Pavel Babich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dom-2 2021



It would seem that the Spectators of TNT for many years already accustomed to the scandals on "House-2". Nevertheless, they were pretty surprised by the information that in June 2020, the ex-participant of telestroyki Irina Nakima wrote on the organizers and editors a reality statement to the police. The model from Chelyabinsk told that her against the will was forced to talk with Pavel Babich in one room, and six guards applied gross physical strength when the girl wanted to leave the project.

Childhood and youth

On March 8, 1996, it turned out to be doubly a festive day for the married couple Babich, who lived in Mozdok: the younger son Pasha appeared on the world (fish on the zodiac sign). Two years earlier, July 13, 1994, the firstborn Dmitry was born in the family. Thanks to the personal page of the guy in the social network "VKontakte", the laconic facts of his personal biography are known.

Pavel Babich in his youth

With parents, the current stars of the scandalous TV project "Dom-2" have developed a warm and trusting relationship. Father and mother supported the heir in all endeavors and were his main fans at the Beach Bodybuilding Competitions in 2016.

"In childhood, my parents told me that a real friend is always alone, and there are no friends a lot. At first I did not understand this. I had a lot of good acquaintances with whom we perfectly spent time. But later, the word "friend" became akin to me the word "brother". Friend with you always and under any circumstances, "Paul told.

In 2012, at the end of the 9th grade, the graduate entered the College of the city of Georgievsk, where he received a specialty "Software". As for higher education, he became a student of the correspondence department of the North Caucasus Federal University.

In 2017, the young man got three titles at once - "Mr. Student Accu." Mr. Studenthood of the Stavropol Territory and Mr. Studentality of Russia, and after 12 months acted as the organizer of the last competition. The list of achievements did not end: in 2014, Paul managed to conquer the Cup of Russia on Vorkuta, to participate in the Russian Student Spring - 2015, to get into the sports and creative team "Vertical" and Ras PCM.

Personal life

About the personal life of a high carrage athlete (height 194 cm at a weight of 105 kg) with a dazzling smile to the project nothing is known. With the exception of a brief information that in 2018 he had a favorite girl with which he had seen in the breaks between numerous competitions. There is no of his children with a young man yet, but there is a skeleton named Savva, which appeared on December 7, 2018 and nicknamed by a little tigr.

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From the lack of attention from the opposite sex, Paul clearly does not suffer, as evidenced by the enthusiastic comments of the subscriber under photos with relief naked torso. However, in 2020, he was clearly set as a clear goal of acquiring the second half. The media wrote that, before being on the scandalous television trip, Babich appeared on Larisa Guzeyeva to the program "Let's get married!".

However, it is not the first to get it on the first channel. On October 7, 2019, Pasha lit up in one of the graduates of the Provision of "Good Morning", where he showed how to work out the muscles of the whole body with the help of the "snake" pressing.

Sports and blog

In addition to Vorkuuta and Bodybuilding, Babich was engaged in a pair-group acrobatics, participating in numerous competitions and battles (he managed to "make" Andrei Sukhareva in 2019) and acting as lead tournaments (for example, with Natalia Erocyne).

Pavel Babich in the gym

Paul is a big fan of a healthy lifestyle, so on July 3, 2014, he decided to have its own Youtyub-Channel. Here the author will publish the nuances of sports training, gives a delirious motivating advice for beginners, takes an interview with colleagues, publishes archival videos and organizes the "teenage sacks."

The blogger did not forget to mention the "House-2", telling in detail what the requirements are made to get to the TV project, and mentioning that for him a reality show is not "Zashkvar".

"House 2"

The arrival of Babic to the "Teleproject, where the lonely hearts are looking for each other," took place on May 4, 2020. Then, together with him, they tried to please "old men" and stay at the "House-2" Daria Mamyakina from Rtishchevo, Nikita Fonkatz from Volgograd, Evgeny Lavryshin from Moscow. At the first appearance on the frontal spot, the athlete was not confused, and immediately illuminated Torso, he spoiled 5 times with Olga Buzova on his shoulders and tried himself as a lead. Of course, all those present came to delight and left a bright novice to the show.

Paul expressed his sympathy to the Kobelev, but she immediately gave to understand the new one that her heart was employed only by Fedor Rowers. However, the native of Mozdoka was not upset at all, because the admiring views and Selena Mayer, and Allesi Semerenko, were thrown on him. The former "Miss Moscow" soon admitted that the professional coach was not sensible to her.

Pavel Babich and Irina Naimi

However, everything was different. On May 18 of the same year, Chelyabinsk Beauty Irina Nakima came to Telestroyka, who was interested in three representatives of the opposite sex, among which was Pasha. Young people crowded closely for a month, and then, with the words of the girl, the organizers wanted to force her to move with a guy in a separate room. Such a split did not have the model in the soul, and Ira decided to escape.

Pavel Babich now

After what happened, Babich did not sit back, but a number of active actions took a number of active actions.

"I went to Ira, but she does not answer me, her girlfriend is silent, I even tried to contact your girlfriend - silence. I did not think that a meeting on the project a girl who would be interested in me, I want to see her, because I didn't care. I would like to build a relationship with her, it is important for me to clarify the situation, "he told.

A few days later, Naui posted a post in his "instagram", where he said that he refers to a pass with tremendous respect, regretted that they could not understand each other, and did not rule out the option that communication would continue after the guy leaves reality -show.

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