Elisha Pevtsov - Photo, Biography, Childhood, News, Son Dmitry Pevtsova 2021



In the TV series "Gangster Petersburg", the characters of Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova understood what real love is only after the pregnancy of the heroine. Spouses-actors who fans call "singing throsters", have long fired a common nest, but a joint child of Elisha Singers appeared far from immediately.

Childhood and youth

The younger son of Pevtsova was born on August 7, 2007. The appearance of the baby Star Spouses, who gained acquainted in the 1991s on the set of the film "Walk to Eshafot" was waiting for 15 years. Olga and Dmitry believed that God did not give them a child for the mistakes of youth: a woman at a young age did an abortion, and the man did not engage in the upbringing of Senior Sibling Daniel, born in 1990 as a result of the novel with a classmate Lariso Blazhko.

When the long-awaited heir was born, the mother and father responsibly approached the selection of the boy's name. Elisha in Hebrew means "consolation", "salvation". The baby became a consolation for his father after the tragic death of her older brother. The Biography of Daniel was cut into exactly when Dmitry, the redemption of the sins of youth, established relations with the firstborn, and the surroundings were amazed by the external similarity of two singers.

No less seriously, Elisha's parents reacted to the choice of the godfather for the child. The spiritual perception of the boy, his conductor in the world of Orthodoxy, became the leader of the group "Lube" Nikolai Rastorguev. The singers are serious about Christian values: in early 2018, Dmitry laid out the "Song-repentance" in the "instagram", which the son sang mom for forgiveness Sunday.

In 8 years, Elisha reported to journalists that she dreams of a football career. However, in the future, the teenager became increasingly appearing on theatrical stage. In 10 years, the Jr. Singers on the stage of the Tbilisi Drama Theater performed the music of the composer Alexander Gediqa on the piano.

Elisha Pevtsov now

In March 2019, Dmitry and Elisha Pevtsov posted a video in Yutiuba, in which she called for parents to give children to school not smartphones, but button phones. Modern communication devices, according to Father and Son, aims the brains of students not to study, but on downloading games and climbing dubious sites.

Elisha complained that he with classmates, always on the Internet, nothing to talk about. Dmitry hinted that the schoolchildren for the sake of likes are filmed on smartphones of angry teachers. The boy demonstrated his pushbutton phone and said that the mother from solidarity with him would be the same.

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It is not known whether the parents of Odnoklassniki Elisha will be injured by svtsovy, but since the autumn of 2019 the owner of the royal name, in August, asked for the development of the guitar, studying in the Cadet Corps. October 19, the cadet took the oath in the Hall of Glory Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. It is curious that the cadet certificate is young singers accepted from his father's hands invited to an event as an honorary guest.

In June 2020, Dmitry posted a photo of his wife and son in "Instagram". The actor accompanied the signature of "My Blondes", hinting at the external similarity of Elisa with the mother.

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