Bo Pip (Character) - Pictures, "Toy Story", Cartoon, Sheriff Woody


Character History

Bo Pip - Charming Cowgirl from Franchise "Toy Story". Appeared in one of the main roles in the 4th part, while initially positioned as an episodic character because of some features of its structure.

History of character creation

The first appearance of the heroine took place in 1995. She debuted with the main form of toys, although, in fact, was not. Interestingly, on its role director John Lasser originally planned a popular doll of modern Barbie.

However, Mattel, which produces blond beauty, did not allow Walt Disney Studio to use it in animation. By the way, after the obvious success of the Barbie project, it was still appeared in the franchise together with the boyfriend Ken.

The place of love of the love of Cowboy Woody is not empty. The creators decided to put in the plot of the girl from the English Songs Little Bo-Peep Has Lost Her Sheep. According to the story of the poem, this is a shepherd, which lost sheep. And after I found, I saw that animals had no tails. Later she discovered them dried on the trees.

Lack of character in the cartoon "Toy History: Big Escape" The creators explained to her fragility. The fact is that the heroes of the franchise are laughed in dangerous adventures. The statuette from the porcelain was unlikely to survive at least one episode in these incredible events.

For the same reason, and in the first parts, it did not participate in the plot, appearing only episodically. In addition, Bo Pip, unlike friends, was not a toy Andy, and stood in the room Molly and served the ornament of the night light. In the plot thinly beat her loss, explaining that she was sold to an antique store.

Interestingly, the screenwriters initially wanted to show another story. So, on the idea of ​​Bo Pip was given to another owner. Actually, this scene was assumed as a prologue in the 3rd part. However, later she was cut out, and the audience only heard Woodi from Sheriff that his beloved was lost.

Fans fans, as the creators of the cartoon admitted, sent letters with a request to return the character to the plot. The film crew began to consider this option, in addition, it was decided to emphasize on her love line with the cowboy.

Animators not only revive the positive heroine, but also tried to preserve her design by changing the material from which Bo Pip is made. Porcelain would be impractical in the upcoming adventures. As a result, the picture of the cheerful shepherd was modified, which was explained in the plot of the cartoon.

On January 30, 2020, Pixar and Walt Disney Pictures on the cutting service disney + pleased the little fans of the franchise with a short film "Lamps Life". In this project, the screenwriters allowed the heroine to tell their biography after she fell into the house to two little girls.

Image and Biography Bo Pip

Toy this character is difficult to call, because it was a porcelain statuette and a little approached for a fun time of Andy. However, the boy considered his figure, despite the fact that his younger sister became more often his younger sister.

Together with sheep, the heroine was a fragile composition. Her appearance in the first two parts of the franchise remained unchanged - blond hair, curled in curls, and pale skin of the face.

The outfit of the character consisted of a rose dress with a long lush white skirt in a pink pea. A shepherd woman put on her head with a white ribbon.

In the 4th part of the franchise, the sheriff wanda friend has changed. She had a bright blush, the eye cut was changed, and the look became more opened. Because of the adventures during the absence of Andy's Heroine in the house, she lost his headdress, a dress broke. Now her outfit was a blue overalls.

Due to the incredible events in the life of the Channel changed inside. Initially, it appeared on the screens a romantic and thin in kind. Having experienced strong emotions against Woody, Bo Pip was experienced because of him when the Basz Lyter appeared in their house.

Nevertheless, the fragile in all respects the girl tried not to succumb to emotions. She always believed only that he saw her own eyes, did not panic in difficult situations and became a certain stabilizer for an explosive cowboy.

After it turned out to be away from friends, her character hardened. Becoming a lost toy, shepherd no longer worried about his fate, did not worry that she would give it or forget. Now it was a freedom-loving girl, with enthusiasm letters into dangerous adventures and thirsting to see the world.

However, precisely because of this desire, the character was outside the plot. When she was put in the box on the export, she asked Woody to go along with the unknown path, saying that it was time to change the owner.

However, the sheriff was not ready to part with her usual life and friends, so let the beloved. After many years, Cowboy wandered into an antique store, seeing the same lamp on which Bo Pip in the Molly Room.

He looked at to meet a former girlfriend. And when he saw her, then he was shocked. From that cute and calm girl there is no trace. In front of him there was a foolish, severe spirit and not afraid of anything shepherd with a shot down porcelain because of the alterations, which she fell.

Together they are trying to save the new friend Girls Bonnie - Vilkinson. Incredible adventures make everyone show the best qualities: courage, courage and dedication.

In the final, the films of Bo Pip and Sheriff, who already proved the true feelings that have already proven each other, again forced to say goodbye. But the cowboy understands that it is time to change something in life, and decides to leave the team to be near your beloved. Happy Bo Pip is rejoicing such a choice of Woody, and next story tells his own story, which was reflected in the short film "Life Lamps".

Interesting Facts

  • The etymology named BO-PEEP, as researchers believe, gives a reference to the popular children's game "Ku-ku".
  • Based on the character from the English song, the Hero of Bo Pip was also created in the TV series "Once in a fairy tale." She played actress Robin Vaigert.
  • In the Latin American dubbing of the 1st part of the "story of the toys", Betty called a girlfriend.


  • 1995 - "Toy Story"
  • 1999 - "Toy History 2"
  • 2010 - "Toy Story: Big Escape"
  • 2011 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2019 - "Toy Story 4"
  • 2020 - "Life Lamps"

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