Ilya Polezhakin (character) - photos, "daddy daughters", actor, Mikhail Cossacks, Galina Sergeevna


Character History

Ilya Polezhakin - Merchant and Dobryak, deprived of ingenuity, but compensating for this lack of physical strength. Groom Galina Sergeyevna in the Russian television series "Daddy's daughters" loved the audience to children's vitality and sincerity.

History of character creation

"Daddy's father" is one of the "long-playing" domestic sitcomes, broadcast on the CTC television from 2007 to 2013. The film was sheltered many Russian actors, and today they associate with their heroes in this project.

For Mikhail Cossack, the role in the comedy series was not a start in his career. The boy in his childhood became the normally of the famous "Elash". Already then he won the heart of the audience. In the humorous newsrier, the young actor was shot up to 16 years.

Having acquired the role of a smiling fat man, the young man later participated in the filming of full-length films. The role in the "daddy daughters" was literally created for Mikhail Kazakov. At that time, the actor was already 19 years old, and he had to show a high school student. The difference in the age did not frighten or the young talent, nor producers. Yes, and high growth (180 cm) only strengthened the impression of the main school hooligan.

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The image of the beacher archetyapic. A similar hero met the audience in the Sitkom "Univer" - Eduard Kuzmin (Kuzya). Combines these characters a lot - they are good-natured, look at the world with children's immediacy, a little "stupid" and used to solve problems with force, and not in the dialogue.

As for Kazakov, he managed for 6 years not to annoy the viewer of the same type of behavior. Due to the fact that he did not brag about the mind and ingenuity, his actions did not cease to amaze.

But the main "china" of the scenarios was the Union of Single Hooligan and Honor with Merper and Khulina Galina Sergeyevna. This incredible couple of relaxary personalities joined favorable relationships: Ilya defended Vasnetsov from the attacks of classmates, and Galya helped a friend in their studies. Everything would be nothing if they did not hit the Amur arrow.

Therefore, the further development of this communication is interested in the viewer. And despite the fact that in the final of the series everyone was waiting for a surprise, this incredible duet was and remains the most comedy on Russian screens.

Image and Biography Ilya Poleazhenkina

The spectators saw the two-year-olds and a New Year in the 3rd series of Sitkom, when Galina Sergeyevna fell into his class. By the way, another sister Vasnetsov, Dasha, who was also not distinguished by zeal to study.

The new team met "Botanchu" disapprovingly. However, any attempts to offend a little girl in glasses and with pigtails on the head for the root bent Poleazhenkin. As for this character, the saying "The Strength is - the mind is not necessary." Schoolchildren knew that Ilya would not ceremony with dissenters, but immediately hesitate to the fist.

Therefore, from this strange couple behind, occasionally launching caustic comments towards the guy who sometimes did not understand. Galina Sergeyevna saw in the neighbor on the desk of sincere, honest and not at all evil person. Not wanting to stop spiritual impulses, she put all the strength on the teenager graduating from school.

Ilya himself did not differ in motivation to study. His idol was Arnold Schwarzenegger - american actor whose posters replaced wallpaper in the room. Favorite items, naturally, was physical education. There the guy showed the best results. The glory of the strongest student was entrusted to him. But a friend of Galina Sergeyevna was anyone to be afraid.

First of all, Father - Vasily Poleazhenkina. This is a harsh man with the Ural roots, in the past working on a car-building factory. Two sons brings up in rigor, does not sift physical punishments.

Ilya respects the parent and wants to be like him. Therefore, it is not very striving for knowledge, thinking about entering PTU and obtaining a working specialty. His older brother Philip is an accurate copy of the Father. High, static guy, versed in mechanics.

Between two heirs often fighting. They live in the same room, where it is difficult to push around, since everything is forced by sports inventory.

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A description of the early biography of the character explains his character. In the family respect only power. Consequently, who is stronger and higher, that and right. This rule the boy learned since childhood, and it became a certain landmark in life. However, the appearance of the hero of the hero of punishable features has made adjustments.

Sincere feelings arose between schoolchildren. However, it was Rather Platonic Love, without hints for a serious continuation. Ilya if a kiss received from his romantic ideal, it was a modest touch of lips to the cheek. But more flunk merchant and did not need.

The audience saw in this relationship already a little matured heroes negative moments. The sacrifice of Galina Sergeyevna was amazed. When the girl received a chance to externally finish the 10th grade, he refused to offer not to throw a guy alone. She was waiting for a great future, study abroad, but Vasnetsov chose the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - again because of Polekin.

Such care looked absurdly, and the desire of the pride of the school for care over no longer a small boy should once run out. The audience understood that the winner of the Olympiad ruins the talent and youth, not receiving anything in return.

Therefore, the fact that Poleazhenkin married another was the first reason for the entry of this ridiculous union to the final stage of relations. The guys began to give each other less time.

By the way, the family life of Ilya lasted long. His wife Irina Konstantinovna was the daughter of the Father's Chief. Marriage for parental punishment did not meet himself, and soon a student of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs became a bachelor. But in this status, a prominent guy passed very little.

Finally, a girl appeared in the fate of a young man, next to which he did not feel stupid. She became Katya - the daughter of the painshore Zina. A bright blonde also lacked the stars from the sky, did not shake a friend for the wrong pronunciation of words and looked at him like a hero.

Considering that the series was closed after the 20th season, some plot lines were not completed. It also touched the relationship of Kati and Ilya. In the last appearance, the characters performed in the status of a guy and a girl. About how long-term their love was, the audience can now only build guesses.

Interesting Facts

  • The strongest class student was sick for PFC CSKA Moscow.
  • Mikhail Cossacks in 2005 killed a man while trying to protect a classmate. The point was not committed to publicity. The relatives of the deceased did not require a real term, and the guy did not go to prison, passing under the article "Exceeding self-defense".
  • One of the scenarios of the series is an actor and a member of KVN Ilya Polezhakin. Not only did his name borrowed the character of the film, but he also played in the picture of the older brother Hero - Philip.
  • Favorite dishes "Groom" Galina Sergeyevna - Cabbages and dumplings.
  • Although the role in Sitkom for Mikhail Kazakova was not debut, but participation in the project glorified him. However, the actor today pays more attention to business.


"I'm this ... before I wanted to go. Yes, here ... And as it were, the little thing was put on there ... so, it means ... and the symbol of wisdom broke ... here ... and then the same garbage. III, it means ... And there is no money, yes. I had to glue. "" For each tricky, there is a Polekin with a fork! "" A! Mental! Mental, yes, the strength is cool. It's me as a future ment saying! "


  • 2007-2013 - "Daddy's Daughters"

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