Lion of the poles - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, philosopher



The lion of the poles belongs to the pleiad of outstanding personalities representing the philosophical thought of the silver century. Paradoxical, original and fully understood, he was engaged in his grandmother and debunking of the prevailing dogmatic systems. Until now, his name is a mansion like a mystics and among symbols, existentialists and religious philosophers.

Childhood and youth

Real Name of Philosopher - Yehuda Liebe Schwartzman, he was born on January 31, 1866 in a rich family of manufacturers. His father, merchant Isaac Moiseevich, owned in Kiev the largest manufactories engaged in textile production, as well as shops selling expensive fabrics. Anna Grigorievna's mother brought up seven children - three sons and four daughters. The family-owned photo of Schwarzmanov has been preserved, where parents surround five adult heirs.

The formation of the younger generation was paid to much attention, as the father was heard by a man of wide views and knowledge. Lion first studied at the 3rd gymnasium of Kiev, and further education continued in Moscow. Here at the University, the future philosopher became a student of the Faculty of Mathematics. Later, the young man returned to his hometown, where at the local university he tried to get a degree of a doctor of law, but his dissertation, permeated by liberalness, did not pass through censorship.

It did not prevent a lion to work as a lawyer and an assistant jury attorney, while paying time to the business of the father, who laughed at the son of hope and saw the future successor in him. Younger brothers called reliable it was impossible. The sixteen was striving to be a responsible heir, but trade affairs did not allow him to be tight and seriously engaged in the philosophy, which he was carried away from the student bench.

The young man was worried both socio-economic issues like the position of the working class and religious-philosophical concerning the acquisition of themselves and restoring the broken "communication of times". The first teacher Lev believed William Shakespeare, whose works awakened in it the desire to comprehend the world-historical laws of being. He himself tried himself in writing, writing stories and poems, but it did not become a vocation.

Personal life

The personal life of the philosopher has arisen during the residence abroad. Wife Anna Elezarovna Berezovskaya poles met in Rome. The daughter of the landowner and the offacarious nobleman has lost her parents early and the noble dreams of treating peasants cherished. For this, the girl after the end of the gymnasium moved to Europe, where he studied for a doctor. There in 1887 there was a meeting with Lv's Isaakovich, who became her husband and the father of her children - the daughters of Tatiana and Natalia.

Shestov had to hide the marriage from his parents: the girl confessed to Orthodoxy, that for the orthodox Judea, which was the father of the philosopher, was considered unacceptable. This marriage was legally considered illegal, and the children were officially found illegitimate. The man had nothing against the daughters were baptized. He himself did not belong to any confession.

So that the Father did not know about marriage, the poles and his wife remained in Europe, and in order to avoid rumors, they most often lived in Germany, then in Switzerland. The wife continued to learn and in 1903 received a medical diploma in Lausanne. In 1908 they managed to legalize the marriage during a trip to London, and since then, Anna Elezarovna and daughters wore Schwarzman's surname. At the same time, in Russia, the Union concluded in England was considered invalid, and therefore the family of the philosopher in his homeland again fell into a vulnerable position.

The spouse survived her husband and died in 1962. She was buried separately from Sixth in the Russian cemetery in St. Geneva de-boo. Here, after 10 years, the eternal peace of Tatiana's eternal peace gained. The youngest Natalia lived a long life and left behind the book "Lion Sixov's life", dedicated to the father's biography.


The first book of Shestova came out in 1898 and was called "Shakespeare and his critic brands." Already there have been problems that have become the cornerstles in the work of the thinker: distrust of scientific knowledge, the desire to overcome the dogmatic framework of the established teachings, comprehending the tragedy of life, the rejection of morality and universal canons of morality.

The second publication Lev Isaakovich dedicated to the analysis of the creativity of Friedrich Nietzsche, who became a sample of an independent thinker who can see, hear and speak freshly and unbiased. He compared the doctrine of good in the works of the German philosopher with the ideas of Leo Tolstoy, and in the next book called for a dialogue with Nietzsche another pillar of the national literature Fedor Dostoevsky. It is the publication "Dostoevsky and Nietzsche. The philosophy of the tragedy "brought sixth fame. In the reviews on him, Nikolai Berdyaev called the author a "very talented writer and large-scale in the literature."

Lev Isaakovich continued his quest, the fruit of which were the articles dedicated to the work of Alexander Pushkin, Ivan Turgenev, Anton Chekhov and other classics of Russian literature. Shestov considered writers by the main translators of the domestic philosophical thought with her bomission, comprehending the place of a person in the world and history, finding the deep significance of being and the search for certain moral and ethical solutions.

The Sixth Manifesto was the work of "Apotheosis of Bothenacy", published in 1905 and sent to quotes during high-profile discussions in the Moskovsky and St. Petersburg intellectuals environments. Here the author summarized the experience of thinking opposed by any kind of dogma. In 1911, 6-Tonnik of the philosopher was released in the publishing house, including "keystands" and other works.

In the 1920s, sixteen fell from Soviet Russia, settling in France. Regarding the new power, he wrote a critical article "What is Russian Bolshevism", emphasizing the reactionability of the regime and its inability to creativity. In the emigration, the thinker continues to write, creating the works of "Athens and Jerusalem", "Kyrgyghard and existential philosophy", "on the scales of Job. Wandering for souls. "


The last years of life, the philosopher spent in France, studying the work of medieval thinkers and communicating with the elite of Western philosophical thought of his time. Shestov spoke in Sorbonne with lectures, specializing in the work of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

In 1938, a 72-year-old man aggravated problems with the lungs. At first, he was diagnosed with Bronchitis, but subsequently found tuberculous bacillus, which were the cause of death, in the morning of November 19. The last days Lev Isaakovich spent in the hospital, where his wife and daughter was surrounded by caring. The grave of the thinker is located on the new cemetery in Buloni, the suburb of Paris.


  • "The habit of logical thinking kills fantasy."
  • "The task of philosophy is not soothing, but embarrassing people."
  • "My whole task is precisely to get rid of all sorts and ends forever."
  • "You need to be able to use everything, even death to use for the purposes of our life."


  • 1989 - "Shakespeare and his critic brands"
  • 1900 - "Good in the teaching of c. Tolstoy and Nietzsche "
  • 1903 - "Dostoevsky and Nietzsche"
  • 1905 - "Apotheosis of Bedlessness. Experience of adogram thinking "
  • 1915 - "Potestas Clavium (Power Keys)"
  • 1927 - "Creating and Apoclipsis"
  • 1929 - "On the scales of Job. Souls
  • 1935 - "Kyrgygar and Dostoevsky"
  • 1937 - "Kireghard - Religious Philosopher"
  • 1938 - "Athens and Jerusalem"

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