Valery Chapecalo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Candidate of President of Belarus 2021



On August 9, 2020 - the election day of the President of Belarus. Since the formation of the independent republic, the intrigue of this event is reduced to zero, and therefore they do not expect large surprises from these elections. However, the competition in the struggle for power aggravated as ever, and the candidates, among whom the diplomat and public figure Valery Chapecalo are created by Alexander Lukashenko.

Childhood and youth

Valery was born on February 22, 1965. Family of the future candidate for the President of the Republic of Belarus lived in Grodno. Parents, chemicals - Education engineers, worked all their lives at the enterprise "Grodno Azot". An example of the father of William and Mother Nina, the faithful chosen profession, prompted the chapecot to follow their footsteps. After graduating from school, where he in-depth studied English, the guy entered the metropolitan technological institute.

It turned out to be easy, because Valera studied good, although it was impossible to call him "Botany": the boy had enough time to the yard, and on football with hockey. But the wishes of the parents to arrange a sole son in a music school sharply opposed. They were pleased that the child reads a lot and knows how to arrange their own leisure. According to the mother, she felt the guilt for the fact that all day disappeared at work. After years, the woman was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor".

Having studied 2 years, the young man was forced to go into the army, because by the time students of universities abolished reservation. The service took place in the Khmelnitsky division of missile troops. 1984-1986 The man recalls as interesting, since he fell to guard mines with intercontinental ballistic missiles, and then work in a mobile spare command post.

Army time gave Valery the opportunity to reconsider the views on the future calling, and, returning home, he unexpectedly decided to learn from the diplomat. For this, the chapel moved to Moscow, where since 1986 he joined MGIMO students. After graduating from a university with a red diploma, Belorus entered the graduate school and later became a candidate of law sciences in the field of international law.

Personal life

Since the organization of the election campaign, Chapecklo took a course for publicity and does not make a secret from personal life. On the contrary, Valery came to the first official press conference, accompanied by Veronica's wife. The spectacular blonde made a pleasant impression and did not refuse an interview with the Belarusian media, stressing that the family's appearance policy in public is a follow-up to normal international practice.

Spouse Chapecko comes from Mogilev. Like a husband, she has a higher diplomatic education obtained in BSU, and also graduated from the Higher School of Management and Business BGEU, raised the qualifications abroad. Being a mother of two children, a woman never left his career. She is an employee of the Regional Division of the International Corporation and is responsible for developing a business in the countries of the Customs Union.

Veronica is convinced that a woman should not be just a housewife, but also a full-fledged partner, a companion and a different husband. Along with Valery, the spouse meets with representatives of initiative groups, is engaged in organizing meetings, decides the administrative issues of the work of the headquarters. At the same time, she has enough time to upbringing two sons, Peter and Andrei Tspecklo, whose photo politician and his wife lay out in social networks "Facebook" and "Instagram".

The family loves spending time in the fresh air, preferring to the housewife walking, running and cycling. To be closer to nature, the house built a house. Construction has been delayed for 8 years, but with the beginning of the election campaign the property had to sell. The candidate's wife believes that the victim is not so significant, given that it is brought in the name of such a major goal as the transformation of the currently retrograde Belarus into a modern democratic state under the control of a new leader.

Career and elections

Valery's professional biography began with work at the Finnish Soviet Embassy in 1991. The chapecot watched how a large empire collapses, and after it, trade and export links that were 30% provided to the economy of the Scandinavian country. The experience of how Finland got out of the deep crisis and in a matter of years turned into a country with developed production, inspired the future candidate for the presidency and forced him to think about the situation and prospects of his native Belarus, where he returned after the collapse of the USSR.

By the position of the secretary in the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, he over time he moved to the position of Advisor Stanislav Shushkevich - at that time, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic. The next career step was the post of Ambassador Belarus in the United States. In 1994, Chapecko worked in the election headquarters of Alexander Lukashenko, after whose victory was the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In the early 2000s, Valeria began to gradually shift towards science and technology. A man hasnden to the idea of ​​creating the Belarusian "silicon valley", which in 2005 led to the emergence of high technology park. The chapecal put every effort to stop the leakage of engineers and IT specialists and build a local industry for the production of competitive intellectual product.

Valery Chapecko and Alexander Lukashenko

In 2017, Valery was dismissed from PVT to the Presidential Decree of the President, since, from the point of view of senior guidance, did not meet the entrusted confidence and did not reach the promised economic indicators. According to another version, the man fell into opal due to critical views on the methods of the current government regarding business entities.

In the spring of 2020, at the age of 55, Chapecko voiced the intention to run for the presidency of the Republic of Belarus. Without picking up itself to the opposition, Valery Williamovich still acts as criticizing the existing regime and encourages the fellow citizens together to build a democratic state, which will be based on the principle of mutual respect for the people and power. In the process of collecting signatures, the candidate has enlisted support for 200 thousand compatriots.

Valery Chapecklo now

Valery Williamovich continues to participate in the election race, while on June 19, 2020, there was an arrest of another presidential candidate - banker Viktor Babarico. After the placement of the main competitor, Lukashenko in the SIZO on the streets of Minsk began to arrange shares in defense of the detainee.

Earlier, on May 29, during a picket on the collection of signatures, under dubious circumstances, another applicant was arrested for the presidential post - blogger and the oppositionist Sergey Tikhanovsky. Everyone began to write everything about the global political atmosphere of Belarus to private telegrams-channels.

In the meantime, the chapeculus is divided with future voters by the program, stating that the main danger to the country is not external threats, but the archaic of government, ineffective economy and poverty. About Russia politician responds with respect and argues that it will retain the status of Russian as official in the country.

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