Anna Freud - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, psychoanalyst, daughter Freud



Anna Freud - the daughter of the Austrian psychoanalyst, became the continuing of the case of a scientist, as a specialization chose the consciousness of juvenile children. During the years of fruitful work, a woman who settled in the UK wrote a number of textbooks, books and journalistic articles.

Childhood and youth

Anna Freud was born in the Austrian capital on December 3, 1895 in the family of a scientist Sigmund Freud and his legitimate wife. Being a sixth and youngest child of the famous Xochoanalya, she at an early age joined the cultural traditions of the country.

As a child, the father fundamentally did not pay attention to the baby, grew up under the supervision of Mother and the care of brothers and sisters. Nanny, who worked in the house of 24 hours a day, was a close friend who could be seen and support the conversation.

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Anna told the woman about his own experiences and fears, after the time identifying professional fate. And communication with private teachers invited to Freud's family, more often resembled a daily irreconcilable struggle.

At 13 years old, a curious girl became interested in the affair of the parent, reading and comprehendly a number of works published by Freud. The author of works affected by this circumstance took up his daughter at the beginning of the 1900s.

Despite this, a representative of the famous names around the world entered a specialized institution who was preparing teachers. In his youth, she worked at the school teacher of primary classes, in parallel observing the formation of the psychology of children.

In his free time, Anna tried to attend father lectures, where he met a number of intelligent intelligent men. Freud over time became a personal consultant and teacher of the girl, for this step he was pushed out objective reasons.

Personal life

Unlike the sisters and Brothers Anna was not happy in his personal life, she had no fans who claimed the role of husbands. A strained schedule of work in a number of scientific institutions impeded the legitimate marriage and the emergence of children.

In his youth, in addition to psychoanalysis, Anna was fond of knitting, his father said that she was so subconsciously replaced by sex. The researchers of the woman's biography believed that in fact the mind and the ability to the psychoanalysis were shocked and frightened men.

On Freud's fate, a military conflict, which turned over Europe, was reflected: the coming to power Adolf Hitler could destroy the whole family. Representatives of Jewish nationality after a number of interrogations in Gestapo preferred voluntary expulsion of the nervous life.

Father and mentor by that time suffered from the incurable disease, he did not survive moving to the territory of a foreign country. Anna, who was thinking about the parent, lived in Paris and London, where the consequences of the terrible Second World War were less felt.

Scientific activity

In the late 1910s, Anna left pedagogical activities, joining the scientific circle of highly educated people. The girl regularly participated in international events, where the authors of a number of progressive ideas were present and performed.

Freud goal at that time was membership in the Vienna psychoanalytic society, for this she conducted a study and made an independent report. Approval of the description of the fantasies and dreams of a frightened 15-year-old girl was appreciated by the debutant tank above the honorary government awards.

In early 1923, Anna became a practicing psychologist, specialized in the problems of adolescents and young children. The experience of the teacher helped the daughter of Sigmund Freud more than the benefits and articles published at the time.

Father's advice and his participation in the development of a brilliant career contributed to the fact that Anna has made leadership posts. After receiving international recognition as the Secretary General of the psychoanalytic society, she attracted the attention of many owners of light minds.

A woman entered the controversy from Melanie Klein from the UK, who studied the children's psyche through the prism of adult problems. Austria's natives point of view entirely and fully divided the companion, a colleague and a close friend named Dorothy Burning.

Using the techniques and methods developed by the famous ancestor, Anna founded the direction based on the concept of "I". In the center of ego-psychology, parts of Neofreedism, stood children's experiences as a reflection of being.

The woman researcher applied to the study of the nature of aggression as a motivated negative reaction aimed against accepted norms. The projection of the conclusions on the field of child psychoanalysis in the 30-40s belonged to the reform category.

Working with patients of adolescence, Anna got acquainted with family right, she described the results of sessions in a number of scientific articles. Most of the professional career, a woman was devoted to his own clinic, hundreds of need needed the help of children took place through her hands.

The application of gaming therapy is considered to be a contribution to modern science, which has been beneficial to the state of victims of World War II. Tens of cases described in early works on psychology were extremely interesting and at the same time complex.

Colleagues from many countries of the world recognized the authority of Anna, the theories presented in scientific papers are used in medicine so far. Books "Ego and Protection Mechanisms", "Introduction to psychoanalysis for teachers" in the 30s of the 20th century, produced in society Furore.

People who read the works attracted the availability of the presentation, for everyone they had an answer to a prominent question. The guarantee of successful treatment of cultivated pathologies was considered timely elimination of practical external threats.

A bridgehead for practical and scientific activities was a Hampsted clinic in England, on the basis of the institution created courses for interested people. Freud, who personally developed a program of additional education, prepared a pleiad of highly qualified doctors.


At the end of the life, Anna dwells in an old mansion in London, it was there she was overtaken death from natural reasons. At the farewell ceremony in October 1982, dozens of confusion people were attended.

In the will of the daughter, Sigmund Freud was a decree of cremation, the dust was placed in the tomb, where family members were resting. The house with the original setting, personal documentary and photo archive was turned into a museum of scientists by non-indifferent people.

Scientific work

  • 1926 - "Introduction to psychoanalysis for teachers"
  • 1936 - "Ego and Protection Mechanisms"
  • 1946 - "psychoanalytic treatment of children"
  • 1965 - "Normal and pathological in childhood: development of development"
  • 1973 - "On the other side of the main interests of the child"
  • 1979 - "Before the main interests of the child"

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