Bloom (character) - "Winx", pictures, cartoon, series, Ebigeyl Cowen, actress, parents, school


Character History

Bloom is a fairy-wizard with bright red hair, good heart and brave character. Favorite fans fans Winx Club has become widely known after the premiere of the cartoon series. In 2021, she gained a new life in the screening with alive actors.

History of character creation

The author of the idea Winx Club is the owner of the Rainbow Animation Company Izhinio Straphphy. He began to think about the new project in 2000, although the first series came out only after 4 years. The reason for this is painstaking studies of characters. The creator dreamed of forming images that not only would attract the audience outwardly, but also promoted the correct values ​​- good, mutual execution, friendship, honesty.

At that time, projects for the male audience prevailed on television. And Izhinoi thought that it would be nice to return to the screens of cartoons for girls, like "Sailor Moon". When developing the concept, the Italian director borrowed the idea of ​​adolescent wizards from the famous Saga about Harry Potter, only the center of the plot placed the girls.

In the desire to revive the era of animation for the female audience, Straphuff supported his wife Joanna Lee, which is also co-owned by Rainbow. By the way, the features of her character Izhinio used in the form of Bloom.

Famous designers, including the Dolce & Gabbana fashion house staff, were attracted to work on the costumes of the heroes. The appearance of the fairies was the appearance of real people - stars. For example, Pop Div Britney Spears spoke to a certain prototype Bloom.

Izhinio also used to create this character history of his classmate. His acquaintance was brought up in the foster family and dreamed of learn the truth about biological parents. This idea and became the main story of the first seasons.

The Winx Club pilot series started on January 28, 2004. Despite the early issue of release, young spectators were looking forward to her, because the premiere was preceded by a large-scale marketing campaign. In the spring of 2004, the cartoon has gained world popularity, it began to broadcast in European and Asian countries.

In view of the incredible success of the project, the production of toys-fairies began. In popularity, they were inferior only to recognized leaders - Bratz and Barbie dolls. In addition, the release of brand clothing and other goods started, including stationery, cosmetics, accessories. Printing products, which included books, magazines and comics, beat records on sales.

Given that the Winx Universe is also a musical phenomenon, the young viewers bought CDs with songs from a cartoon. On the official website dedicated to MediaFranshize, a number of materials for fans are posted: pictures, video clips, computer games created by the series. The resource is available in 22 languages.

Izhinio myself, Izhinoi Straphphy did not assume such a success of the project. In many respects, the popularity of the fairy wizard was explained by the fact that they symbolized the ideal for adolescents, gathering the desired aspirations in their characters and biographies. Girls fashionably dress, enjoy gadgets, fall in love and be friends. And although they own magical knowledge, they, as well as their viewers, are found with conventional teenage problems.

Today WinX Club is not only an entertaining animated series, but also a real culture that promotes the right moral values.

Image and Biography Bloom

The heroine of the animated series was born on December 10th. In the fictional world of Magiks his signs of the zodiac, according to which her birthday patronize the dragon. The birthplace character is the planet Domino. She herself is the heiress of the royal family.

When the wizard was still a baby, ancient witches attacked her house. The older sister of Daphne decided to save the girl by sending Tu to the Earth. There began the adventures of the princess, which up to 14 years old and did not guessed about magical origin.

On the ground, the fireman Mike and the owner of the flower shop of Vanessa became in Gardenia. They brought up daughter as native, tried to fulfill her desires. They even gave a funny rabbit named Kiko, who accompanied the fairy in the future.

Bloom and Skye

Bloom did not differ from the peers, although from the Small years he watched a wizard. The fateful meeting with Stella changed everything. Soon the heroine found out who she really was, and agreed to move to the School of Alpharey to develop magic talents.

And there began the lifetime about which young student could only dream. She gained her friends - Muse, Tekn and Flora. With them later organized the team, calling it the "Winx Club". Soon met his dream guy - Prince Skye.

By the nature of the new in the school of the Alpharey - bold and kind. These qualities allowed her to become a unlawful club leader. At the same time, it has an exacerbate sense of justice and considers himself indecisive. Her quote "Just me, what I do the right thing, and I kiss you" became a certain motto, fully revealing the attitude of the princess to life.

Bloom and Stella

You can only call Bloom serious and neatly with the stretch. In her backpack the mess, and the estimates in the lessons leave much to be desired - for the most part, the cause of the skips becomes the fight against the valet, witches of TRIX, the magicians of the black circle and other antagonists of the animation tape.

The character name is translated as "blooming". And its appearance corresponds to this definition. The wizard of the fire-red hair color, which she prefers not to challenge. High height - 173 cm, the student emphasizes with the help of a wardrobe: these are either long curved jeans, or a short skirt. So the girl walks in everyday life.

In the basic transformations (Charmix, Enchantix) in the clothes of the fairy prevails blue, after Belivix, gently pink shades appear. In the series, where a student of Alpharea becomes evil because of the influence of Lord Darkar, her suit is made in dark blue color, and the diadem acquires sharp corners.

Bloom in films

Today, 8 seasons of a fascinating animated series, telling about the adventures of young wizards in the fictional universe. The voice of the main heroine presented the Leticia of the Campa, in Russian, the role of Larisa Necripelova voiced.

After the release of 3 seasons, the premiere of the full-length animation film "Winx Club: The Mystery of the Lost Kingdom" took place. In the center of the plot - the biography of the main heroine Bloom. The picture has become a certain outcome in the history of the sorceress, giving fans of the franchise long-awaited answers to the remaining questions about her fate.

In 2010, another premiere took place on large screens - "Winx Club: Magic Adventure". The idea of ​​this painting at Izhinio Straphphy lay a story "Romeo and Juliet". Only now in love with which fate throws many obstacles, becomes bloom and sky.

Ebigeyl Cowen in the role of Bloom in the series

Another full-length animation film - "Winx Club: the mystery of the marine abyss", besides the propaganda of friendship and mutual execution, touched upon the topic of combating the pollution of the oceans. Antagonists in animation are associated with the harmful influence of humanity on the hydrosphere.

And in January 2021, the fantastic series "Fate: Saga Winx" with alive actors came out on the Netflix online platform. The role of the main character was performed by the actress Ebigeyl Cowen. The description of the film-based history is similar to the original - the age of the heroine and the main details of their biographies are coincided. Some unknown facts revealed. For example, the surname of adoptive parents Bloom, and therefore her own - Peters.

Interesting Facts

  • In the School of Alpharees, the potnet's favorite object of the planet was dominacy.
  • Only 2 characters appear in each series of cartoon Winx Club - this is Bloom and Stella.
  • Kiko also has a real prototype - as a child, Idzhinio has a private rabbit.


  • 2007 - "Winx Club: The Mystery of the Lost Kingdom"
  • 2010 - "Winx Club: Magic Adventure"
  • 2014 - "Winx Club: Mystery Marine Cupid"
  • 2021 - "Fate: Saga Winx"

Computer games

  • 2005 - WinX Club


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