Series "CEA WA" (2021) - Released, Home, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


The series "Se Vi", the release date on "home" was held on March 25, 2021, tells about the intricacies of fate in the life of lovers. Actors and roles, as well as interesting facts that remained behind the project's scene - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

When fate presents surprises, it is not immediately clear which tactics choose - wait or resist. And how to be if the virtues of the fate turned out to be fatal, it is impossible to fix anything, but will you have to deal with your feelings?

So in the life of Snowfish Sobolev. The girl is concentrated on school. Before the graduation ball, it was required by a children's photo, which was not in the family album. The lack of young personnel caused bewilderment, but parents explained that the photo album was lost when moving. And later, the family falls into an accident, mother dies, and his father remains disabled. On the shoulders of the girl lay down the duty to care for his father, and at the same time pay a car loan.

In parallel, Grisha Shcherbakov is looking for a girl at the request of a hopelessly sick father. For whom the child comes in the photo, he does not know, but soon finds out that this is Snezhana. Gregory is written to the girl in French classes.

Suddenly Sobolev saw Grisha's album, to which she was experiencing sympathy, his children's photo. This discovery will supply Snezhan to a dead end and radically changes fate.

The director's chair of the series "Se Vi" was taken by Master Melodrama Maxim Mecheda. Alexander Ryzhov worked on the script, famous for the "Fixy" multiserial projects and partners and detectives.

Maxim Koshevarov and Alexander Maev worked on the musical design. The composer tandem has previously created music for the melodram "Dress from Daisy" and "Costbar in the Wind".

Irina Gorobets and Sergey Demidov, who created such televisions as the "female doctor" and "podkinyshi" were engaged in producing.

Actors and roles

In the main roles of the project are involved:

  • Ekaterina Tyshkevich - Snezhana, a graduate student who settled in the translation agency to earn a living;
  • Alexander Sokolov - Grigory, who found Snezhan at the request of the Father, and after the girl became interested. Later, young people find out that the pupils of the orphanage and, perhaps, brother and sister;
  • Vlad Nikityuk - Anton, the director of the nightclub, providing snowfish signs.

In the series "Sea Vi" also starred : Inna Miroshnichenko, Elena Apple, Oleg Zamyatin, Sergey Sipsky, Anna Rumik, Boris Georgievsky, Ilya Ponomarenko and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The audience of the channel "Ukraine" saw the premiere of melodrama on January 16, 2021.

2. The director of the project is Maxim Mehled. The director on a par with detective films ("according to the law") is successfully creating melodramatic stories, such as "daisy dress", "Women's Secrets", "Virages of Fate".

3. Judging by the backstage-frames posted in the "Instagram" by the participants of the filming, the locations of the project were the streets of Kiev, as well as Obolon embankment.

4. The series "Se Vi" caused ambiguous reviews from the audience. Someone the story seemed fabulous. There were those who saw for intrigue events in the frame of Indian motifs. Meanwhile, the swirling plot kept the audience in the tension and did not let it end the viewer before the final titles. The fans of the melodrama agreed that there was a magnificent cast in a television, for whom it is worth seeing it.

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