Stars who disgraced with a phonogram - Russian, cause, song, reaction, performance


The incidents and unpleasant situations associated with the phonogram and problems of sound equipment are not uncommon at the concerts of foreign and domestic celebrities of various sizes. Such cases will be able to remember each performer, however, even when the facts are difficult to challenge, the artists continue to pretend that everything is in order, and continue the performance. After the performers still have to justify and prove the fans that they know how to sing live.

In material 24cm - Russian stars who disgraced with a phonogram.

Dima Bilan.

During one of the speeches, the famous Russian singer Dima Bilan was in an awkward situation due to the use of the phonogram. The artist did not keep the microphone in his hands and dropped him on the stage. Music and voice of the singer at that time continued to sound, so it was not difficult to guess that a phonogram was used at the concert.

Victoria Dayneko

To the selection of "Stars who disgraced with the phonogram" came and the famous Russian singer and actress Victoria Daineko. The winner of two contests "Star Factory" was repeatedly recognized in an interview that he was shy to sing under the "plus". However, when the celebrity performed at a concert dedicated to the All-Russian Universiade, and performed his hit "Stop, where I go", an unpleasant incident happened. Suddenly, the performer stumbled and fell on stage, but the sound quality was not at the same time.

Another time there was no less awkward situation. Daineko forgot how many times it is necessary to repeat the words in the chorus, so just squeezed under his record. But the song continued, even when the singer lowered his hand and began to dance. Spectators could not help but pay attention to such an annoying mistake of the favorite.

Stas Kostyushkin

Like other artists, Stas Kostyushkin often uses the positive sound tracks during their speeches and does not hide it. The reason for such a solution was that the singer is actively moving on the scene, and combining the singing of the live and energetic dances is quite difficult.

Many fans remembered the Casus, which occurred at the solo concert of the artist. Stas decided to go down to the auditorium, continuing to sing, and did not hold the balance. The artist almost fell on Alla Pugachev, who was sitting in the forefront, than scared and embarrassed the primaudonna. It is not surprising that the voice of the singer continued to sound, and the unpleasant incident did not affect the quality of performance.

Vera Brezhneva

During one of the concerts, the famous singer Vera Brezhnev decided to descend to the auditorium to be closer to devotional fans. However, something went wrong: the performer stumbled and, having lost the balance, fell. At the same time, the music and lyrics continued to sound in the hall, but the public reaction was aimed at concern for the well-being of the artist, and the incident with it did not give values.

Olga Buzova

Instadiva and singer Olga Buzova often becomes a victim of critics for the lack of voice and hearing, but does not hide that in his speeches uses the phonogram. However, the star specifies that we are talking about those cases when concerts are broadcast in tele-ester or sound equipment does not allow you to qualitatively convey a living sound.

In addition, according to the performer, other artists use the "positive" tracks at least. It's not a secret and the fact that some TV channels even prohibit actor to get the perfect sound. However, celebrity fans can easily remember cases when their favorite failed to synchronize with sound during concerts.

For example, in 2016, a funny incident occurred with the celebrity: during Olga's speech, a problem with sound equipment was happening, and the "Labor" composition on one word, which was repeated several times until the sound engineer tried to correct the problem. Caverity of Buzova could then be envied: the star calmly continued his speech. Fans supported Olga applause, and she in turn thanked the public.

Another time the phonogram of treacherously silenced in the midst of the speech, and Buzova tried to smooth out the confusion, trying to sing live. But she failed to twist the faster fans, and she simply sent a microphone to the hall in the hope of saving the situation. The fans did not immediately come to understand what happened, but laughter was heard in the hall.


At the Music Festival in 2019, in the capital of Kazakhstan, Lolita Milyavskaya pleased the fans by the appearance on stage in a luxurious translucent dress. The celebrity performed the hit "On the" Titanic "and incendially danced. The audience enthusiastically met the star and sang. However, Internet users in the comments videos in "Instagram" noted that it is unlikely that anyone will succeed at the same time so sing and vigorously dance to get into the notes and not break breathing. Therefore, fans concluded that Lolita often uses Plus at its concerts.

Philip Kirkorov

The pop king, known for his shocking behavior, did not come to the list of stars, which disgraced with the phonogram. Despite the strong voice and excellent vocal abilities, Philip Kirkorov often does not fall into the words that his fans are noticed at concerts and when watching videos on the Internet.

And the case when the fan suddenly appeared on the stage, Kirkorov's frightened strongly, remembered the public for a long time. During the fulfillment of the next hit, a woman rose to the scene from the audience, who quietly approached Philip from behind and took him at hand. From surprise, pop king cried up, but his voice also continued to sound from the speakers. The artist quickly came to his senses, hugged a woman and continued the speech, but everything was already clear to everyone.

In addition, the network stores video recordings of the stars, on which it can be seen how Philip does not have time to bring the microphone and open the mouth, and also does not fall into words. The reason, apparently, lies in the fact that simultaneously singing and vigorously dance, periodically going down to the auditorium, not even the king of pop.


I did not exception and singer Nyusha, who had sound during the performance. The performer tried several times to continue singing live, but the microphone did not work. Therefore, the actress decided to please the audience inappropriate dance without musical accompaniment. The audible reaction was followed, which supported Nyushu applause.

Grigory Leps

There were unpleasant incidents and with Gregory Leps. During the next concert, the artist performed with Timati his hit "I will leave to live in London." Rapper failed to keep smiles when Leps had previously lowered his hand with a microphone, and his voice continued to sound.

At another concert, in the Kremlin, the artist again fell into an awkward situation. When Leps performed another composition in a duet with a singer from Azerbaijan Emin, there was a failure of sound equipment, and Grigory was confused, did not have time to figure out how to save the situation. The hall was supported by artists with ovations, but failed to smooth out the trouble.

Valery Meladze

It closes the selection of "Stars who disappear with the phonogram" the conqueror of the Ladies' Hearts Valery Meladze. In 2016, at the competition "New Wave", the artist, together with other stars, performed the final musical composition. When his turn came to sing, Valery Meladze did not have time to raise the microphone on time and reacted off late when words in his performance were already sounded at full volume. The audience in the hall and the viewers remembered this incident in the artist's creative career.

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