Zinaida Portorova (Zina Portorova) - photo, biography, feat, cause of death, peer hero



On the feat of Zinaida, the port of Soviet people learned only 10 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War. The schoolgirl dodging from the fascist bullets remained unknown, while he did not tell the Commissioner of the Belarusian partisan detachment once about her. For the courage and perseverance to the girl posthumously assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Childhood and youth

Childhood Zina Portorova, born in Leningrad on February 20, 1926, did not differ from the childhood of the usual Soviet child. The girl came from the family of workers Martyn Nesterovich and Anna Isakovna, who worked in the Kirov plant and lived nearby, raising two daughters, older Zein and younger Gali. Portnova studied well at school, was honest, principled and active, and in the classroom it became an old-age.

On the summer vacation, the sisters traditionally went to the grandmother, which lived in the Belarusian village Obol Vitebsk region. There they helped at the farm, bathed in the river and indulged by the suspension rural life, the sweetness of which is so clearly felt by a childish heart.

According to the familiar scenario, the summer of 1941: Zina, who graduated from the 7th grade of the school, and her sister came to the hospitable Belarusian region, which, after 3 weeks, became an occupied territory. Grandma tried to evacuate girls, but the train did not reach Leningrad, stopping at Vitebsk. At this point, the 15-year-old Portnova was forever spread up with children's fun and opened a new page of the biography, which was heroic and tragic.

Personal life

Modern 15-year-old girls are engaged in personal life, social networks and choosing the optimal place for shopping. Youth Zina Portnova came at the time when there was no time for frivolous entertainment. She enhanced and flourished in those years when the city was gone around and sat down, and thousands of compatriots were died daily from fascist bullets.

The girl was a sociable, responsive and affectionate, for which friends loved her and respected the congratulations on the underground movement "Young Avengers". There she was the youngest - pioneer among the Komsomol members. The detachments were masked for youth sites, and the younger sister of Galya at that time remained to be on duty on Zavalika to prevent young underground workers about passing by Frank and Polyzai. The photograph of Zina is preserved - a pretty big lack of a girl with a smell on the chin, which was not destined to become a draw in his wife and mother.


In 1942, Zina became an underground, joining the "Young Avengers" detachment - young people who were engaged in sabotage, exploration and distribution of campaign leaflets. By keeping the inconspicuous life of the usual Soviet teenager, Portnova was engaged in secret hydration among the occupiers.

Together with his comrades, she organized explosions on power plants, fires at the factories, destroyed commodity wagons with valuable cargo. Having settled in the dining room for the German officers, the girl was sitting in poison soup, as a result of which one hundreds of fascists passed away.

Once upon a suspicion, the schoolgirl was forced to eat poisoned food and miraculously remained alive, but the Germans came across the eyes became dangerous. Then Zina left the village and moved to the partisan detachment of the name of the Clement Voroshilov. A young guerrilla was engaged in intelligence and soon received her most responsible task.


In August 1943, the backbone of "Young Avengers" was detained and shot. The porter was instructed to find out the reasons why young underground workers were disclosed, and learn the names of traitors. Zina with enthusiasm began to task, but was captured by the fascists who at first tried to negotiate with the young partisan "in good". The girl was offered to issue the location of the undergrounders in exchange for life.

However, Portorova only with the appearance was cute and defenseless. During the interrogation, taking advantage of the fact that the officer was distracted, she grabbed a gun from his table and shot the enemy. Trying to escape, Zina killed two more. After that, about the conversations "in good" could be forgotten. The girl grabbed and placed in the dungeons, where they were subjected to cruel torture.

For more than a month, the ports tried to get information about local partisans, causing it inhuman suffering. In captivity, the Komsomolsk Morious hunger, beat and cried, applying a full arsenal of atrocities, which ended with full blindness. By the time of execution on January 10, 1944, the 17-year-old partisan was completely incited. Among other sentences, it was brought to the square. The execution was the cause of the death of Zina, which, along with the pioneers-heroes, Marat Casem and Valea, proved that the courage, feat and heroism do not know gender and age.

The grave of the courageous underground workers did not preserve, but it is unlikely that it existed at all. The awards found the Portnov already posthumously. For a long time, the memory of her was kept only partisans and a younger sister, who knew about the senior feats. After the story about the heroism of the girl, the streets, schools, pioneer camps were named after her name, monuments, busts, memorial boards were erected in her honor, films were filmed about her and writing articles. Vasily Smirnov dedicated the biographies of Komsomolska to a whole book.


  • From 1968 to 2000, in the Far Eastern maritime shipping company, Zina Portnova existed.
  • The museum of the underground organization "Young Avengers" works in the urban village.
  • On Nina Azolina Street, a house was preserved in which Zina Portnova lived.
  • Zina Portnova was officially counted on the "pioneers heroes" of the Soviet Union.
  • In 1978, an artistic labeled envelope was published on heroine.
  • Zina Tala prototype of the character of the Russian-Japanese-Canadian animation film in the genre of Fantasy "First detachment".


  • Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously
  • Order of Lenin posthumous

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