Series "Translation from German" (2020) - Release date, Russia-1, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The release date of the dramatic series "Translation from German" on the channel "Russia-1" - June 22, 2021. The premiere of historical tape with elements of a detective, telling about the events of pre-war years and how the offensive of the war has changed the lives and fate of many people, took place in May 2020. The main characters of the film will have to choose between love and hatred, dignity and betrayal, weakness and courage.

In material 24cm - interesting facts about the executors of the main roles of the painting, director, filming and plot.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot of 4-serial drama events that occur on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. The wife of the Chief Engineer of the Electric Industry Grigory Voskresensky Irina is the daughter of the enemy of the people. Resurrection - teacher of German language in Moscow State University and is known as a specialist in literature and ancient Germann Epos. It seems to find a rare German book Pavel Nechaev, Major NKVD. The fact is that the text of this work is used for fascist encrypted messages, which transmits a group of saboteurs, secretly operating in the city.

The heroine agrees to help the Major, but understands what is drawn into the opposition of Soviet and German intelligence, and becomes a participant in a large spy story. In addition to her, in the field of view of the NKVD, the longtime buddy Andrei Galkin, in which Irina was in love with his youth, and his spouse, Voskresenskaya, Grigory.

Andrei Marmontov and Vladimir Kilburg divided the director's chair in the project. Vladimir Kilburg and Alexandra Voronkova became producers. The script wrote Marina Postnikov, Catherine Andersen, Tatiana Mishchenko. Ilya Zudin became the author of musical accompaniment, and Evgeny Burchiev, Aqamas Jivaev and Sergey Telin were engaged in decoration.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Translation from German" played:

  • Maria Mashkova - Irina Voskresenskaya;
  • Pavel Trubiner - Pavel Necha, Major State Security in the Office of NKVD counterintelligence;
  • Alexander Makogon - Gregory Aleksandrovich Voskresensky, husband of Irina;
  • Maria Malinovskaya - Zoya Vladimirovna Ladyzhenskaya, Aunt Irina, a famous singer;
  • Anton Feoktists - Andrei Galkin, correspondent;
  • Andrei Kilburg - Artyom, Son Grigory Voskresensky from the first marriage;
  • Mikhail Gorheva - Porfiry Ignatievich Vessen;
  • Daniel Eidlin - Yuri, artist;
  • Alexey Matoshin - Andrei Leonidovich Puzanovsky, Captain of State Security in the Investigation Department of the NKVD.

Also in the picture were filmed: Sergey Kolesnikov (Nikolai Berezkin), Elena Papanova (Lucy), Nikolay Korbas (Lev Mikhailovich Messik), Trofim Korchinov (Gendos), Sergey Leguejev (Kubalda) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Vladimir Kilburg is still known and as a producer of paintings "Forgetting about everything", "At the dawn", "native heart", "at the crossroads of joy and grief", actor, director and screenwriter of a number of other projects. Andrei Marmontov also removed the films and serials of Anna-Detective 2, "The Consequence of Love", "Littleship", "Life circumstances" and played in the tapes "Need Help", "Eighties", "Lord. Puss-Policeman, "Gold".

2. The film's scenario was based on the same name of Marina Postnikov. The author reported that in 2021, work was underway to create a script for the second part of the tape.

3. Shooting the series "Translation from German" was held in Kaluga, many scenes were created on the territory of Kalugaputymash. The main shooting process is organized in Moscow and the surrounding area of ​​the capital.

4. After the premiere of the picture in the network, the stormy project discussions flared up. Most viewers left positive feedback and rated the selection of actors, calling the series "Translation from German" fascinating and decent, with a good and understandable idea, despite the predictable plot. However, some critics noted the undermined scenario in which the inaccuracies and inconsistencies of the events and the status of the pre-war epoch, the narrowness in most scenes and the ridiculous acts of the main characters are noticeable. Also attentive viewers noticed the mass of kinolyaps: the props and clothing of characters do not in many respects do not correspond to the demonstrated historical era, and in the frame there are often details issuing modernity. Rating tapes amounted to 6.1 out of 10.

Series "Translation from German" - Trailer:

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