The series "In the still waters" (2020) - 2021, release date, home, actors and roles, facts, trailer


TV channel "home", long and firmly saddled melodramatic themes, continues to delight the Russians with new projects. The series "In the still waters", whose release fell on March 17, 2021, invites the next variation of history about the problems of relationships and search for his own happiness in conditions when family life suddenly gave a crack.

Briefly about the plot of the 4-serial film, actors and related pictures of interesting facts - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

It often happens that behind the external well-being of a separate family lies a ceiling problem of problems and disagreements. Why in one not the most beautiful moment Ideal at first view the couple turns into other people's friend. And well, if in such a case it costs without mutual, all-living hatred, behind which neither it, nor she is no longer able to see the bright moments of living together.

Here is the main heroine of Maria, about which there is an unexpected turn in the fate of which tells the series "in the still waters", faced with a situation where she was reverently and dearly cherished plans for a happy future with her beloved husband suddenly "rapid jack" flew to Sunny. The spouse stated that she wants to stop relationships. Now the heroine will have to understand what the cause of the decision of the belief, who is to blame for the situation and what, in fact, to correct the situation.

Shooting took place in Moscow. For the production of the project, "Studio 2B", familiar to the Russian viewer, thanks to the creation of such television programs, as "director himself", "Dialogues about animals", "own game" and numerous series, among whom "Katya and Black", "Turkish March" and "Return of Mukhtar."

Marina Khripunova and Irina Bosov were the general producers, who were already working on the series "Heart Rita", "Surrogate Mother", "First Love" and "Rehabilitation". The director's chair occupied Philipp Korshunov, familiar to the viewers on working on a perennial "wedding ring", as well as over the "purely Moscow murders" and "My beloved mother-in-law".

Actors and roles

In the series, telling about what to bring to the limit to the second half does not follow, unless the desire to see all the devils in the still waters, the following actors fulfilled the main roles:

  • Irina Shayanova - Maria, the main character, accustomed to the years of living together to constant repayments and natives from the side of her husband who did not exceed her husband's loss. She is not ready to agree to the proposed increase due to fear to destroy the family. Suddenly finds out that the spouse decided to leave her to his mistress.
  • Maxim Radugin - Dmitry, Male Mary, artist. Unable to figure out his own feelings towards loving his wife and mistress, considered the best way out of the situation with a gap with Masha, not too thinking about her opinion on this matter.
  • Alexey Matoshin - Oleg, Colleague Mary, long in love with a woman, but hiding his own sympathies. It turned out to be ready to substitute the beloved shoulder at the moment when the ink-black band came in the life of his heart.

Also in the mini-series shot : Irina Veselova, Julia Goodzenko, Konstantin Streetov, Natalia Zemtsova and Alice Ryzhkin in the role of nurses.

Interesting Facts

1. The removed TV series "In the still waters" by the director Filippe Korshunov was made to work on large TV projects. In the creative piggy bank of the cinematographer - the work on the 5th season of the domestic public of the Comedine-melodramatic show of the CTC channel "Eighties". Another Korshunov was engaged in adaptation for the Russian TV popular procedure "Bones" and appeared on the screen as an actor - played a minor role in the TV series "Detectives".

2. The film creation of the filmmakers was completed in the summer of 2020 - at the end of July the project was at the installation stage and was planned initially to show in autumn. However, circumstances forced the creators of the series to revise their own decision, as a result of which the prime minister was postponed by March 2021.

3. The executor of the role of Dmitry Maxim Radugin considers his character by a person who was entangled in his own life, at some point to distinguish the reality from delusions. Aggravates the situation and the fact that the hero is not accustomed to think about feelings of other people. And therefore - since "so I learned" - without remreactitions of conscience, the fact that we love two women, without noticing the wrongness of their own behavior.

4. Playing in love with the main heroine Oleg Alexey Matushin responds about his character as a real man. Such, who agrees for the happiness of the object of his frills, to move aside, without interfering with fate and even a single word about himself not recalling. But only as long as the beloved is all right. However, it is worth appearing on the horizon threatening beloved serious problems as the hero is already there and is ready to substitute a reliable male shoulder.

5. Opinions of the audience about the new premiere of the "home" channel were divided. Some were looking forward to when the series "in the still waters" will be released on the screens. Others noted that manufacturers of Russian TV shows are not able to come up with anything more fresh and original than the next "tear" on injustice, incorrect husbands who suddenly emerge from nowhere to know the ideal colleagues and love triangles without a claim against originality.

The series "In the still waters" - trailer:

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