Gennady Yanaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Soviet Worker, GCCP



Soviet politician Gennady Yanaev was a prominent statesman, vice president of the Soviet Union and the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. His participation in the coup of 1991 is still investigated by historians and is of interest.

Childhood and youth

Gennady Ivanovich Yanaev was born in the Nizhny Novgorod region, his ambiguous biography began in difficult times. In August 1937, native, agricultural workers, have not yet known that a terrible war is coming to the depiction.

Family and neighbors were precipitated by the fate of the test, the mother sent the Son to the school when the enemy retreated. The boy studied mathematics, environmental education and physics, and also read the works of Russian academic luminaries.

The middle education certificate allowed the future policy to enter the Higher Educational Institution for the Faculty of Technical Faculty. In the mid-1950s, the Gorky Agricultural Institute wrote a laudatory reviews on the pages of Soviet newspapers.

A young man, since childhood, who had abilities to accurate sciences, received a specialty mechanical engineer and a corresponding diploma. According to professional distribution, he fell into the Altai Territory, where he had gained experience that needed in the future.

Vice President of the USSR Gennady Yanaev

In 1959, Gennady returned to a small homeland and as a member of the Komsomol organization headed the mechanized detachment. Subsequently, he received a position in the Knyaginsky branch of "agricultural machinery" and at a high post achieved recognition and honorary awards.

Being an active community, at the age of 26, Yanaev became the first secretary of the Gorky Committee of the VLKSM organization. The position of the youth leader required additional knowledge, and he combined work with study, without experiencing problems.

Becoming a graduate of the Alumni All-Union Law Institute, Gennady received the post of Chairman of the Council of Youth Organizations of the USSR. Developing international relations based on sports and culture, the native of the Nizhny Novgorod region showed a good example.

Personal life

About the personal life of a talented policy to society a little, in the Soviet Union it was not accepted to take into the world of family members. It is probably therefore in publications dedicated to Gennady Ivanovich, there are no photos with parents, spouses or children.

There is information that in adulthood the man played the first wedding. Rose's wife, an agrochemist engineer, became the mother of two daughters. Maria, released from the university, became a professional lawyer, and Svetlana is a certified psychologist, advised rich people.

The second wife of Yanayev was a teacher of history, there is no significant information about the details of these relationships. In the 90s interviews of the relatives of the Nizhny Novgorod region appeared on the pages of one of the private Russian newspapers.

Career and politics

In his youth, having mastered the subtleties of work in youth organizations, Yanaev found understanding and support in diplomatic circles. He established contacts with foreigners, standing in the "Friendship Societies" created in the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Gennady Yanaev composed of GKCP

The man was seriously interested in geography and history, in Almanae "around the world" he found like-minded people and friends. Before joining a large policy, a graduate of the agricultural institution was the author and editor of the journalistic articles.

Thanks to the useful links acquired during this period, Yanaev received the post of deputy chairman of the WCSPS. From the moment the man became the leader of the trade union structure, its achievements were caused by state interest.

In the late 80s, Gennady Ivanovich became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, expanding the powers, fell into the authorities of the Supreme Power. He worked at the Commission on the rehabilitation of people of Crimean-Tatar nationality and tried to be aware of the activities of government spheres.

In mid-1990, Yanaev, with the support of the environment at the All-Union Congress, was elected to the Central Committee of the CPSU. After a time he became a member of the Communist Party, demonstrating professional, public and personal progress.

Then a member of the Politburo put forward the candidacy for the post of vice president, this decision was supported and approved Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. In the circle of educated figures that have been working in the government, Gennady Ivanovich very quickly found followers and enemies.

Unfortunately, the successful career policy ended, not starting: in the country with an outstanding past, the state coup. The fact that the prominent community has performed the duties of the president during the head of the head, became the subject for acute.

At the moment of the inevitable death of the immense powerful power, Yanaev was a member and leader in the organization of the GCCP. Alexander Rutsk, Boris Yeltsin, Stanislav Shushkevich and others opposed "Patriots" in a short, but intense struggle.

As a result, in August 1991, after the suppression of the coup, an agreement was signed about the Union of sovereign states. For Gennady Ivanovich and other opponents of this "rapid" decision began time of deprivation, criminal persecution and solarms.

Gennady Yanaev in old age

The USSR Vice-President was arrested, since he did not possess inviolability, during the investigation he was in prison "Sailor Silence". The transfer of Andrei Karaulova with the confession of the prisoner Yanayev after recording on television was instantly prohibited.

In early 1993, Gennady Ivanovich fell under the amnesty, the deputies of the Russian State Duma decided to free it. Returning home, the former politician has adapted for some time and, accustomed to reality, he studied in a new way to live.

He worked in the Committee of Veterans and Disabled Public Service and the Foundation "The spiritual and educational complex of traditional religions in Moscow". In old age, the man with two higher education tried to continue to benefit the multinational country.

In the last years of the life of Yanaev, who defended his dissertation, was the head of the history department and brought up students. He released a publicistic work in co-authorship with Sergei Bolotnov about Russia's foreign policy in the mid-2000s.


In the prison chamber, Gennady Ivanovich acquired a number of chronic diseases, problems with the lungs aggravated in 2010. After an elderly man was taken to Moscow hospital, close relatives felt the approaching misfortune.

Doctors found in Yanayev signs of a malignant tumor, the appointed chemotherapy of relief did not bring. For the second spouse, politics and children from the first marriage in this difficult period, life seemed to froze.

Gennady Yanayev's grave at the Trocerovskaya Cemetery of Moscow

As a result, the cancer of the respiratory authorities was the cause of the inevitable death, the sad news was the theme of numerous newspaper articles. A colleagues, like-minded people and a dozen of non-indifferent people gathered at the Trojezhrovsk cemetery in September 2010.

Members of the Communist Party expressed condolences to the close, at the funeral attended Lyudmila Shevtsov, deputy and deputy mayor of Moscow. Mikhail Solomonovich Gusman, a journalist and TV presenter, recalled the gathered that Yanaev was a patriot of his native country.

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