Tom Kavana - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



A raging pandemic of coronavirus infection in the spring of 2020 confused plans of many people. For the third time, for the third time, the Cannes Film Festival was not held, the summer Olympic Games in Tokyo moved the next year, the premieres of long-awaited films and TV shows were moved. The last season of the Flash season also entered, the new release date of which is January 2021. The continuation of the story of the superhero did not cost without Gastina's grant, Tom Kavana, Carlos Valdez, Daniel Panabaker, but the Hartley Sawyer did not find it.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the second autumn month of 1963, October 26, the youngest son appeared in the honor of his father, named after Father. The Catholic family having the Irish roots was more familiar: the star of the cinema has a brother, a royal lawyer, and three sisters. One of them is a chaplain and a teacher of religion, the second is a specialist in autism, and the third is a writer.

Parents worked by teachers in the third world countries, so the childhood of the boy passed in the small village of Winneby, located in the central region of South Ghana, and not in Native Ottawa. Subsequently, the move happened again, this time in the suburb of Sherebruck Lennoxville. Here is a teenager and went to high school.

The young man also visited Séminaire de Sherbrooke, Champlain College and Queen's University. In the university, the young man was fascinated by the theater and music, made success in basketball and hockey, while not launching studies - the university qualified student graduated in 1987 with three degrees.

At a fairly gentle age, the actor feared Malaria in Africa, one of his nearest blood relatives was subjected to the same disease. Therefore, becoming an adult, Thomas Patrick (such a full name of the celebrity) joined the charity organization Nothing But Nets, engaged in the purchase and distribution of mosquito nets. It is known that an allergic reaction in a man and now can cause avocado and, accordingly, dishes from it (for example, Guacamole).

Personal life

Future wife High blue-eyed brunette (height 183 cm with weight 69 kg) met in 2002 on a basketball match in New York. Acquaintance quickly turned into mutual sympathy and love - 2 years later, the Sports Illustrated Photo Editor Morin Grayz and the actor got married. Catholic marriage took place on July 31, 2004 on Nantucket Island.

On February 10, 2006, joyful changes came in the personal life of the spouses: the eldest daughter Alice Ann appeared. A year later, on June 29, 2007, the son of Thomas was born in the family, on August 5, 2009, there was a turn and James Joseph, which turned out to be a real height with a weight of 7.8 kg. Later, Katie came to this world.

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Behind the back of Kavana a lot of sporting success. In 2002, the artist performed for the international team in the All Star Weekend NBA, in 2006 took part in the New York Marathon, which showed the result 3:29:31, and in 2008 founded the annual charitable Cavanagh Classic tournament.

The celebrity does not miss a single game of the Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club, is afraid of snakes and owns two languages ​​- English and French.


In 1989, Tom found himself on Broadway, where he participated in the musicals "Shenandoa", "Corregal", "Cabaret", "Monuari Brightton Beach", Urinetown and Grease. In 2008, his return to theatrical layouts was held - the actor lit up at Some Americans Abroad at Second Stage Theater.

In the 90s, the cinematic biography of the artist started. Before you find yourself in the "Providence" and thanks to him to get a role in "Ede", he flashed in the TV series "Baker Street: Return of Sherlock Holmes", "Labyrinth of Justice", "Beyond the Possible", "Jake and Baby" and full-length ribbons "Honeymoon", "death mask", "midnight heat", etc.

At the beginning of Zero Kavan, the cultric "clinic" had been among the actors of the older brother of John Dorian's head hero - Daniiana (Ji Den), because of the external similarity with Zak Braff. By the way, Thomas is also often confused with director and screenwriter James Gann.

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The filmography grew from year to year: "Problems of Gray" and "Producer" changed "Elai Stone" and "Trust me", "Goldberg", followers and "Wang" were added to the "capture of the killer from Green River" and "Dear Doctor" Helsing.

A special place in the film driver of a talented Canadian occupies, of course, the superhero "Flash", where he played the villain of Eobard Town (Reverse Flash, Dr. Harrison Wells). In the same way, he appeared in the "arrows", and in the "superherle", and in "Battheumen", and in the "legends of tomorrow".

"I have long known Greg Berlandti. Before Flash, I participated in his two works, and they did not disappoint me: in the dramatic TV series "Jack and Bobby" I played my brother, addicted to cocaine, and in the comedy "Elaie Stone" - the father of the main character. So I was delighted when he called me, "said Celebrity.

Tom Kavana now

At the beginning of the 2020, with the participation of Tom Kavana, "being light" was published, a new episode "Legends of tomorrow" and several premiere series of the 6th Flash season. But on March 13, the further production of the series was suspended due to a coronavirus infection in a pandemic. For the same reason, the 7th season should not come out in October, as usual, and in January 2021th.

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The actor did not stay aside from the Blackouttuesday shares, posted on June 3 of the 2020 in the personal account in the "Instagram" image of a black square as a sign of George Floyd's memory and solidarity with victims of racism and police violence.


  • 1993 - "Baker Street: Return Sherlock Holmes"
  • 1998-1999 - "Jake and Baby"
  • 1999-2000 - Providence
  • 2000-2004 - "ED"
  • 2002-2009 - "Clinic"
  • 2006 - "Producer"
  • 2008-2009 - "Elai Stone"
  • 2013 - "Goldbergs"
  • 2014-2020 - Flash
  • 2017-2019 - "Strela"
  • 2017-2019 - "Supergel"
  • 2017-2020 - "Legends of tomorrow"
  • 2018 - "Tom and Grant"
  • 2019 - "Battheumen"
  • 2020 - "Being Light"

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