Stephen Chboski - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director, Writer 2021



Starting his career, as he believes, with failure, Stephen Chboski for many years did not resolve to continue the professional path. So his heroes behave - adolescents whose world is filled with fears and complexes. The problem of raising children is one of the main themes in the work of the American author, who considers his books rather personal.

Childhood and youth

A small homeland writer, a screenwriter and director is Saint-Claire - a suburb of Pyssssburg. Stephen was born on January 25, 1970, besides him, the sister of Stacy was brought up in the family.

It is impossible to say that Chbosks grew up in a creative environment. His father Fred was busy in the financial sector - advised players on stock exchanges. And the mother worked in the tax accounting system. Parents rage their children were rigorous because they were rather religious and confessed Catholicism.

And this, if you turn to the intricacies of teenage psychology, gave a impetus for the development of creative nature in the boy. In the family reigned despotic order, so the child grew sullen and closed. Problems, and their confession, there were many, he could discuss with the only close man - his own aunt. The woman sorry her nephew, feeling his condition, and as he could support.

However, the child found his path of therapy. For him, these were books. Moreover, from early childhood, the boy was interested in both the classics and fantasy and horrors. Subsequently, the American writer shared in an interview that his self-determination was greatly influenced by the novel "Above the Absurement in Rzya" Jerome of Sallinger.

A teenager with approval studied the work of Tennessee Williams and Scott Fitzgerald. Becoming a frequent visitor to the local library, Chboska took everything that came to her hand, and forgot about everything, until he finished the last page. At a certain point he felt a desire to compose the poems or stories himself.

Such prerequisites for creativity noted the school teacher of literature. The future director and the writer studied in St. Clair. In the lessons, despite the natural impactivity and caused by strict upbringing a closure, sometimes read fragments from its own works. Then he received the first positive feedback from the guys and the teacher who inspired him.

In 1988, the young man graduated from school. A new acquaintance of Childhood Stuart Stern, who wrote scenarios to such films, as "reasant" and Sybil, influenced the question of further training. He became for Stephen a good mentor, gently pushed the guy to cinema.

Inspired by the creative biography of an older friend, a graduate gave documents to California Cineram Magiology University. At the same time, the young man did not leave the literary field, wrote stories and even scripts for short films. Having received a specialized education, he began to work with great hopes.

Personal life

Having brought up in the family of economists, a man chose a man's life companion who would understand his creative throwing. The wife of the American director became Liz McKoy.

The woman also is engaged in a cinema, wrote scenarios for several episodes of the TV series "Siren", to the Drama "Black and Blue" and the Thriller "Vampires: Thirst for Blood". I tried yourself in the literature. The debut novel Lessons I Never Learned At Meadowbrook Academy affects teenage problems, while penetrated by humor, sincerity and children's hopes.

The family was born in the family. About his role Father Chboski proudly writes on pages on social networks - "Instagram" and "Twitter". True, the details of personal life tries not to share - together with his wife photo appear only from the meetings of the writing couple with journalists at conferences.

Books and films

While studying at the University, Stephen began work on the first project "Four Angles". The dream then another man was to get to the Sandance festival. It seemed to him that if it could succeed, he would definitely become famous and the film would fall into large screens. Hopes were justified only by half - the film noted critics, but the alleged development of events did not happen.

This experience has influenced the young graduate negative: he did not take another 10 years for the film. But continued to write scenarios, and in 1994 I sat down at my first novel.

After, in 2001, in an interview with Stephen shared that the initial concept of the book was very different from the plot, with whom readers met. "Good to be quiet" was published in 1999, and the work received an incredible number of reviews, both positive and negative. One thing is clear: the bestseller, built on the epistolar genre, did not leave the audience indifferent. "Hello, this is Charlie!" - From these words, every letter of a boy, experiencing fear and loneliness begins.

Such stupid success influenced Chboski exactly the same as the first failure. For many years, there were in doubt - whether he has writer talent, or he was just lucky. For a while he left literature and continued to work in cinema.

In 2005, a man wrote in collaboration with Jonathan Larson filmcenery based on Broadway Hit "Bohemia". Adaptation was encouraged ambiguously and failed at the box office. Then Stephen decided to risk and screen his own bestseller.

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Later, the writer admitted that he always dreamed of seeing "good to be quiet" in live action. In this project, he spoke director and script author. The premiere of the picture took place in Toronto on September 8, 2012 and was greeted by a big praise, he received a prestigious Award "Independent Spirit."

Emma Watson was invited to a major role in the youth film. With her, Chboski also met on the set of the famous remake "Beauty and the Beast". However, cinema colleagues communicate and today - a man regularly congratulates Watson Happy Birthday and achievements in a quarry from the "Twitter".

The following years of creativity were associated with television. The man was delighted by the post-parliamentary series "Jericho", which, though, was removed from the show after the 2nd season.

The film "Miracle" with Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson in the role of the parents of a special boy was close to Stephen - the director of this painting. Children's fears and complexes together with objective physical premises - the plot left an indelible impression on everyone who touched him.

Stephen Chboski now

Overcoming a 20-year-old break, the writer revealed the world a new novel "Imaginary friend", which immediately became a bestseller. Again the author appealed to the experiences who worried him in childhood. Christopher's principal hero imagined personal features of a boy brought up in biblical dogmas.
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In 2020, Stephen, like other well-known personalities, was forced to suspend work due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. The man is now spending time with his family in Los Angeles.

In the plans of the director - to rent a biographical film about Theodore Sewing Gaisel, who invented Greencha's green christler.


  • 1999 - "Good to be quiet"
  • 2019 - "Imaginary Friend"


  • 1995 - "Four Angles"
  • 2000 - "severely normal"
  • 2005 - "Bohemia"
  • 2006-2008 - "Jericho"
  • 2012 - "Good to be quiet"
  • 2017 - "Beauty and the Beast"
  • 2017 - "Miracle"

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