Richie Tosiere (character) - Photo, "It", film, actor, book, Stephen King


Character History

Richie Tosier is the most talkative character of the work "it". Stephen King practically deprived this hero of psychotrambulating factors, but in the screening of 2017 he had a "shy secretik", on a lot of eyes opening.

History of character creation

The bestseller "It" became, according to the writer himself, a certain "graduation exam on monsters". Cloown Pennivez is one of the implays of the demonic strength, lives in the sewer trucks of the fictional city of Derry. The creature feeds on the flesh, killing children. But the most "delicious" delicacy for him is fear.

Seven teenagers studying in high school challenge the villain. Everyone has vision, which are manifested in the form of a clown, lepers, revived statues and even blood lines. All this is the personification of phobias, which somehow torment the faster souls.

The main characters of the book are potential psychiatrist patients. Despotic parents, tragedies in the family, mockery of classmates - everyone felt the struggle and with the outside world, and with himself.

In this regard, Richie's character was deprived of such "adorable" moments of biography. The only phobia of the boy is busy and clowns. Although no less than the Tosier is afraid to disappear as other children of Derry, which were forgotten. For him, it's like to die.

"Club of losers" - the friends themselves unarked themselves. And this name is symbolic. After all, by recognizing his weaknesses and fears, they turned them in an advantage, on the moment that even the mysterious being was unable to overcome.

Roman Stephen King is not at all about the Monster-Vlodee, killing children. This is a visual allowance describing the impact on the person's events of the past. That past, which I want to close in a dark box and not to get. However, the writer convinces that it is possible not to remember the injuries, but their consequences will still affect adulthood.

Image and biography of Richie Tosiera

Richard was born in 1946 or 1947, in Derry. This character suits the definition of "Balabol" - so friends were repeatedly called. The reasons for the incessant flow of words from the hero have become a deficit of attention and hyperactivity syndrome. The boy simply could not control this process. Meanwhile, his quotes from the book are considered the funny.

The rest of the guys perceived such a feature of a friend. Sometimes, when the teenager was born with stupid comments, they said: "Bip-Bip, Richie." It meant it's time to stop and climb.

Positive merchant dreamed of becoming a wisewoman and since childhood showed talent in copying celebrity votes. It was amused by his father-dentist. Wentorth Tosiere gladly picked up his son in his interests and even borrowed some successful phrases.

In general, the character's family characterized positively. The boy was given a good religious education. However, it was impossible not to notice that the child was condescendingly, considering it stupid. However, his father did not prevent a friendly communication with his son.

As for the mother, she, as Stephen King, initially dreamed of her daughter. Sometimes even sorry that Richie is not a girl who would appreciate Maggie's care and would never ask to buy rebeling books. Despite this, the parents of the teenager in the novel cause more pleasant emotions in comparison with the despotic father of Beverly march or an overly guarding mother Eddie Kasplin.

Richard had an unimportant vision, so he wore thick glasses, but they were clearly shy. The young worshler found consolation that he was like his idol - Rock singer Charles Hardina Holly. For abnormally huge fangs, classmates teased his tanks by Beaver - a cartoon character-beaver.

In the elementary school, Tosier met Stanley Uris (the best friend) and Bill Denbro. After they joined Eddie Caspbrak. Together, the guys became the object of attacks by Gang Henry Bowers, where Patrick Hokusteter, Victor Crs and others. Hooligans laid down the boys, beaten and humiliated.

When a series of killings rode in Derry, and Bill's younger brother - George disappeared, Ben Hensky joined the company, Mike Hanlon and Beverly Marsh. Seven guys united, feeling that together will be able to withstand not only Bowers, but also a mysterious creature.

The book describes that Richard was in love with Bev. But it treated her as a sister. However, such a platonic feeling the only girl in the "Club of Losers" caused many. After they, together with Ban, went into a movie theater on a movie about a bluff, Tosiere acquired a phobia. Subsequently, Pennivez appeared in such a kind, even more frightening teenager.

The guys turned their fears and shortcomings in the advantage of the fight against the mysterious monster. So, Richie has repeatedly cleaned the alarming atmosphere with jokes, which has encouraged the rest. Some children's naivety Merchant once saved him. Sincerely believing that the sneezing powder is able to harm Pennivez, the boy was able to hurt the dancing clown. And this impact turned out to be much more impressive than from the Denbro Father revolver.

After the events of the summer of 1958, when the "Club of Losers" managed to send the villain in a hibernation for 27 years, friends agreed to return to Derry if it wakes up. After some time, the father of Tosiera seriously fell ill, and the family moved to San Jose.

There, the guy began to build a career, becoming popular and demanded by DJ. Finally, he acquired lenses and removed hateful glasses. Mike's call in 1985 for the hero became a surprise, because, having left Derry, he, like the rest of friends, forgot about the existence of a frightening clown.

But Richard felt that he had to return to a small homeland. The "losers club" again gathered again (except Stanley Uris, who preferred to end the life of suicide) to once and forever put an end to the atrocities of the mysterious creation.

Richie Tosier in films

The screening of Tommy Lee Wallace 1990 was as close as possible to the novel. In the film Richard is also demonstrated by a chatter, which in difficult moments found a reason to joke. In this project, the role of a young schoolboy performed Seth Green, and Harry Anderson played a matured hero.

Film adaptation of the book in 2017 gave fans of a merchant new interpretation of his personality. So, according to the plot, Tosiere is in love with Eddie Kasplinka and generally shows bisexual inclinations, why and becomes the object of bullying Harry Bowers.

Stephen King approved such a metamorphosis, noting that such a reception was successfully fit into the concept. It immediately becomes clear what Richard is so much afraid when Pennivez sings a song with the following words: "I know your secret, your shitty secret." The schoolboy is afraid that those surrounding learned about his feelings for Eddie and unconventional orientation, and the dancing clown enjoys this fear.

In 2017, Richie's role was performed by Finn Wulfard. The Canadian actor returned to participate in Sicvel in 2019, dividing work on a character with Bill Heider. Interestingly, Heider, like his film heer, built a career for a long time in the comedy genre - was a stand-comic comer.

Interesting Facts

  • In the novel, Stephen King "22.11.63" Richard, along with Beverly, dancing on a picnic court a few months after the events of the book "It".
  • Character's birthday in the film Director Andy Mussetti - March 7, 1976 (Zodiac sign - Fish). The age of Richie in this project is more than his literary prototype - 13 years.
  • Little Tosiera in the film 2017 announced the actor Dubli Daniel Pale, the voice of an adult Standap-comic became Ivan Kalinin.


  • 2017 - "It"
  • 2019 - "It 2"

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