Interesting Facts about Eugene Kryukova - youth, childhood, husband, career, children


On June 11, 2021, the "Woman-Omut" of the Russian cinema celebrated the 50th anniversary. She chooses femininity in clothes, makes toys with their own hands and on the threshold of the anniversary admits that it is not shy of age, feeling harmonious and comfortable. Other interesting facts about Evgenia Kryukov - in material 24cm.


In the amplua Evgenia hook role of spectacular women. However, as a child, the actress suffered from complexes related to the form of the ears.

Somehow in the second grade, the teacher asked to draw a saucepan. One boy did not cope, and the teacher unexpectedly stressed that the pans in the pan look like the ears of the zhenium. Children quickly picked up comparison and began to offend the girl. At one time, hooks even teased "Cheburashka".

Evgenia shared his experiences with his parents, but they only laughed from the dignity. And for the child it became a complex. Then in the youth to correct the situation, Kryukov even resorted to Lifehas, corrective "disadvantage".

So, one friend suggested actress to glue your ears with a gum, but it did not help, and the hair was confused. Then Eugene began to use the plaster, and then the dressing glue. The ritual was daily and entered the morning beauty treatments on a par with makeup.

The star experienced the strongest discomfort, if I forgotten the bottle with glue at home, and at the receptions were cold later, fearing that everyone would notice her natural feature. Later, Eugene still decided on a plastic surgery, after which he began to feel more confident.

Escape from her husband

In interesting facts about Evgenia Kryukov, it is worth adding that she has found his happiness from the fifth attempt. For the first time, Eugene was for the first time in 17 years. Her chosen was the student of theatrical school Mikhail Zhukov.

The future star wanted independence, but the young people did not have time to go to the registry office. Something stopped the hook, and she came up with an excuse: it is impossible to marry without rings. Later, Eugene managed to see the chosen one who turned out to be focused on himself and wanted to hear only compliments. The couple broke up.

And a few years later, Eugene again stepped on the same rake. Next to her was the actor Andrei Sergeev, who was older for 17 years. This marriage star described as a vector where one partner played the owner, and the other servant.

Sergeev was afraid to make a serious step and held his beloved at a distance than wounded the chosen. The desire to spend time without Kryukov Sergeev explained the need to be alone. The future star believed, forgot, agreed and persecuted, when they call her and say: "Come".

Fortunately, the situation corrected the coincidence. Evgenia got acquainted with the businessman Alexander Karev. Sergeev was afraid that he would lose his beloved, and immediately offered to go to the registry office.

Kryukova agreed, registered relations, but I realized that I made a mistake. After 3 weeks, the actress gathered the suitcases and while the husband slept ran to a new beloved.

"Apparently, I needed to reach some kind of final point," Kryukov commented on the act.

By the way, after a relationship with the husbands-actors, the celebrity concluded that "artists are simply not a man" and remain hostage professions.

Later happiness, the star found next to the businessman Sergey Glyajadkin. Eugene admits that they are crowned with her husband, but they were never in the registry office.

Sergey and Eugene for two six children, and in relations reigns a mutual understanding, in which there is no place of jealousy and treason.

Roles old

In the student years, Evgenia Kryukov had to prove the viability in the profession. Gitis teachers said that such beauty is enough just to walk along the scene.

To prove the opposite, Eugene painted the bruises, added wrinkles on the face and performed the role of the old woman. Later, Kryukov said that the cinema requires actresses with social appearance, and with her data, it will not be able to play the saleswoman with severe destiny.

Meanwhile, the star built a creative career and revealed both in a comedy role and in dramatic. Now the celebrity is enjoying the profession and admits that the roles intended to her did not get other actresses, but still replenished her creative biography.


An interesting facts about Eugene Kryukov can be attributed to the fact that the actress selectively refers to roles and stops on those that are curious. And if there are no suitable offers, the star spends time on the project for the production of porcelain and ceramics or invest in the author's collection of clothing.

So, in 2020, after the creative break, Evgenia Kryukov began shooting in the series "Impaid". The project attracted an actress intrigue in the plot.

To penetrate the heroine manner, Kryukov met with convicted women. Evgenia noted that he expected to see the personal deformation of the ladies who conducted in conclusion for more than 10 years. However, there was a woman of an intelligent species on the conversation that did not leave the answers to questions. This came across the executor of the role of the conclusion that human dignity can be preserved for barbed wire.

And the greater the star had to be in St. Petersburg Prison Crosses. The historic building was impregnated by suffering. After filming the episode of Eugene, three days could not come to himself. And feelings experienced in the "crosses", the artist compared with sadness near the crying wall. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, the air ranked from the presence of God, and in the walls of the former prison from the Roy of Human Unfortunate.

Conflict with director

Today, Kryukova admits that he believes in fate, and there was a lot of accidents in her life. By a happy coincidence of the circumstances in the intermission of the student play, Eugene saw an assistant director who offered a bright girl role in the movie before she became a student of the theater Institute.

For the first time in the frame, the performer appeared in the form of a trimmer roller. Meanwhile, the debut experience turned out to be sad. The director began to persist, insist on reciprocity and even refused to let the young actress on the surrender of entrance exams.

And here is another interesting fact about Evgenia Kryukov: The girl escaped from filming, and the director began to intimidate the young giving penalties in the amount of $ 50 thousand. On the advice of acquaintances Kryukova kept silence in response. The final of the story turned out to be dramatic: the director cut out the scene with the debutant, and then slightly with a heart attack.

This fact did not affect the desire for Evgenia to become an actress. At the exams, then late was late, and a year later, after all, he entered the theater institute and received the desired profession.

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