Jared Gilmore - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jared Gilmore is a young actor from America who woke up famous. He turned out to be only 11 years old when the most successful project was released on TV screens - the series "Once in a fairy tale." Interestingly, the guy never strove into cinema. His current success is pure water random.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born on May 30, 2000 in San Diego, California, 15 minutes earlier than his twin sister Taylor Gilmore. Initially, it was she who dreamed of becoming a star of the screen, but the circumstances were different.

Once at a meeting with agents on actors I had to go to the whole family. Jared Gilmore was taken and a teenager who was indifferent to the cinema, played computer games, and math called his beloved school subject. Agents are interested in both twins. They are together called for listening.

To improve these nature skills, Jared Gilmore 2 years visited courses for actors, models and singers at John Robert Powers school, which is in his native San Diego.

It is ironically that Taylor Gilmore was disappointed in the profession, which he dreamed of childhood, and her brother, who never strived under the light of Sofita, plunged into the process with his head. At first, he advertised adolescent clothes and starred in episodic roles in TV projects - for example, "without a trace", "in the last world", "room neighbors". The first success to Jared came after filming in the series "Madness".

Personal life

Details of the personal life of Jared Taylor helps to learn his account in "Instagram". Quite often, the actor lay out photos with his girlfriend a midwife scarlet. In her profile it is indicated:"I love cats, anime and computer games."

The hobby is united by lovers. So, on Avatar Taylor in "Instagram" a drawing created by his chosen one is installed. And they travel together on thematic events dedicated to the magic and anime world.

There are in the artist's tape and photos of Winnie and Rene. Judging by the "instagram", the mother of the actor and his sister succeed in equestrian sports.


The series "Madness" tells about the work of the fictional advertising agency "Sterling-Cooper" and, in particular, the life of his creative director of Don Driver. The main role was performed by John Hamm. Jared Gilmore played his son Bobby Driver.

The young actor spent the 3rd and 4th seasons in Caste "madmen" from 2009 to 2010. Such a short period of time was enough to notice the talent. In 2009, he awarded the US Guild Guild Guild for an outstanding speech in the dramatic series.

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The most successful in the biography of Jared Gilmor was 2011: he was approved for the role of Henry Mills to the series "Once in a fairy tale." For this character, Edward Kitssis and Adam Horowitz were looking for an actor who could play a mature and at the same time a vulnerable boy. Jared complied with the stated requirements.

"We knew that he had to be our Henry Mills!" - said Showranner.

The secret of success is simple - the character turned out to be close to Gilmor.

"I am 11 years old, I have a good imagination. Like Henry Mills, I like to invent and dive into the worlds with alternative realities, "the actor said.

The series "Once in a fairy tale" is divided into real and fabulous worlds. First, the audience see a classic magical plot. The evil queen played by Lana Road, is observed by all fairy creatures, with the exception of himself, on history with a unaptive end. When the curse comes true, the events are transferred to the world of people - in Boston, Massachusetts. Henry Mills appears here.

He is the adopted son of Regina Mills - the mayor of Storibruck, Maine. In the fabulous world, this woman is the evil queen, the guilt of the total misfortune.

Henry is to his real mother Emma Swan. She is playing Jennifer Morrison. Woman, despite his loneliness, does not want to include a biological son. She takes a boy from Boston in Storibruk.

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On the way, Henry Mills says that he has a book of fairy tales, all the characters of which actually exist. At first, Emma is skeptical about such fantasies, and then assured in their truthfulness. From this, the plot of the series "Once in a fairy tale" begins.

The shooting platform with Jared Gilmor was divided by Jennifer Goodwin, Jamie Danan, Joshua Dallas, Robert Carlisle, Robbie Kay and others.

In the world of red hats, Pinocchio, Rumpleshtilzhen, Captain Hook, Robin Hood, Cinderella, Snow White and other fabulous characters, Jared spent 7 years, from 2011 to 2017. In 2012, for the best performance in the television series, he was awarded the "Young Actor" premium.

In "Once in a fairy tale", 7 seasons, but before shooting the final Gilmore, and with it five more key actors left the set. The reason for the global solution, the young man did not spread.

Jared Gilmor now

After the series "Once in a fairy tale", the artist enjoys freedom. Now his goal is to get an education, and only then seriously think about the acting career. Therefore, in 2020, new films with Jared Gilmor did not have to wait. It is worth considering that the actor is at that age when the future is unknown, but promising. Maybe graduating from school, he will decide to change the profession.


  • 2008-2009 - "Talk Show with Spike Fervestment"
  • 2009-2010 - "Madness"
  • 2010 - "Hawthorne"
  • 2010 - "Plan B"
  • 2010 - "Nyanka for Christmas"
  • 2011-2018 - "Once in a fairy tale"

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