Series "Shadow and Bone" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


The release date of the drama-fantasy series "Shadow and Bone", filmed on the cycle of works of American writer Lee Bardugo, - April 23, 2021. The basis of the novels was the rethinking of the history of Tsarist Russia: the names of the characters and other names in the work are consonant with Slavic.

The audience is waiting for a fascinating journey into a fictional universe Ravka, where dangerous monsters live - Volkra. It is opposed to the forces of evil soldiers of the first army - Magi-Grisha, who own witchcraft charms. In the material 24cm - interesting facts about the series "Shadow and Bone", the actors that were filmed in it, and their roles, filming and plot.

Plot and shooting

In early 2019, it became known that "Netflix" announced the beginning of work on the ribbon on Li Bardgo's novels, published in 2012 and became bestsellers in the United States. The trilogy includes books "Shadow and Bone", "Storming and Storm" and "Crash and Sunrise". The acting was approved in October 2019. The shooting of the 1st season of the series "Shadow and Bone" was started in the autumn of the same year. The shooting period lasted 6 months.

The director's chair went to Tolera Krigera. Writer and Showranner became Eric Hayseser. The executive producer of fantasy tape was the author of Lee Bardo, together with Sean Levi, Dan Levayn and Eric Hayseser. Joseph Pathspaz wrote musical accompaniment to the picture.

In the storyline, the series screenwriters made some changes compared to the original narrative. For example, the canyon renamed the shadow belt, and some characters received other names.

In the plot of the event, the events of the 8th episodes of the 1st season are unfolded in a fantastic world, where the forces of evil, Volkra, lead a bloody war with Grisha magicians who oppose rivals with witchcraft. Grisha from ancient times are carriers of severe magic and belong to the elite army. For battle with Volckers in Ravka, along with soldiers, Alina Starkov, a young orphan girl and her best friend arrived. In the brutal battle of her friend Mallen almost confused monsters. But at that moment the heroine felt inside himself an awakening of the magic gift that could save this world from the forces of Darkness. In addition to battles and battles, the Love line is present in the film.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Shadow and Bone" performed:

  • Ben Barnes - Darkling, Charismatic Communion Army Grusha;
  • Jesse May Lee - Sun Clay Alina Starkova, which has magical forces;
  • Freddie Carter - the thief of Kaz Brecker;
  • Archie Renault - Mallen Oretsev, tracker and the best friend of Alina Starkova, with which they together grew up in an orphanage;
  • Amita Suman - Ineja Gafa, Assistant Kaz Brecker.

Also in the tape were filmed: Judging Dasguput (Zoya Nazaylenskaya), Daniel Galligan (Nina Zenik), Daisy Head (Zhenya Safina), Keith Jager (Yecept Face), Simon Sirs (Ivan) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Lee Tolland Cryger is also known as the author of the fantasy melodrama "Century Adalin" with Blake Liveli in the lead role. Showranner Eric Heisserver previously worked on the films "Nightmare on Elm Street", "Destination 5", "Arrival", "Boldship" and "bird box".

2. Shooting the 1st season of the series "Shadow and Bone" was held in Budapest, at Netflix's studio.

3. The creators of the project were told in an interview that in the series they united the stories of the "shadows and bones" and the characters of the "Six of Ravens" really unexpectedly.

4. The author of the novel of the same name, which lay down the scenario of the series "Shadow and Bone", the American writer Lee Bardugo, in 2020 he told in an interview about a peculiar rethinking of the history of Russia of the XIX century. According to Bardho, images that are associated with the US residents with Russian culture and history are endowed with a monstrous force. Beauty and cruelty are closely intertwined in them, and it makes them similar to fiction. Tsarist Russia in the author's novels is the starting point, but the speech here is not only about swords and jugs full of ale.

"If the story described in the novels about the Grusha's Universe would unfold in our world, then it would most like it at the beginning of the XIX century. Military technologies are developing, but in the hands of the heroes of Sabls, Musketes, although the rifles already appear in the arsenals. And at the same time, thanks to Magic Grusha, which in itself is similar to molecular chemistry, in this world there is a durable artificially created fabric, similar to the armor like their properties. In the second book, the trilogy "assault and storm" appear objects that are more difficult to present in our world, because the inhabitants of the Grisys are found all new combinations of mechanisms and magic, "says the writer.

5. The performer of the leading role Jessie May Li shared his impressions about the shooting. The actress said that during the work on a project in the team there were close, trusting, family relationships.

"I was shocked by openness, kindness and talentedness of each of you. All who worked on the site and above the scenario, as if they were sent to us from heaven. Your passion for work and generosity we, the actors, felt every minute. Your efforts made our work so pleasant as possible to imagine. "

The actress noted that the part of the captured material had already looked, and "incredibly proud of what he starred in this series. He is damn good. " Jesse Mei also emphasized that he could not even imagine that this journey would be so delightful.

6. The rating of the audience expectations of the series "Shadow and Bone" amounted to 98%.

Series "Shadow and Bone" - Trailer:

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