Luntik (character) - pictures, his friends, cartoon, heroes, moon


Character History

Luntik is a protagonist of the Russian animated series "The Adventures of Luntika and his friends." The inefficious, sincere and inquisitive guests from the moon falls on the ground and makes those surrounding a little kinder.

History of character creation

The author of the idea of ​​the alien babe - Alexander Boyarsky, director of the Studio "Mill" - connected to work on the script of Anna Sarantsev. But Darina Schmidt worked on appearance.

The creative team performed the order of the TV channel "Russia". Each series was assumed to display in the children's transfer "Good night, kids!", Which explains the duration of each episode - 4.5-5 minutes. Today, work is underway on the 10th season of the cartoon (the 1st series was demonstrated on March 5, 2020). A long break in the creation was due to the work on "barboskins".

The "Luntik" franchise is a high-order project, the profit of which is formed not only from immediate shows, but also from sales of related goods. So, under this brand, toys, clothing, office, magazine and even dairy products are produced.

Educational games for children are in demand. Together with the alien creating, the guys are preparing for school, learn the basics of mathematics, geography, letters teach. In addition, much attention is paid to the rules of the road.

Luntik and Moon

The success of the project is due not only to colorful animation, but also the concept, a special approach to viewers. The main character flew from another heavenly object is not just like that. According to the script writers, the role of the character corresponds to a small defenseless child who is not yet "spoiled" by social cliché.

So, together with young fans, Luntik comprehends everything from scratch, he learns how the world is arranged. He studies friendship, meets moral laws and often turns out to be a difficult choice. Anna Saransseva used this technique specifically. Writer is confident that in educational purposes parents often make a mistake when children are clearly made to understand what is good and what is bad. With the lunar guest, it is interesting to open the world: this path is not devoid of errors, but the more valuable knowledge gained.

Therefore, young spectators with such delight accepted a new character. It falls and faces contradictions, but at the same time not only gains experience, but also changes others.

Voice of the project is at least painstaking work than animation or script. The cartoon heroes are endowed with memorable voices. Luntka for his biography of their two: one belongs to Catherine Gorokhovskaya, the second - Anna Slyanko. For Gorokhovskaya work with the Studio "Mill" was productive. Actress Dubli voiced fun, Alyonushka, as well as Lisa Barboskin.

Lunting image and biography

Formally the character of the children's series considers itself a moon bee. Although it looks like a little on a hardworking insect, but he needed at least some identification. And considering that the baby shelted General Cher and the Baba Kapa, ​​the receiving "grandson" they were correctly correct.

The Cartoon Screensaver opens the secret of the birth of a mysterious hero. He got out of the egg, which allows him to talk about him as a reptile. But meanwhile, he has a strange coloring - purple wool, large physique, double ears. Like the Soviet Cheburashka, this character in principle does not like any animal on Earth.

Attentive viewers also discovered the baby in the kid, the presence of 2 birthplates - on the stomach and forehead. In addition, he has pinkish hair, and behind the tail. An important feature becomes the ability to breathe under water. The version is popular that the aliens do not need air.

The official birthday of the new resident of Polyana - April 12, 2006. He flies from the Moon as a child, so the earth becomes home to him. The stronger his perplexity at a meeting with other inhabitants of the place frightening at the sight of an incomprehensible creation.

Luntik and Kuzya

The first one saw the lunar guest is harmful leech. With her, the hero collided into the pond. From there, the baby got to the turtle Tete Mother, who also came in bewilderment, seeing the mysterious aliens. Luntik began to despair, but decided to try his happiness and get acquainted with the rest of the inhabitants.

Finally he was lucky. His first friend of Kuzy, of course, was surprised at the purple beast with double ears, but curiosity turned out to be stronger. Soon, the yurt and a cheerful grasshopper presented a new comrade.

Together they tried to solve the secret of the origin of the aliens, but did not cope with this task. Before them, the next goal appeared - to find him a house. Holding a business threesome, friends built a shalashik.

The first experience of communicating with earthly residents is overshadowed by a meeting with cunning tracks. The baby is not good, that this world is not alien to such concepts as meanness or lies. Therefore, he takes for a pure coin the guardian condition and the BUPSENA to spray with water uncle root to become part of the team. At the same time, the adopted grandson of Baba Kapa and General Sher, only hatched from the egg, will find out the first truth, expressed in Kuzu quotation: to make friends, enough words "Hello, Friend".

The malicious caterpillars succeeds again to teach the mysterious hero when he meets Mil - God's cow. But now Luntik is already taught by bitter experience and quickly understands that he again made a mistake. He apologizes in front of cute, and soon the lover of sculpting the sandaries from the sand becomes part of the team together with the hencer and the Kuzey.

Luntik and Mila

The most infertility friend was all loved for good temper, responsiveness and openness. The baby will always come to the rescue, and sincerely wants to make the world better. Because of the simplicity often falls into awkward situations. But, realizing the oversight, in a hurry to correct and change the guilt.

With each resident of the Polyana, the Moon Guest communicates with respect and politeness, whether the Spider is shiny or harmful leech. Even the caterpillars are trying not worse, carefully without reacting to provocations of these not the most honest characters. Although still falls on their jokes, as in the "Cap-Invisible series": Luntik believes that the brothers will give this magic thing in exchange for the jar of jam.

It takes time, and the lunar guest becomes even wiser than friends. He convinces the guys that Shinyuk is not dangerous, but, on the contrary, talented - composes poems and music. And the ineptive hero helped Klave toba, because it was afraid of it because of voraciousness.

But in some situations, the kid still behaves like a small child. For example, an earthquake is frightened and trying to save the rest in a balloon, when the work of the rooting of the tunnels take the dangerous manifestation of the element by mistake.

Interesting Facts

  • The main hero of the animated series the creators were going to call the fierce or crustion. Another version - Lunatic - was criticized due to associations with a disease. As a result, it was decided to remove one letter.
  • Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya shared the fact that branded "Ahi" the character borrowed from the son of Boris.
  • The creators of a kind fairy tale for children wanted to demonstrate the hero, different from earthly residents. The ideas with three paws or one eye were worked out. But the resulting pictures would frighten young spectators. Therefore, Luntik got only double ears.


  • 2006 - "Luntik and his friends"

Computer games

  • 2006 - "Luntik. Preparation for school"
  • 2007 - "Luntik. Mathematics for kids "
  • 2007 - "Luntik. Russian language for kids "
  • 2007 - "Luntik. English for kids "
  • 2007 - "Luntik. Developing tasks for kids "
  • 2008 - "Luntik teaches the letters"
  • 2008 - "Luntik teaches numbers"
  • 2009 - "Luntik learns the world"
  • 2009 - "Luntik learns to draw"
  • 2009 - "Luntik teaches the rules"
  • 2010 - "Luntik. Want to know everything"
  • 2010 - "Luntik. We train memory and attention "

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