Rodion Meglin (character) - photo, series, 2020, "method", Konstantin Khabensky


Character History

Thinking maniac - motifs, ways and causes of crime, will understand and feel just the same as he. This idea was based on a detective television series, the main character of which Rodion Meglin became.

History of character creation

The first season of the "Method" went on screens in 2015, including 16 episodes. The producer of the film was performed by Alexander Tsekalo, director - Yuri Bulls.

The project began to compare with the American Dexter. Critics also found a certain community with a "present detective." But the creators of the "method" argued that their product is an original work that no adaptation was supposed.

The author of the idea - Kinodramaturg Dmitry Ivanov, as well as his wife Milan Kasakina, who became a screenwriter of the 1st season. The latter shared with the audience in the "Instagram" history of creating a chief character.

Casakina immediately shared the press attempt to conduct analogies between the "method" and "dexter". According to her, the idea came her husband, Dmitry Ivanov, after communicating with actor Alexey Petrukhin.

Milan said that the image of Kinheroya Petrukhin in the militant Oleg Stepchenko "Male Season: Velvet Revolution" made a certain prototype of Rodion Meglina and pushed Dmitry to the idea of ​​an extraordinary character. The one who makes the right thing, while hiding in itself a criminal essence.

So the thought appeared about the investigator, who himself is maniac. The idea not one year "lay on the shelf", because none of the Russian producers decided to such a bold experiment.

The further story of the acquisition of more distinct forms was detailed by Alexander Tsekalo. He himself turned to Dmitry Ivanov for ideas. And he showed the script of the first two series "method". Work began with the plot, which lasted about a year. As many times left the director's search.

And here Tsekalo ran into a problem - many refused to take the project for various reasons. Alexander was needed a specialist who would not only dare to show on the screens of an ambiguous hero, but the one with whom Konstantin Khabensky will agree with.

By the way, Khabensky was in absentia approved for the role even before the project joined Yuri Bulls. The actor liked the script and the idea, and the question of choosing the director worried him even more than the material component. And here for Cequo, everything was established as it is impossible. Bulls gladly began to work.

The creators of the series "On the shore" agreed that they would not "make crimes" and the canvas of the work will be not animal habits, but a story about dislike. Nevertheless, the picture is replete with frightening moments. Especially if we take into account that the maniacs have prototypes, and the plots of film reserves were based on real events.

For example, in the 2nd series the story of the Lipetsk Dectery is traced - the Russian serial killer Anatoly Sedoy. The 4th episode was based on the atrocities of the Stavropol Pedophile Anatoly Sloveko.

Also on the screens, images of dangerous maniacs, who left the bloody trail in Russian and Soviet Crime, - Gennady Mikhasevich, Vasily Kulik, Anatoly Onodovko. And the 11th series recalled the audience about the tragic event on February 3, 2014 in Moscow School No. 263.

Colleague Konstantin Khabensky became the actress Paulina Andreeva. She got the role of young travelers, enemy glass.

Film received a lot of positive feedback. In 2017, Alexander Tsekalo concluded an agreement with Netflix and sold the right to broadcast the American online cinema. And after a while there was information about the shooting of the continuation.

In the 2nd season of the "method" (the release date of the 17th series - November 8, 2020) remained the former cast, including Khabensky and Andreev. The star of the Patriotic scene Alexander Petrov, who played her husband was also published on the fore. But the director of the picture spoke Alexander Varta.

Image and biography of Rodion Meglina

The viewer meets the main hero of the series and learns that he is a police major in rank. The professional biography of the character is associated with the capture of dangerous criminals, mentally ill people and simply the rasons. Rodion demonstrates an incredible flair in investigations. And it attracts glass, graduate of the Law University, which came to the internship to Meglin.

Father Even - Colonel of Justice Andrei Glasses, hides the truth from his daughter about how her mother died. And then the girl decides to go to the assistant to the investigator, hoping that he will help learn the truth and indicate a killer.

After some time, young travelers begins to notice some inclinations from the head. From the series to the series and the viewer understands - Meglin hides something. More or less, the cause of the strange behavior of the detective is clear - through the description of its early biography.

In 1978, when the boy was about 5 years, a terrible tragedy occurred. The maniac penetrated the house and killed his father Rodion, and also beat his mother. These scenes young hero did not see, all the time hiding under the bed with a knife in his hand.

But the criminal noticed the child. And, obeying the brutal chassis, made his own mother. The boy was forced to do it. Militiamen who found him next to the corpse of a woman promised - the carriers will be found and shot.

10 years have passed. Justice happened only by the hands of Meglina himself. In addition to the direct killer of parents, the guy deprived the life of several more criminals.

He was condemned and sentenced to the highest punishment - the death penalty. And then suddenly freed that he worked in the investigating authorities and was the same hand of justice, when the law lacks evidence to punish the criminal.

In his youth, Rodion had to go through a lot, ranging from prison and ending with psychiatrists. His diagnosis is associated with traumatic factors from childhood. According to the doctor, due to these events, some patient feelings were blocked. But at the same time he began to feel the maniacs, reasoned, as they, and even easily calculated the next steps.

Meglin himself is the same person who can deprive the life of another. Only constantly on the verge between two extremes - killers and punishers. Thanks to the ability to feel pathological inclinations in people, he built a career in the police, often speaking by the executioner. At least such a method and condemned colleagues, including the assistant "deaf", could do nothing with it.

At the same time, the mental illness of the detective slowly sucks life from him. The attacks are often accompanied by fainting, hallucinations, foam from mouth. What a man is sick - no one knows. But his doctor assures - the patient is long left. And soon he will die or turn into a "vegetable". In the meantime, the investigator has time - it is shuffling pain with the help of tablets, brandy and wears a fatal injection with morphine.

Rodion demonstrates the character of a person who does not recognize the regulations: Hamit, intimidating, violates the legal regulations. It is not surprising that he is able to deceive and the laws of nature - to survive after a deadly blow to a knife, contrary to common mind. At least, the fans of the series strongly believed in it, waiting for the character's return in the 2nd season. And they hoped for the love stage of the main characters a serious relationship will be followed.

Interesting Facts

  • Each series of "method" begins with the quotation-reflection of Rodion, which briefly describes the plot of the episode.
  • According to Milan Kasakina, the name of the character was invented with her husband, Dmitry Ivanov. Meglin - from the name of Lake Meglino, where the married couple during work on the script bought a house. But the name of the authors of the idea was borrowed from the classmate of the Son.
  • Konstantin Khabensky received the Thafi Prize in 2017 in the category "Best TV film / TV series" for work in the "Method" picture.


"We all a little monsters and a little people" "the past is better not to remember. The future is better not to know "" Do not wait when you turn to you. Bay in the back, the same advantage "" Much pluses at vodka. Minus one - no past ... although it is also in some sense plus "


  • 2015 - "Method"

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