The film "Gagarin. First in Space "(2013) - Release date, 2021, actors and roles, facts, trailer


Before the Day of Cosmonautics, the first channel reminded the audience about the man whose smile in 1961 became a symbol of the greatest victory not only the Soviet people, but in all mankind. The symbol of the first step towards the development of the interstellar space. On the TV channel, Gagarin film was shown. The first in space ", whose date in 2021 was April 11th.

The plot of paintings, interesting facts about her and playing the main roles actors - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

Stars of time immemorials denied humanity tied to Earth. Looking at the night sky, the ancients came up with all sorts of myths, explaining that for strange "lanterns" shine in the dark. Whether the eyes of the unknown gods, hats of nails holding the sky from collapse, or hole in the covering of the earthly tape.

Yes, afterwards, science explained what's what. But less attractive and mysterious space outside of the earthly atmosphere has not become. Even, on the contrary, there is even more Manilo, the attempting of humanity along the path of progress.

What was the road that led the leaving from a simple working family born in a small village on Smolensk region, to the cabin of an aircraft, having flown around the Earth, is the film "Gagarin. First in space. " Showing the audience the history of man, before the rest of those who looked at our planet with unattainable first heights. The first to visit the closer to all to the infinitely distant stars. And forever entered the world chronicle.

The production part was answered as early as the beginning of the 90s Oleg Kapannets and for a long time cooperating with foreign film studios Kremlin Filmz, familiar to the Russian audience on the tapes "Red Snake", "Presidential Protocol" (documentary) and "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams. " Igor Tolstunov ("Thief", "Voroshilovsky shooter", "Driver for faith", "Peter FM", "Metro") made an associative producer.

The script for the painting was written by Andrei Dmitriev, before working on the plots of "Alci" and "Tomorrow's concerns", and Oleg Kapaneta joined him. Soundtrack created George Callis, subsequently writing music for the "last hero of" and continued.

In the chair of the director, he led the embodiment of the plan on the screen Pavel Parkhomenko.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the picture telling about the life and fate of a man, the first to be in space, played the actors:

  • Yaroslav Scoreg - Senior Lieutenant of the USSR Air Force Yuri Gagarin, thanks to its leadership qualities, selected by the Commission among the other candidates for the space detachment and after a long period of tests and testing, who was destined to be the first to rise to the stars.
  • Mikhail Filippov - Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who headed the Council of the Chief Designers of the Soviet Union during the first space flights. It was under his leadership that the launches of both the first artificial satellite of the Earth and the first cosmonaut-person were prepared and completed.
  • Vadim Michman - Hermann Titov, Doubles Yuri Gagarin, in August 1961, who became the second person who went into space, and the first who committed an orbital flight of over a day - during this time, Titov's aircraft managed to take 17 revolutions around our planet.

Also, the series was filmed: Sergey Laktäunkin, Inga Obold, Anatoly Oddovnov, Olga Ivanova and Vladimir Gliskov as a Colonel-General Nikolai Kamanin.

Interesting Facts

1. Withdrawn the film "Gagarin. The first in space "Pavel Parkhomenko as director acts extremely rarely. In addition to the picture of the first cosmonaut, the cinematographer supervised only the filming of the music retrame released in 2005 "Dance everything!". Parkhomenko's viewers are more famous as an artist-director who participated in the creation of such projects as "Zhmurki", "Cargo 200", "Yulia", "Monk and Dev" and "Dr. Lisa".

2. To create a picture along with the preparation of the director and the team of cinematographers left for six years. During this time, a variety of places have managed to serve locations. Moscow and the Moscow region, the Crimea, where the take-off pole was built and recreated an entourage of the Baikonur cosmodrome, to which the cinemas was not allowed. And the Torzhok, where the childhood of Yuri Gagarin took place in the Smolensk region.

3. The director had plans also to remove the Queen meeting scene in the capital of Great Britain with the first astronaut. However, as a result, the idea was not possible, including due to the limited budget. Also, the creators of the picture had to abandon the idea of ​​the number of episodes in Cuba, where Gagarin met with Fidel Castro and Che Hevaro.

4. The film became the first picture dedicated to the identity of Yuri Alekseevich, which was obtained by official consent from the relatives of the famous cosmonaut. Including this factor influenced the fact that there is nothing in the ribbon going beyond the well-known biography of Gagarin. But after the premiere closed show, the elder's senior daughter, Elena praised cinematographers for the final result.

5. From the actor's team, Nikolai Petrovich Kamanina, Vladimir Petrovich, who had entered the Aviation Colonel-General Vladimir Petrovich, had experience in real space training. Back in 2000, the artist was planned to send the "Peace" orbital station, on board which a certain film was going to shoot. But due to violations of the terms of the contract, the filmmakers deposited from the crew from the crew 19 days before the start, and the project was canceled.

6. The main criterion for the selection of artists, according to Oleg Kapapan, was not an extensive filmography at all, but an external similarity with prototypes, like acting talent. So, on the role of Yuri Gagarin, they decided to take not a pity on the big screen on the big screen, which by the time filming was not too famous, playing predominantly in performances and serials. And the candidates for the role of Alexey Leonov were discussed with the pilot-astronaut personally.

7. Despite the fact that the creators of the picture after the release claimed that the total timing of the tape in 108 minutes turned out to be equal to the flight time Yuri Gagarin randomly, at the stage of filming, Oleg Kapaneta, who served as a producer and co-author of the scenario, declared a desire to symbolic to do duration Pictures just such - 1 hour 48 minutes.

8. The network closer to the completion of the filming was written that the tape budget is $ 9.5 million. But at a press conference held before the start of the rolled, cinematographers denied this information, saying that the above figures were actually planned "to master". However, after all changes, eventually managed to meet in a more modest amount - $ 7 million. Unfortunately, due to low interest from the roller, it was possible to collect the film only $ 1 million with a little.

9. Among the professional reviewers of various publications, many spoke negatively. They accused the creators in the reluctance to retreat from the well-known facts about the first cosmonaut in an attempt to submit Gagarin - in favor of modern trends - in a new way, exposing the uncomgnated biographies details. But the simple viewers of the film "Gagarin. The first in space "liked: it was especially noted the lack of anti-Sovetchish for modern domestic cinema.

The film "Gagarin. The first in space "- Trailer:

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