Eddie Caspbrak (character) - Photo, "It", film, actor, book, Stephen King


Character History

Eddie Caspbrak is the hero of the work of Stephen King "It" and the subsequent fuses of the novel. The most weak of the "Club of Losers" was destined to build a successful career, and then perish in the monastery of nightmares of his childhood.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​the novel came to the head of the famous writer back in 1978. On the store shelves, the book appeared in 1986, adding a list of centenary bestsellers.

Inspiration for the author was the Norwegian fairy tale "Three goats and troll". With light hand Stephen King Bridge, under which the troll lived, turned into a fictional city of Derry, three kids - in seven friends from the "Club of Losers", and the villain became a demonic essence called "it". However, the names of the main antagonist novel a lot - the dancing clown, Pennivez and Robert Gray.

At first glance, the plot of works is concentrated around the mysterious creature, feeding the flesh and emotions of people. In fact, King used the image of the villain to personify the fears of adolescents.

Of course, it exists and presents a real threat, which is confirmed by the numerous killings of the summer of 1958. Nevertheless, to cope with a dangerous monster, each of the protagonists will have to look not only in the dark labyrinths of the sewage, but also inwards. And there - a storehouse for a psychotherapist.

The author was worried about the relationship between childhood injuries and the formation of character. Each of the main characters suffered for one reason or another. For example, Beverly Marsh - the only girl in the "club of losers" - became not only the object of bullying from school guys because of early puberty, but also repeatedly subjected to attacks of his own father.

She and Eddie Caspbrak - bright examples of how a person in an adult life subconsciously chooses a partner like a parent. So, Beev married a tyrant man who led himself exactly the same way as her dad.

Edward never could inhale in the literal and figurative sense of fresh air. His Stephen King "married" in a cargo and overly caring woman, who even looked like a mother. So the author made it clear that it is sometimes impossible to correct children's settings.

The murder of Penniveza symbolized not only the elimination of the threat, but also victory over their own phobias, carefully treated in an early biography. However, two heroes from the novel did not manage to close Gestalt - Eddie and Stanley Uris. The first dies in the final battle with it. The second will make suicide in advance, unable to see the fear of the eyes.

It is symbolic and the fact that adult characters forget the events of 27 years ago. Memory helpfully put the block to traumatic factors. But the consequences expressed in disorders demand to return and replay the script. Mike Henlon calls to all friends with a request to come to Derry regularly, this is a challenge of fate, testing for strength and a chance of changing life once and for all.

The image and biography of Eddie Kasplin

Edward was born in 1946 (in the screening of the 2007 event, the events were transferred in another time interval, and the date of birth is specified). The boy has lost his father early, who died of a launched bronchitis. His mother, Sona Kaspbrak, was scary for the health of the son, but without that she was a strict and powerful woman. Thanks to her "care", the hero became a hypochondrick, which was manifested in adolescence.

At the very beginning, he communicated well only with Bill Denbro. Later, Richie Tosier joined them, Stanley Uris and other "losers", who flew to confront the mysterious one. However, friendship originally originated due to the clown Penniveza. Schoolchildren singled out from the attacks of the local gang of hooligans led by the leader Henry Bowers.

He, Victor Chriss, Peter Gordon and other guys annoyed the guys, beat and humiliated. Once the "Club of Losers" managed to fight with hooligans, after which an understanding had come that power was in unity.

In the plot of works, Edward does not part with the inhaler. The boy suffers from asthma, but soon it becomes clear: the nature of the disease is psychosomatic.

Even the school teacher is trying to prove the mother of the teenager that there is no deviations. Yes, he is a little less peers in growth, has a vanity physique. But it does not prevent the student to develop with the same one on a par. Sonya Caspbrak is violently resisting medical conclusions, inspiring the son of the thought that he is weak and needs careful care.

Misophobia becomes the most important phobia, the boy is afraid to catch an infection or virus. Therefore, when Beverly asks the guys to help with bringing their bathroom in order after blood appeared, he applies inhaler to mouth. It also appears before the guy in the form of a lepers, which is sick of syphilis.

In the book, the character is described as a low-spirited boy with a thin face, while not deprived of graceful traits. Eddie carries a short haircut, he has grayish blue eyes, which always restlessly consider the surrounding environment.

Becoming a member of the "Club of Losers", Caspbrak was confered to himself. When Henry broke his hand, and his mother banned his son to talk to friends, the hero was able to defend his right to freedom of communication and movement, even though it was worth him of considerable soul forces.

He also participated in the fight with Pennivez, and after he swore on the blood that if it was revived, he would return to Derry.

The reader learns about the further fate of the character when he became an adult. Eddie is engaged in the rental of limousines and carries celebrities. His mother died from paralysis of the heart, and he chose a woman in his companions named Mayra.

She is strikingly similar to Miss Caspbrak - according to quotations from the book, Edward himself calls the spouse "beloved fatty pigs." Mayra took on the functions of the parent, diligently watching her husband in time drank vitamins and wore warm clothes.

Adult Eddie did not change much. A man of low growth with a female expression practically lost hair, but acquired a whole suitcase with medicines. They are their first and packed them when Mike called to come to Derry. Mayra tried not to let her husband on a long journey, manipulating, launching tears, persuading and threatening, as well as her mother did.

But the children's oath forced the hero once again collide with Pennivez. Unfortunately, this fight for him ended tragically. And his death gave the chance to other members of the "Club of Losers" to apply the final blow and break out alive from the sewerage.

Eddie Caspbrak in films

In the screening of 1990, the role of Hypohondrik, which suffers from psychosomatic asthma, played two actors - Adam Faraizl and Dennis Christopher. The first demonstrated young Edward, the second - the man who was doomed to die in the fight against absolute evil. From the plot removed the fact of marriage in Mayre, the remaining moments quite fit the novel.

Improving the role of a punishment teenager in the film 2017 invited Jack Dilan Grazera, the nephew of a film producer Brian Grazer. For young talent, participation in the project was not debut, but it was this role that glorified him as an actor.

In the sequel 2019, the audience enjoyed the game James Renon. His kinogery was different from the appearance from the literary prototype. But from this the basic idea of ​​the character did not change: Kaspbrak, despite the children's fears, found the strength for the battle and sacrificed the life for victory.

Interesting Facts

  • The exact birthday of the kinheroyan is indicated only in the new filmization - March 6, 1976.
  • Adult Kasplinka in Sicvel 2019 announced diomid of grapes. He is the voice of Professor Chudakov from the Russian animated series "Fikiki".
  • The readers noticed the similarity in the descriptions of Eduard appearance and Norman Bates, played by actor Anthony Perkins.


  • 2017 - "It"
  • 2019 - "It 2"

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