Interesting facts about Pavel Derevyko - "Salute-7", "two shouven", "home arrest", habits, Putin


On July 2, 2021, Pavel Derevyanka celebrated the 45th anniversary. On the course of Leonid Haifez, the future actuator was listed for a long time in the laggards, and only a promising student saw in it. He does not like stressful situations, he considers the meaning of life love and awareness and dreams of playing Pushkin.

Other interesting facts about Pavel Derevyko - in material 24cm.

Spore on Halmillion

In an interview with Karen, Adamyan Paul Derevyko admitted that he did not like to rush with categorical wording, because sometimes he had to violate the promise. In this regard, the actor relies on Fortune and prefers to make decisions on the basis of proposed circumstances. Once, however, the celebrity went to a transaction worth 500 thousand rubles.

Somehow, he poured as a habit of smoking and put a bet with the doctor Anton Krivorotov, who promised for every twist cigarette to pay a fine at half a million rubles.

"It works in brilliantly," the actor admits and adds that the contract "Patsansky". Now, if Paul wants to smoke a cigarette, he will be forced to lay out money for his weakness. According to the star, he has enough patience to fulfill the terms of the agreement.

Meeting with Putin

In interesting facts about Pavel, it is worth adding that the star loves a bright style in clothes. The artist cannot be called special brand preferences, but when you want to like, he goes to the multi-brand shopping center and chooses what he likes.

This fact from the life of Pavel comments on a lack of bright color spots when everyone around go gray and boring. Doodle even got into awkward situations.

So, when the artist was invited to hand over the Golden Eagle Award, he appeared on a yellow jacket ceremony. Such an image caused bewilderment among the public. However, the reaction of the hall was outraged by a wooden, who considered what was required to smile.

And in the future, the incident happened and at a meeting with Putin. After filming in the film "Salyut-7" Paul received an invitation to a meeting with the president. However, the recommendations on the dress code did not follow.

Then Paul, not particularly thinking about the events of the coming day, chose the faded jeans and a t-shirt of swamp color with a provocative gate. And supplemented the image with a leather jacket. And only when colleagues left for Paul to take the solemn event, then a wooden, looking at himself in the mirror, decided that she was dressed "frivolous." But the time could not be changed. On the way, Paul was confused by the appearance, which was very different from the classic style taken during the events of this level.

Pavel Derevko at a meeting with Vladimir Putin

Before starting to rate the situation, Dmitry Peskov came out, press secretary of the president, who seemed to the actor, detained a condemning look at the appearance of a star without shirt and tie. However, the embarrassment of a wooden one did not cause it, but, on the contrary, cheated. By the way, Vladimir Vladimirovich was distant from the official, and therefore the liberty in the image of Paul did not notice.

By the way, the actor was offered to the president's trustee on the eve of the presidentially, but Dotanka refused. Later, Paul asked the motives of such a act, and the star replied that the artist should do his own business. The refusal was perceived calmly, and during his visit to Putin, he took a seat next to the state leader.

Striptease and depression

A visit to Putin Paul is proud, although he regrets, which showed frivolity in the image. Meanwhile, the actor always relate to work. Interesting fact Paul Darychko comments on the desire to immerse themselves in the role.

Once he even had to survive depression when awareness came that the role was part of the nature. This happened after the comedy filming with the subtext below the "Happy End" belt, for which the roles were prescribed as close as possible to the biographies and characters of the performers.

According to the plot, a stripterator was to play. Since Paul carefully refers to each role, he pumped up muscle mass and shaved to add the body of attractiveness.

After shooting the scene with the dance, where the hero was presented as a stripper, Paul returned home and thrilled from his appearance, and in the evening went to the club. At the party, the celebrity led themselves vulgarly towards the girl who liked, and the lady refused to communicate with the valua artist.

In the morning, Paul analyzed the situation and realized that he was too born into the role, and it felt terrible. For half a year, Dresses lost appetite and suffered from the lack of joy in life. Even the work in the movie turned out to be failed. Shooting helped from a painful state.

And when Paul was offered to participate in the lateral side of the moon, in which the Hero is gradually getting crazy, the actor was afraid of repetition of the situation. Then Paul did the conclusion for himself, what should be followed by himself and be careful, and also not to disappear from the ground and remember who you are where you and from.


Today in the career of the artist, who admits that he likes the movie more than the service in the theater, more than one hundred film projects. Doodle managed to reveal in the comedy role, and in dramatic. And Paul's debut with the lead role in the film "We drove two chauffeurs, which the future celebrity was offered on the 2nd course of Vgika.

Paul Derevko in the film

In the plot, the student of the theater university was to play the driver of the car. The director insisted on a dubler, but he opposed it and argued that the tricks would make himself.

During the filming, Paul spawned the aircraft wing, embedded into the scenery. Then in one of the episodes, the actor knocked down a girl, having drove down his feet. Dramatic events added a hysterical scream of a woman who screamed loudly: "killed."

The victim was separated by a couple of bruises and scratches. But this did not cool the heat of the driver, which during the filming of the gas pedal to failure.

Later, the habit of striking went into everyday life. According to Paul, he even had to abandon the car, because per month came the fines for 60 thousand rubles. Then the awareness came that it is more convenient to use taxi services. In addition, it always comes warm. She does not intend to abandon the car, but believes that the driver will be attached to the next purchase.

Persuasion slapakov

A significant project in the creative career of the actor was the television movie "Home arrest." The performer even admitted that Semen Slepakov had to persuade him to shoot, since Paul Derevyanko mistakenly considered the projects of the TNT channel something non-serious.

However, after a personal meeting with Seed Slepakov, the opinion was changed. It turned out that celebrities It was important to hear the position of the competent person who was Slepakov. The producer even suggested a bet, in which the artist persuaded to repel the mustache in exchange for a call to subscribe to the Instagram page of Pavel Derevko.

And at the time of filming, the artist understood that this project would be hit. Interesting the fact about Pavel Derevko: after the "home arrest", the star fees rose 1.5-2 times. And such a tendency was connected with the number of proposals received by the actor.

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