Stella (Character) - Winx, Pictures, Cartoon, TV series, Hannah Van der Westhaisen, Actress, Bloom, Guy


Character History

Stella - Friend Bloom, Heroine Franchise WinX Club. Selfish character and overpriced requirements for others are actually a mask behind which a girl hides complexes and fears. The biography of this fairie reveals gradually, allowing the audience to feel deeper to the causes of her, sometimes irreparable behavior.

History of character creation

In the era of the beginning of 2000, the television has developed a tendency for the emergence of animated series for boys, such as Pokemon and Digimon. This gap in the broadcast was noticed by the Italian director Izhinio Straphphy, rightly judging that it was time to create a Saga, like "Sailor Moon".

By the way, the concept of the project "Moon in a sailor pack" to some extent the idea of ​​the idea. At least, visual images of new heroines were obviously borrowed from Japanese animation.

In addition, Izhinoiy decided to "breathe life" in characters using pop stars and movies. So, Cameron Diaz came prototype.

In 2000, Straphiff began investing in a new brand. At the same time, he had a thought of building a plot on opposing good sha funi and young witches. It was pushed by a cycle of novels Joan Rowling about the magic boy Harry Potter.

Ighinio wanted his characters to be modern and differed from such classic animation heroes as Snow White or Cinderella. Carefully studying the needs of the audience, the Italian director allocated a number of criteria, which subsequently became the factors of the success of the franchise.

So, Straphphy decided: the wizards will be girlfriends who understand the fashion, new products and are fond of pop music. At the same time, each of the fairies will have a unique character that it does not prevent them from waging to combat evil.

Professionals, famous designers and fashion designers were involved in the study of images. After all, each character of the animated series was with a dozen forms designed for one or another transformation. Such painstaking work was carried out for a long time - 4 years passed from the idea to the premiere.

As the name of the series, Izhinio considered the Wings word, which means "wings". And it is logical, because the fairies in children are associated with them. Subsequently, the owner of the Rainbow company such a name seemed to be banal, and it changed the last 2 letters. So, on January 28, 2004, a colorful cartoon Winx Club came out on television.

Bright decorations and characters attracted the audience from the first series. And the critics responded positively, noting the plot filled with good motifs and raising the correct values ​​in the growing generation.

And this is not only the wrestling of evil. The cartoon is affected and global topics, such as the preservation of wildlife, environmental problems - cutting down forests, ocean pollution and much more.

Today Winx Club is the most popular mediaphranchesis. Under this brand, clothing, computer games, CDs with songs, toys, dolls, magazines and much more.

Image and Biography Stella

Stella is the fate of the moon, stars and the sun. And this means that it combines the strength of the day and night. By the way, such talents, the wizard uses not only to combat evil, but also in everyday life - delivers a tan, adds brightness to hair and sparkling makeup.

Fair's birthday - August 18 (at the time of the beginning of the narrative her age -17 years), that in the world, Magiks corresponds to the sign of the zodiac mermaids. Parents of the girl - the king of the planet of the solarium radius and the moon. True, father and mother after the birth of the heiress divorced, which greatly influenced her further fate.

As a child, the future student of the Alphaba School was a shy, as a compacted child. Having vision problems, wearing special glasses. She liked Robbie's boy, but he did not reciprocate because he loved another student.

Fairy from the insult even put a spell on the rival, and she broke the leg right before the graduation. But Roby, instead of celebrating a holiday at school, went to her, not even giving Challe's chance to interest him.

This event greatly influenced the wizard. Then she began to care for themselves, got rid of hateful glasses. Quote "Beautiful are not born, but become" became a kind of motto in the fate of the girl who decided to become the best.

In front of the audience, this heroine appeared with a complex, selfish and narcissistic character. She is not interested in studying, but has an incredible collection of shoes and outfits.

At first glance, Stella's type is a sort of "stupid blonde." But in the depths of the soul, it is capable not only for sincere experiences, but also for self-sacrifice in the name of good.

Among the members of the Winx Club, a native of the planet of the solarium was most of all with Bloom, with which he met, reflecting the attacks of monsters. With the rest - the muse, Tekna and Flora - often entered conflict, but the girlfriends quickly came to compromise. The reason for the same sorry often performed an excessive fortune of the Fairy of the Sun, stars and the moon.

The appearance of the character is bright. She has long white hair, high growth (178cm), expressive honey eyes, underlined by skillful make-up. For the first time, the audience saw her in an orange skirt and a salad top. After some time, the girl put on a green sundress.

In the basic transformations, for example, in Enchanttices, orange colors prevail in the picture of the heroine. At the same time, the hair is lengthened and become more lighter. In other images, the appearance is more diverse. For example, pink sleeves and gloves are added in Belivix, in the lilac - purple ribbons in the hairstyle.

The love story of Stella is connected with the guy named Brandon. He is Squire, although on the first date Fairy was confident that in front of her - the prince himself. In this relationship there are enough tense moments associated with the jealousy of both. But in the end, in love, it is possible to come to a compromise, despite the hot-tempered characters.

Walking viewers forced the situation with the new marriage of the father's father with Countess Cassandra. The conflict with a potential consolidated sister Chimera led to the fact that the princess of the solarium became a monster due to the spell of the failed stepmother. Nevertheless, from each difficult situation, the fairy was able to learn the winner, not without the participation of the girlfriends from the "Winx Club".

Stella in films

The Winx Club Universe today is represented by 8 seasons of animated series, full-length animation films, comics and goods produced under this brand. And in January 2021 fans of magical history, finally, saw familiar characters in lively.

On the Netflix platform, the first season of the dramatic series "Fate: Saga Winx" came out. According to the creators, this product is designed for a more adult audience - on those whose childhood and youth fell on the heyday of the Winx Club.

The names of those who claimed the main roles were known long before the premiere. Fairy of the sun, stars and the moon performed a beginner British actress Hannah van der Westhaisen. An adapted version of the multiplication heroine on the screens has retained its description of its biography. Stella appeared the same arrogant royal special, not deprived of the feelings of compassion and kindness.

Interesting Facts

  • In the series "Fate: Saga Winx" heroine has photocosis. And when uses magical abilities, its eye color changes to yellow.
  • Translated the name of the character means "Star".
  • The wizard suffers to the arachnophobia.
  • This student of the Alpharea School is the only one who left for the second year. And the reason for this was the destruction in the laboratory, which happened by her fault.


  • 2007 - "Winx Club: The Mystery of the Lost Kingdom"
  • 2010 - "Winx Club: Magic Adventure"
  • 2014 - "Winx Club: Mystery Marine Cupid"
  • 2021 - "Fate: Saga Winx"

Computer games

  • 2005 - WinX Club


In my world, magic is a part of life. Such forces, like yours, this is normal. I am sure of you will get a great fairy. Fairy is not obliged to know what she does, she does it and that's it.

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