Sophia Kruglikova - Photo, biography, personal life, news, wife Mikhail Efremova 2021



Sophia Kruglikov is known to the public as the fifth spouse Mikhail Efremova. The lady does not hide that the relationship with the actor is not simple, but seeks to support him in everything. Being a mother of three children from the famous artist, she chose not to leave the favorite work of the sound engineer. Now the name of the woman appeared in the news in connection with the accident, the culprit of which was her husband.

Childhood and youth

Kruglikova was born on December 11, 1971 in Moscow. Parents were distant from the world of art. Father worked as an engineer, played a guitar well, performing songs in a circle of loved ones. Mother engaged in biology. In addition to Sofia, her elder brother Vladimir was brought up in the family. When the girl was 3 years old, she introduced her notes. With the filing of Grandmother Lydia, the child began to master the game on the piano.

At a young age, having good vocal data, Kruglikova became a member of the Boris Pokrovsky's children's troupe. Interestingly, Boris Alexandrovich turned out to be grandfather Mikhail Efremov on the maternal line. Despite the singing talent, the schoolgirl did not think about solo speeches on the stage: she was fascinated by collective creativity. After graduating from school, the girl became a student of the department of choral conducting at the Institute. Mikhail Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanova.

Personal life

Personal life in the biography of Sofia turned out to be rich in bright events. The first husband of Muscovite became Frenchman by the name of the regent. The man looked at his lover trembling, every day gave flowers, brought in the mornings of bakery fragrant croissants. Couple lived for two countries. Kruglikova did not want to leave the capital, work in a record studio, the spouse, being a programmer, could not find a suitable job in Russia.

Soon the relationship seemed to the girl boring. Just at that time, Sophia met Mikhail Efremov. The meeting took place at the Lighthouse Club, located in the Layak Mayakovsky Theater Building. Muscovite turned out to be there together with the musicians who recorded in the studio of Andrei Pasternak "Tourna". Here came after the play actors.

Mikhail Olegovich, a couple of times approached the table, behind which the company was located round, and offered the girl a hand and heart. She answered the joke to consent, and the actor was removed. In 2002, the couple again met in the "lighthouse", where this time Efremov celebrated his birthday. At that festive evening, a man again made Sofa proposal, and after that they no longer parted.

At that time, the woman was still married for the Frenchman, but soon divorced. Mikhail had four marriages behind his shoulders. When the novel, the daughter of the actor Anne Mary, born fourth wife, was completed between him and Sofia. Kruglikov offered his beloved to think, return to the family for the sake of the child, but he refused this idea.

Initially, the couple consisted in civil relations, then descended official. In 2005, his wife presented to the actor to the daughter of faith, in 2007, Anastasia. In 2010, the son of Boris appeared in the family. In May 2016, the spouses decided to pass the rite of wedding. As a witness, a colleague Efremova Ivan Okhlobystin spoke at the ceremony.

The lady did not embarrass the alcoholism of the spouse. In an interview with Sophia admitted: like every creative person, Mikhail needed alcohol. It only sought to reduce the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages on the actor's health, brewed herbs for him, cleaning the liver. In order for the artist to spend time in the house as he wants, Kruglikov installed soundproof doors.


In the youth, graduating from the institute. Mikhail Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanova, the girl tried himself in different areas - sang in the choir, wrote articles, worked on the radio. Later decided to get the profession of sound engineer. To this end, Muscovite has been recorded for courses to Andrei Saturotina. In the late 90s received a diploma of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic, wandering on the department of sound engineering.

Being a student of the 3rd course, the girl worked with a group of "Quarter", recording tracks for the new album. Then collaborated with the musician Anatoly Larovnov, and after - with the project Garika Sukachev "untouchables". The lady called his work in an interview with happiness, because such a specialist, as she, listens to music, receives pleasure from her, for which they also pay well.

Until 2004, Kruglikov worked at different recording studios, held the position of sound engineer on "our radio". From the 2005th woman was invited to become a teacher at the department of sound engineering "Gnesinki". After the birth of daughters, in 2009, Sophia began to lecture and give master classes at the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art.

Sophia Kruglikova now

In March 2020, when self-insulation was announced in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection, Kruglikov, along with the children, left the capital to the cottage. Mikhail remained in Moscow, continuing to work in the theater. On the evening of June 8, the actor, being in a state of alcoholic and narcotic intoxication, became the culprit of an accident with a fatal outcome. His car at high speed flew into the oncoming lane.

The car collided with the delivery service van, the driver of which Sergey Zakharov received multiple injuries. The next day, the man died. Friends and acquaintances, as well as the relatives of the artist hurried posting the posts about their attitude to the event.

The fifth of the actor's spouse learned about the incident from journalists. The woman admitted that Recently, Mikhail survived a difficult period. Mother's death, and after and Galina Volchek plunged the celebrity into depression. He began to drink hard, "broke out from the coils," became unmanaged. When an accident occurred, Kruglikov was going to go to Moscow urgently. However, according to Efremov's wife, she was asked to not go anywhere, not to leave the cottage. Fucking for children, Sophia remained outside the city.

The final decision of the court was issued on September 8: the artist was sentenced to 8 years in prison in the colony of the general regime, deprived of rights for 3 years and obliged to pay 800 thousand rubles to the eldest son Sergey Zakharov as compensation.

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