Pavel Shelest (character) - photo, film "Tsoi", 2020, Evgeny Tsyganov, driver "Ikarus"


Character History

Pavel Shelest is the main character of the film director Alexey Teacher "Tsoi". The bus driver, a collision with which the life of the idol Million is the leader of the Movie Group.

History of character creation

The tragedy, which happened on August 15, 1990, led to the death of rock legends - Viktor Tsoi. Do not consider the number of documentaries that somehow illuminated that fatal accident that happened on the track of the sloc - Talsi. And now opinions about the cause of the collision diverge.

The film "Tsoi" (release date on November 12, 2020), on the idea of ​​the director, illuminated the last stage of the life of the musician. The plot of the paintings starts just from the moment the singer did not cope with the vehicle management.

Thus, the film is not covered by Viktor Robertovich's biography. On the contrary, she is about those people whose life has changed after this tragic event. Alexey Teacher decided to demonstrate the audience the fate of close musicians - his ex-wife Marianna Tsoi (Mariana Spivak) and the last love of Natalia Otlogova (Paulina Andreeva).

At the same time, the main character - Pavel Shelest. The driver of "Ikarusa", a person who even did not even know about who is such Tsoi until the accident. Naturally, this hero has a real prototype - Janis Fibiks.

Alexey teacher shared in an interview that she had sheltered the idea of ​​the film for more than one year. The director was personally familiar with the leader of the "Cinema" group - the meeting occurred during work on the documentary ribbon "Rock". And when he learned about the misfortune that took the life of the artist, he came to the scene of an accident.

There, Alexey Efimovich saw the bus driver. View of a confused person, his condition - all this darked into the soul of the film. Interestingly, despite the huge number of documentaries about the fatal day, the identity of Janis Fibix all this time remained in the shadows.

The man did not come to contact with the press, giving only one short interview. The investigation took off all the accusations. It is known that Fibiks continued to work on transport. But about how the fate of a person who involuntarily deprived millions of idols, is unknown.

The idea of ​​revealing the identity of the driver of Ikarus became the leitmotif of Alexei Teacher's painting. According to him, he found Janis and told himself with the director. However, before the release of the film on the large screens, the prototype Pavel Shelest said that he did not advise the film crew. And also noticed - the reconstruction of the tragic event is far from real history. For example, Moskvich did not turn the Tsoi.

However, the teacher did not strive to completely recreate the details of the collision. The director has repeatedly said: the film "Tsoi" is a fictional story, which only reflects his own look at what happened after the death of the musician.

The film scenario was ready in 2010. But only after the end of the filming began, certain obstacles began to occur, which caused repeated transfer of the premiere. The son of Viktor Robertovich became the main figure, who has expressed discontent - Alexander Tsoi.

Russian and Latvian actors took part in the film - Nadezhda Kaleckanova, Igor Vernik, Inga Trail, Lilita Ozolin, Mikhail Timik, and others.

Evgeny Tsyganov, who played the main role, about his character made a comment. First of all, Evgeny noticed - the only parallel between the hero on the screen and Janis is that they both were driving the "Ikarus".

The rest of the character is the artistic fiction. And the goal of the film is to put yourself in the place of this person, the "indirect killer" of the idol. A person whose life will not be the same.

Image and biography of Pavel Suspend

The driver, an ordinary workman, far from the world of Soviet music - this appears the main character of the film. Paul tried to live correctly, did not play with fate. But evil rock or ridiculous confluence of circumstances led to a serious turn in the biography.

This person is difficult to imagine how much life will change after such a tragedy. For many, he will be a killer, others will quietly hate or even curse him. There are also people - close to the deceased musician, with whom will have to spend some time on the road.

This trip is like a ridicule of fate. Shelest sat down again behind the wheel of the bus. Only now brings in Leningrad the body of the dead legend of rock. Next to him is the former wife of Marianna and the last love of the musician Natalia. And also - the juvenile son, which remained in such a reverent age without his father.

The road to the funeral of metaphoric. This one way that makes not only aware of each character of the film is a terrible loss. But learn to live with it, to some extent to accept and understand - despite the conclusions of experts, there is still alive.

Interesting Facts

  • Evgeny Tsyganov in real life leads its own minibus.
  • Initially, the picture was called "47".
  • In some scenes, the artist replaced the dubler - only when the acting game went to the fore. In the rest of the same cases, Roma himself led the bus.
  • The prototype of the Shelest Character, Janis Fibihiks spoke negatively about the painting, having considered that he was demonstrated in the ribbon killer.


2020 - "Tsoi"

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