Famous feminists of Russia - Facts, achievements, which have achieved, movement, position


The ideas of feminism worldwide are associated as a struggle for women's rights. But many still have a vague understanding about this concept, and the basic principles and ideology of movement often cause a flurry of critics and negative reactions to adherents and supporters. The statements and publications of the sequences of this ideology become the subject of hot discussions and disputes, often cause loud resonance in society and on the expanses of Internet resources.

In material 24cm - famous feminists of Russia and what they achieved.

Zalina Marshenkulova

The well-known Russian journalist with Caucasian roots, blogger-feminist Zalina Marshenkulov became famous in 2019 thanks to the advertising campaign # Nivka. She is also known as the founder of the Breaking Mad cult site, which publishes absurd, strange and terrible Russian news. The well-known feminist of Russia Marshenkulova stands for the maximum equality of men and women, accounts in popular social networks, publishes articles in "CNOB" and in other online publications. Also, the magnesium became the author of the book "Women's Power" and leads the same telegram-account.

Fire profiles in social networks are easy to distinguish from original names and names: "Antichrist's beacon", "Grobil in the village", "Sentimental Butcher" and another containing obscene vocabulary. Marinaskulova's Zalina more than once became an Internet traffle object and received real threats for his sharp statements on the network, and the Azerbaijani community in 2020 promised a reward for a decrease in a feminist size of 120 thousand rubles.

Irina Yukina

The author of the book "Russian feminism as a challenge of modernity", which the American edition of "Critica" called the encyclopedia of this course, Irina Yukina also enters the selection of "famous feminists of Russia". In his work, Irina Yukina talks about the history of the development of this flow in Russia, its roots, tasks, ideology and effectiveness.

In addition, Yukina calls himself an "expert in feminine and gender history and sociology" and considers the opinion that feminism was brought to Russia, stupid and ridiculous. According to the conviction of activist, feminism in Russia, as in other countries, has formed in society "as an answer to the problems arising in its depths."

Irina Yukina

Tatyana Nikonova

One of the most famous Russian representatives of feminism Tatyana Nikonov was popular in 2007 after the founding of a blog about sexual education. Nikonov also became the chief editor and the founder of the blog "Gossip.ru", dedicated to the life of celebrities. In addition, the well-known feminist of Russia Tatyana Nikonova is the author of articles and publications about sex, relations between a man and a woman, gender issues.

On May 12, 2021, it became known that Nikonova's fem-enlightenment was sustained from life aged 43 years. The cause of death was the disease, however, the details of the tragedy are relatives and friends prefer not to betray public and ask people to be tactical to the grief of relatives.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova

To the famous feminist of Russia, the Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, World Glory came as part of the Scandalous Punk Rock Group Pussy Riot in February 2012. For participation in the "Perfomance" in the Church of Christ the Savior Tolokonnikova received a sentence in the form of imprisonment for 2 years under the article "Hooliganism".

After an early liberation of amnesty, Tatiana took up the protection of the rights of prisoners and together with the like-minded man Maria Alekhina founded the organization of the "Law Zone". Also, Tolokonnikova also considers the Internet edition of the MediaZone, which she founded along with Alekhina.

Alina Pavlovich

According to its own definition, the "moderate, nera-kalny" feminist Alina Pavlovich, despite the young age, achieved recognition in Russia and beyond the "positive and constructive ideas". The girl became interested in this theme at the age of 16, it was outraged by violation of women's rights, domestic and family violence, discrimination against sexual sign. Alina believes that the domestic violence is one of the most important problems in the present Russia. Girls who encountered it, prefer not to discuss this topic with outsiders, are afraid to speak openly.

Pavlovich also believes that parents allow serious mistakes in raising children, for example, when they say that the girl should not be angry if the boy pulls her for braids: after all, he manifests sympathy, and that's good. A woman from orphanage gets used to obey and indulge a man, such behavior encourage adults and parents. According to feminists, among young people, few people understand what feminism is, and most guys and girls still adhere to patriarchal views, as well as the older generation.

Alina Pavlovich

Nika Waterwood

Feminist and Kiberactivistika Nika Waterwood, whose popularity noted the edition of Forbes is also known as the author of the Nixelpixel Youtyub-Channel. The ideas of feminism was originally treated with irony, and seriously began to get involved in this topic since 2013, when he studied at the sociological faculty of the Higher School of Economics. The decisive moment was the acquaintance of the student with the themed blog of the White (Anastasia Davydova-Lewis) in the social network "VKontakte".

The video blog on "Youtyuba", which became one of its main achievements, Waterwood began to be held since 2016. Curious fact: The first rollers on the foundations of feminism brought her popularity among the Russian-speaking audience of the resource and recruited from 500 thousand to 4 million views in a short time. The activist is not shy for openly discussing topics such as women's failure to shave, their own sex life, masturbation and combating family violence.

Bella Rapoport.

A native of St. Petersburg Bella Rapoport is known as an intersectic and LGBT feminist. The theory of intersections, which Bella adheres to, studies different forms of oppression and discrimination. Rapoport works in the media since 2011, publishes articles in socio-political editions, on Internet resources, works by a copywriter.

Particular attention in their works feminist pays minority issues. In the spring of 2015, Rapoport provoked a major scandal with the participation of the "Medusa" edition, which published a provocative post in Twitter. After that, a wave of negativity in the network hit the journalist: unfamiliar people sent her insults and made it a trolling object. According to Bella, after that, she had a "professional burnout" and she had to seek help from a psychotherapist.

Maria Arbatova

Russian writer, Writer, Publicist and playwright Maria Arbatov is known in Russia and abroad as an activist of the feminist movement. In 2008, a flurry of critics hit Arbatov, the reason for which her position was during the campaign for the liberation of the former Yukos lawyer Svetlana Bakhmina. In his article, Maria Arbatov condemned the woman and her defenders, spoke out against her early liberation, while the majority opposed her. After that, for many well-known people, Arbatov became a "neuropahibit" man, caused cultural shock and loud resonance.

Arbatova emphasizes that it does not believe in the existence of "second half" and considers himself a "whole being". The writer's marriage and famous feminist of Russia considers the "question of passion, tact and partnership," and a happy marriage in her understanding is when "do not go to your legs in your mental territory."

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