Series "Mother's Love" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts


The premiere of the series "Love Mother" took place on March 7, 2021 on the Ukrainian TV channel. The release date of melodrama on "home" - April 12, 2021. The 4-serial film will open the April Love Storsith line. The characters of the paintings will fight for their love, and whose feeling will be stronger and truthful, the audience will learn in the final. In material 24cmi - a selection of interesting facts about the plot, actors and ribbon roles.

Plot and shooting

Shooting the series "Mother's love" started in September 2020. The production of the project was engaged in the company Group on request "Home" TV channel. The director of the tape was Irina Claw. Victoria Corogo, Natalia Stribek, Victor Marsky, Elena Malkova, Irina Chernyak and Catherine Shvets. The scenario was written by Nadezhda Komarovskaya, Lev Karpov, Andrei Percen and Elena Zueva.

In the center of the plot of the paintings - the conflict of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law - an unstasive topic, which is not customary to be discussed. The main heroes of the mini-series are the guy Sergey, his mother Margarita and his beloved Sergey Masha. The demanding and powerful mother believes that a modest and tender girl from the orphanage, having nothing for the soul, is unworthy of becoming a companion of her heir. By all the forces of Margarita, trying to upset the emerging ambulance wedding, but Masha is not such a tackle, which appears at first glance. The bride is ready to fight with the marriage of the groom to a victorious end. Spectators have to find out whether the rights of maternal love or hyperopek will only harm the feelings of a couple in love.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Love Mother" performed:

  • Peter Rykov - Sergey, who decided to marry the strength and romantic girl from the orphanage;
  • Anastasia Bunina - Margarita, Mother Sergey, who loves and protects the only son from life unfortunate, mistakes and disappointments;
  • Daria Glatti - Masha Sorokina, Sergey's beloved, which is ready to fight for his happiness;
  • Taras Zymbalyuk - Dmitry, friend Sergey.

Also in the tape were filmed: Gordea Zyubinsky, Sergey Dzzyalik, Olga Harutyunyan, Daria Egorkin, Alexey Breasthane, Inna Miroshnichenko, Elizabeth Zaitseva. The episodes appeared: Tatyana Pavlyukh, Sergey Korshikov, Catherine Mazibor, Alexander Ageenkov and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Irina Golomozda is familiar to the audience in other of its own film stakes: "Female Dr. 2", "Miracle on a schedule", "Raverny girlfriend". In 2021, the cumbership shoots a new picture "Picnic".

2. Shooting the series took place at the beginning of the autumn of 2020 in the capital of Ukraine. Curious fact: the performers of the main roles of Daria Plakhis and Peter Rykov were previously starred in another project "Female Doctor", but appeared in different seasons. With the director Irina Bulm, the actors of the series "Love Mother" also work for the first time, therefore a friendly atmosphere reigned on the set.

3. Irina Bulm told in an interview about the series: "We have a very passionate, emotionally tense story. There will be bright feelings, strong experiences, and tears. No halftone, paints of this film juicy, contrasting. Well, the plot itself will not leave anyone indifferent. "

4. The audience shared on the network comments after the premiere on Ukrainian television. Many expressed discontent about the "lined patterns", the weak acting composition and the absence of intrigues in the storyline of the series "Love Mother". According to commentators who watched the tape, will not be difficult from the first personnel to understand how further events will develop and what will be the final of this story. The picture will like the lovers of melodram and suitable as a background to those who like to do homemade cases with a TV.

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