Star Children, Flashing Parents - Russian, Hollywood, Cause, Conflict, Relationship


The topic of the relationship between fathers and children remains relevant at all times and in each generation. There are often the situation when moms and dads experience difficulties in communicating with a teenage child, cannot find mutual understanding and disappointed in children. However, the opposite happens and on the contrary: when the younger generation looks much wiser and pupils in his behavior, than their fathers and mothers who behave inappropriate in the eyes of heirs.

In the material 24cm - star children, smudging parents.

Daughter Ozzy Osborne

The heiress of the scandalous star of Rock Kelly Osborne has repeatedly stated that he was ashamed of her father for her. So, the girl mentioned the case from life when Ozzy Osbourne in front of her buddies scissors cut the thongs that were visible from the daughter's jeans. From shame she burst out and did not know what to do. And Kelly's mother, who witnessed the situation, instead of entering the daughter, only laughed at the act of a spouse.

Also, the girl in one of the interviews remembered other moments associated with the indecent behavior of the Father, who forced her to experience a feeling of shame. There was a case when Ozzy locked daughter friends in the road, and had to call them to parents who were able to free children from captivity. Despite the scandalous features, father and daughter try to maintain warm family relationships. At the same time, Kelly says that she tries not to annoy Ozzy, so as not to get under the "hot hand" of the Father.

Son Sergey Zvereva

The attitudes of the father and the son of the beasts deteriorated when the heir of the star found out that they do not associate blood bonds. The secret that Sergey Zverev - the younger took from the orphanage, told the boy's grandmother during a family scandal. Then Zverev-younger was offended and decided to find biological parents. With the receiving dad, Sergey has ceased to communicate and since then they do not support communication.

According to Zverev Jr., he experienced a feeling of shame because of the participation of Sergei Zverev in various scandals and its eccentric actions. Oils in the fire poured the guy's marriage on a girl who did not like the famous Russian artist. Later it became known that the adoptive son of Zverev and his spouse are happy in marriage and do not depend on the singer.

Children David Beckham

Among the football fan guys will not need to find those who would not dream about the father-athlete, and besides, so famous as David Beckham. However, the sons of this famous football player also found themselves in the selection of "Star Children, Streaming Parents."

The reason, according to celebrities, lies in the fact that, being adolescents, the boys shunted public manifestations of love from the side of the Father. The eldest son refused that parents bring him to the school gate, because for a teenager it does not look cool in the eyes of buddies. Also, the guys avoided taking the father's kisses for strangers and were not delighted with the demonstrative manifestations of love and tenderness, although they remember later about such moments with a smile.

Daughter Anastasia Volochkova

Ariadne - the daughter of the famous Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. Mother's addiction to rapid photo sessions In the frank postures, it was clearly not necessary to like a serious and judicial girl and was the cause of family conflict. Volochkova, the opinion of his daughter did not take into account, believing that intrigues and scandals are part of the publicity and her profession. Later it became known that the heirs of celebrities moved to live to his father Igor Vdovina. At the same time, the Volley did not even report the exact address where her daughter is.

The ballet star admits that she still found a way to maintain communication with Ariad. According to Anastasia Volochkova, with her daughter managed to find mutual understanding. Mother explained to the girl that she dreams of marrying and establish a personal life. Daughter reacted with understanding and wants mom to be happy.

Daughter Aleka Baldina

One day, a famous Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin tried to call his daughter Ayrend. However, the girl did not take the phone for a long time, and his father did not restrain the emotions, shook the heir to the unpleasant words and offensive statements. Recording with this incident fell to journalists, and the scandal quickly flared up in the press. Ayrend had to give acquittal comments.

In addition, one of the insults that the father said, the "adhered" to the girl as a nickname, and she took her a lot of time and effort to get rid of him. After this unpleasant incident in the family, friendly relationships were established, the daughter forgot the resentment and forgave the Father.

Son Madonna

Being the son of famous parents means always being in the center of attention. Not all children dream of such a lifetime, and the heirs of stars often experience a lot of inconveniences. The son of Madonna Rocco has repeatedly spoke in an interview that it is difficult for him to accept the fact that his mother constantly finds himself in the center of scandals.

Journalists also ask him to comment on strange pictures that the star places on the network. These circumstances are incredibly angry and annoy Rocco. In protest, the guy more than once wanted to leave the house, and since 2015 he moved to her father to England. Madonna has repeatedly admitted on the network, which misses her son.

Daughter Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress Gwyneth Paltrow has the daughter of Apple and the Son Mosels, who were also in the selection of "star children, smudging parents." A celebrity admits that he does not consider itself an exemplary parent. On the air of Tok Show, Gwyneth admitted that her children were ashamed of their mother. Even if the actress is in the presence of foreign people silently stand and do nothing, her daughter is ready to declare: "Mom, stop!"

In an interview, Gwyneth Paltrow told about the moment when she felt that "failed as a mother." It happened when her daughter was driving the car and accidentally drove on the red light. Mother who was sitting next to, could not hold back emotions and shook at daughter. The epple burst out, and Gwyneth felt terrible. After this case, the celebrity tried to relax in such situations and remember the past mistakes.

In addition, some doctors began to blame the star in the fact that she planted children on a strict diet. According to doctors, the son and daughter actresses look too thin, since there are no enough proteins and carbohydrates, other useful substances from products. Gwyneth itself answers criticism that its heirs are allergic to some products, so this feature is taken into account in their menu: products containing gluten are excluded from the diet.

Children Nicole Kidman

Daughters Nicole Kidman Faith and Sanday also hit the selection of "Star Children, Streaming Parents." The celebrity said that one day they were going to walk with girls, and the younger stated that he would not go anywhere until his mother would put in order. The elder sister supported her and reported that Nicole needs to change the outfit, put her hair and make it possible. The actress with sadness says that very soon her daughters will become a teenagers, and she, alas, will not become younger.

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