Interesting Facts about Jony - Childhood, Music, Career, "Mask", "Alley"


On May 2, 2021, the final of the 2nd season of the "Mask" show was held, whose winner was the singer Jony, whose lyrical compositions won millions of hearts. Interesting facts about Jony - in the editorial material 24cm.

Fight with a girl

In interesting facts about Jony include the fact that in childhood he was engaged in kickboxing. Easually supported by the elder brother, who "pulled out" a little jahide in training, helping that it becomes more stronger than not even physically, but morally.

In one of the interview, the performer remembered that one day he was put in sparring with a girl. Initially, he refused to fight, but the coach promised to count the technical defeat. Then Jony thought that since she had reached the final, he had sufficient physical strength, and agreed. During the sparring, he saw tears in his eyes through the helmet. And he realized that she was crying not from physical pain, but from understanding what he was losing.

Duet with gagarina

For his browse career, Jony has already managed to sing a duet with El'man, Hammali & Navai, Andro, Emin and Motom. But its dreaming can be attributed to the duet with the Russian singer of Polina Gagarina. The performer recognized that he had somehow heard Gagarin performed the song "Cuckoo", and since then he does not leave the idea of ​​a joint record. Joni like not only the style of execution of Polina and her voice chamber, but also in character. He believes that close to the singer in spirit, and therefore the duet can be successful.


In interesting facts about Jony, it is possible to take the fact that he received a scenic pseudonym thanks to his mother. When at 6 years old, a boy who knows how to talk only in Azerbaijani, went to the Russian school, he had difficulty. The director said that Jahid Huseynley should learn Russian, and parents urgently hired him a tutor, who helped the boy to get used in just 3 months.

Also, classmates Jahid could not pronounce his name, and therefore soon he began to seem like Joni. This name went from his mother - Jony in childhood loved to watch the cartoon about Johnny Bravo, and the woman sometimes teased her son, calling him the name of the main character. So baby nickname in the future glorified Jahid.

Absolute Heath

Jony has repeatedly admitted that under each of his composition lies a real story. However, what pushed him to write a song "Alley", he refuses to speak, referring to some personal history. In an interview with Jahid noted that he immediately felt the peculiarity of this composition and really sobbed when he wrote the text and music.

Inspiration came to him at night, he suddenly felt the tide of strength and energy. Quickly sketched the words and music, and went to show his soundhorter. Together they realized that Jony was capable of more, and already after 20 minutes the text appeared, which is now familiar to all artist fans. A couple of hours managed to record and release the song, and the singer realized that she would become an absolute hit.

Communication with homeless

Like the American singer Lady Gaga, Jony never scares and will not refuse to communicate with a homeless person. He was always surprised by how fate could be unfair to one and give all sorts of benefits to others. Back in the student years, the performer tried to help the needy and now, when he became famous, did not begin and continues the good deed.

An interesting fact from the life of Jony can be considered that, unlike many, communicates with the homeless singer not for the sake of Haip and beautiful headlines in the media. He will always not only feed the needy, but also sincerely ascend, as a person got into such a situation, it may help to change the life of tramp. Jony himself confessed that he was inspired by the stories of other people, so most of his songs can be said based on real events.

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