he built a five-class school in Kekure. But she was silent about it.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Matonina's family broke. There are rumors that the portrait of Averyan Kozmich in the 20s found schoolchildren. Then the image "Blooders" did not preempt, and therefore the portrait burned. And the crypt Averyan Matonina was plundered back in 1913, as soon as the rumor was held, which, together with the industrialist, was buried the Golden Cort. The grave was broken, and the tombstone was later used to build a pigsty.

Peter Gromov.

The prototype of Peter Gromova, whom Alexander Baluyev performed in the series, became Kosov Kuprianovich. His grandfather confessed to him before his death, he once gave gold to theft and buried the treasure to the ground.

Kosima Kupriyanovich Matonin was recorded in the 3rd coupe guild at 15 years. Later I purchased 2 gold aparts in the Yenisei Taiga. The merchant was able to get rich and the end of his life was already referred to the first merchant guild of Krasnoyarsk, and his welfare exceeded 50 thousand rubles.

The merchants of the first guild could have been engaged in banking and international trade. By the way, the four sons of Moskov, among which Averyan, also entered this merchant guild.

Marya Gromova

Who became the prototype of Marya Groud - unknown. Meanwhile, according to the plot, Marya Gromova looks off the woman offended, which suffers to the beatings of the spouse. In fact, the storyline of the heroine could be and far from reality.

The women of Siberia walked the ladies strong, who were not allowed to have been inhabited. The wives could in parallel with their husbands to conduct entrepreneurship, and sometimes at all take the initiative in their hands, refuel the economy, forecasts and trade.

Actress Natalia Surkov in the image of Marya Grose

Anfisa Kozyreva

The most mysterious for the fans of the series was the image of Anfisa Kozyreva. In 1911, Vyacheslav Shishkov participated in the expedition on the River Lower Tunguska. In 1973, a local history expedition took place, repeating the path of Shishkov. The trip was organized to collect material for the House-Museum V. Ya. Shishkov, who planned to open to the 100th anniversary of the author of the novel.

In the diaries of the writer, the village is gapken, drowning in the cherry. After 6 decades, old-timers remembered that Stepan Karelin lived in this place, whose name was the name of the anfisia Vasilyevna. The girl, they say, the fire was and the beauty unreal. But bad glory stretched for the young people, and they rumored that she was all with merchants. There is a version that it was she who became a prototype of anfis.


Found a prototype and Ibrahim-oglu. According to the memories of contemporaries, they were a resident of the village of Preobrazhenka. Circass Chebar-Allimerdan-ogla was exiled to Siberia for a generic revenge. Chebar also suspected Azerbaijani roots, for which hero and received a prefix to the name "oglu". Caucasian Streig and Brill Local residents and was distinguished by hospitality.

Later, the grandfather of Chebar, the children were afraid of a harsh eye of the eyebrows. He died in 1942. The village is now not on the map, and the descendants that scattered through the light still keep a novel as a memory of ancestor.

Nina Kupriyanova

The prototypes of the main characters of the "Ugryum River" were not always collective images. So, Nina Kupriyanov was written off from the granddaughter of Mikhail, his brother Averyan Kozmich. Although in the plot of the film there is a difference, and a progressive merchant daughter with nine-leaning made the wife of Prokhor.

Vera Arsenyevna Balandin was a graduate of Bestuzhevsky women's courses. She was lucky to listen to lectures in Sorbonne. At the end of the XIX century, the woman received a master's degree in natural sciences.

Baladina is known to charity. For their own money, Vera Arsenyevna organized a scholarship to the listeners of Bestuzhevsky courses, opened the dining room for the poor, the first nurseries in the Yenisei province. And in 1911, Balandin has invested 35 million rubles to the construction of Achin-Minusinsk railway.

Nina Kupriyanov in the plot of the series - the lady of progressive views. However, the lady's final turns into a calculating and rigid entrepreneur, which is also in the spirit of the time.

Danila Gromov

The prototype of Danilles Gromova was Peter Matonin, who has acquired the starting capital for the grandson of robbery and wear. It used to be that dishonest money should fly in the ground three generations. And only to the fourth - gold "clears", and they can be used. It is believed that the treasure did not have time to "wash" and the grandson of Kosma wounded him early. Because the family of Matonina and pursued troubles.

Yuri Nazarov who played in


Conditioners of the expedition told Sinilge Shishkov. The name of one of them is Konstantin Alekseevich Farkov - the author left in the novel and did not change. According to the legend of Sinilga, this is a girl you went to Taiga and did not return. Translated the name means "Snow".

The prototypes of the main characters of the "Gulm river" were often real people who gave rise to rumors and legends. There is also a version that Sinilga is a collective image of the wives of the Matonina brothers, who first moved to the Krasnoyarsk Ostrog at the end of the 18th century.

The brothers married the daughters of the Arinsky Prince, whose people lived for the average of Yenisei. According to its social organization and everyday life, this nationality did not differ from other worst tribes, which perhaps and gave rise to rumors and legends.

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