Ivan Demarin (Tobol) - biography, real story, prototype, photo, Ilya Malanin


Character History

Ivan Demarin is a young officer who received military education in St. Petersburg. The dreams of the future of the character were associated with military exploits, and instead, by order of Peter I, Siberia was sent to a campaign. However, apparent simple for the young lieutenant, the task turns into serious tests.

History of character creation

The hero first appeared on the pages of the Roman-Dilogy of the Russian Writer and the Scenario of Alexey Viktorovich Ivanov. The first part "Tobol. Many souls "came out in 2016," Tobol. Little favorites "- in 2017.

But the history of the creation of the work started earlier. In 2015, the author of such books, as "Geographer Globe" and "Range of Russia", turned the producer Oleg Urushev with a request to write a script for the dramatic series.

The picture was planned to place the plot of the Siberian architect Semen Remezov. Alexey Viktorovich reacted to order and proposed the scenario of the future film.

Later, he decided to embody the idea in a two-volume novel, while expanding the storylines. The writer in an interview stressed that he was interested in this segment of the Petrovsky era back in 2008. As a result, a work was obtained that combined both mystics and historical drama, and a political detective.

The feature of Tobol was the fact that the author demonstrated a look at the events of the XVIII century from different angles. So, the reader assessed the eyes of an Orthodox hero, Muslim from Bukhara and the Swedish Protestant.

At the same time, the characters of the book for the most part had prototypes: Emperor Peter I, Prince Matvey Gagarin, Remained Ukrainian Military Gregory Novitsky, Swedish officer Philip Yuhan Tabbert von Stallenberg and many others.

Ivan Demarin (Tobol) - biography, real story, prototype, photo, Ilya Malanin 492_1

There is a place for lyrical heroes. Among them, Ivan Demarin, the image of which became an artistic fiction of Alexei Viktorovich. And the basis of the plot is represented by a real story about the expedition to Tobolsk, specifically described by the author of the Russian officer, not really was.

In the book this character is secondary, despite the fact that it has a pronounced storyline. In general, in the work of the writer, the greater emphasis was made precisely on the demonstration of the life of indigenous Siberian peoples. The reader learns about the fascinating page of history that reported about the appeal of these tribes in Orthodoxy.

Naturally, for the Cinema to reflect the idea of ​​the novel was impossible, otherwise it would be about the 25-hour TV series. This was the cause of the conflict between the author and the producer of the full-length version, which came out on the screens in February 2019.

Moreover, Alexey Viktorovich demanded to cut his name from the titles. The writer attacks were associated with the fact that the paintings were not written enough patterns of characters, and there is also a clear emphasis on the lyrical component with insufficient lighting of historical events.

So, the writer noticed that two heroes - Ivan and Peter Remezov - turned out to be devoid of unique traits. In response, Oleg Urushev said: Petka initially sought to imitate the Russian officer, so such a similarity is quite objective.

Anyway, the image of Demarin on the pages of the novel and in the film is highly different. In the film, he became the main character, and his fate was based on the plot.

Image and biography of Ivan Demarin

The biography of the young guardsman is revealed in the 2nd part of Tobol. Little favorites. " His story goes in intertwining with the main parts of the work. This is the mistakes against the governor of Matthew Gagarin, attempts to build the Kremlin, the military campaign of Ivan Buchholts. Lieutenant himself expects liberation from captivity.

The character image is revealed in several paragraphs. The scene is indicative where Maria Remezov (this literary heroine has a real prototype) says goodbye to Vanka on the pier. The girl comes up to him, nervously told handkerchiefs and picking words.

Demarin himself stands and smokes the tube, remaining as if as if from universal turmoil. In this minor detail the author reveals the character of the character. He is like a mud - "hard and sharp." Therefore, it is easy to break it. Even the service in the army did not teach a young officer to get along with people.

He is not able to maneuver - retreat or kindly. Masha, the beloved of the lieutenant, understands: Vanka is confident that the surrounding should be submored. And therefore dwells in danger, heading for a campaign. Ivan not only is not afraid of death, he even craves heroic death. Such, after which everything around, who was not considered with him will be repent and grown.

Ilya Malanin and the role of Ivan Demarin

Similar plans for Demarin can only lead to one. He, I am sure Mary, will climb on the Rogon. And then the girl resorts to tricks and asks the guy to take care of her brother. This young guards promises. However, its negligence, quick tempering and self-confidence leads to the fact that the lieutenant is captured, where and rethinks the attitude towards life.

The film directed by Ivan Zaitsev noticeably "facilitated" to such conclusions of the main character. The scene in comparison with the Saga Alexei Viktorovich lay a lyrical topic - the novel between Demarin and Young Rezhezova.

Guardsman performs the tasks of the king. Arriving from St. Petersburg, enters Tobolsk. There is also the first love. And in the military campaign of the heroine goes along with him, which already demonstrates a disorder with a literary work. Relationships between young people go can on the background of other events - local princes conspiracy, the search for Gold Yarkdend, the battle with wild jungars.

However, in the personal life of the main characters everything was "in a cinema". Love in length in life presented with spouses of five children. They settled in Tobolsk, where they raised offspring not without the help of the grandfather - the famous Cardographer Semen Remezov.

Ivan Demarin in the film

Ilya Malanine starred in the role of a young officer. The audience could already see the young talent in such projects as "elusive", "policeman from Rublevka", "on the area". The role of his beloved performed Julia Makarova, for which this work became debut.

The opinion of the audience about the choice of director Ivan Zaitsev was divided. Some expected to see the guardsman more charismatic actor. Others agreed that Malanina managed to embody the character character - rapid, brave and not able to retreat officer.

Ilya shared his impressions from filming the film. The actor was much easier to penetrate the image of the hero, since he did not really live. It made it possible to fantasize more, and not follow the example of the prototype.

Such a circumstance did not liberate Malanina from the need to painstakingly examine the era. After all, in the plot, he interacted with historical personalities.

The film "Tobol" became a useful experience for a young actor. He managed to work together with the stars of the Russian cinema Dmitry Dyughzhev, Catherine Guseva, Dmitry Nazarov, Evgeny Dyatlov.

Malanine shared his thoughts on the TV series "Tobol", which started on the first channel in the fall of 2020. Ilya reported in an interview that proximity to Roman Alexei Viktorovich was traced in the television version. By increasing the screen time, the director managed to cover most of the story. It originally wanted to see the author of the novel.

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