Vladimir Korolenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Writer



Writer Vladimir Korolenko lived during the October Revolution, the establishment of the Bolshevik power and a protracted civil war. The information contained in the artistic and journalistic works, from the point of view of historical scientists, was incredibly valuable.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Galaktionich Korolenko was born in the city of Zhytomyr, his ancestors took place from the Mirgorod Cossacks. According to legend, grandfather's grandfather belonged to a significant estate of representatives of specific ethnosocial circles.

The family of the future writer who lived in Ukraine, consisted of enlightened people. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky was a secondary brother Korolenko - a scientist-naturalist, author of philosophical articles.

Father, a citizen of the Russian Empire, was a college astronor and held a prominent position in the Zhytomyr county court. A closed and harsh man with a hypertrophied sense of responsibility knew how to keep others in fear and iron loop.

This Galaktion Afanasyevich is captured in the story "in a bad society", which was considered the first autobiography and excursions to a carefree life. The work that contained the memory of childhood was published in the popular printed weekly Russian thought.

Mother Volodya Evelina Iosifovna, formerly Polka by nationality, was engaged in public activities and raising children. The woman survived the tragedy in May 1867, when the youngest of three daughters died due to illness.

During this period, Korolenko studied in a private board, then he was given to the gymnasium, pre-approved by his father. Then the parents moved to the cultural city of Rivne, in the local educational institution, the writer was given a diploma.

In his further biography there was a period of study at the Institute of Technology, but life in advanced St. Petersburg was very expensive. After moving to the Moscow Higher Academy of Agriculture, Vladimir won the reputation as an inquisitive student.

In the late 1870s, the writer joined the revolutionary, he was removed from classes and exiled to the port of Kronstadt. Adaptation on the territory of the protected settlement demanded from Korolenko of the huge forces.

Personal life

The details of the writer were interested in Russian biographers. It is known that he acquired his wife from disagree with the power of circles. Evdokia Semenovna Ivanovskaya, who was the famous population, was a faithful girlfriend and criticism of debut works.

The only wife of Korolenko in adulthood became a mother, unfortunately, the couple had buried two young children. The eldest of the surviving daughters was enrolled in the educational institution of St. Petersburg, on its initiative the parent museum was created in Ukraine.

During the life of the writer Sophia Vladimirovna, I saw a correspondence with publishers, and then I advocated the editor of posthumously published books. With her participation, the famous letters of Korolenko to Anatoly Lunachara foreign writers transferred to French.

In the early 1920s, Korolenko's daughter headed the Special Commission for the Assembly and the publication of all the works of the Father. Together with the sister of Natalia Lyakhovich, the heiress of the literary state found the funds and managed to bring the case to the end.


In St. Petersburg, Korolenko began the writing career, "episodes from the life of the" seeker "were a professional feather breakdown. The story, who fell to the editorial office of the "Patrican Notes" magazine, did not inspire Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.

At the end of the 1870s, Vladimir got into trouble, and he was sent to the north of the Vysnevolotsk prison. After refusing the oath, Emperor Alexander III, the beginning of the writer was on the edge of the Great country.

After a time, the native of Zhytomyr discovered the road to Nizhny Novgorod, a bright literary talent was truly revealed there. Fans of "essays and stories", published a separate publication, loved themella "Sleep Makara", "AT-DAVAN" and "Blind Musician".

In the mid-1880s, Vladimir Galaktonovich was content with the plots of familiar and loved ones. He virtually immersed in psychological problems, as well as the world of genuine emotions and covertuous passions.

In the story of the "Children of the Dungeon", which entered the chosen bibliography, the author most brightely illustrated this approach. Contrasting members from different social classes, he saw those and others pull the burden of adversity.

After a decade, the writer was finally released from under the supervision, while traveling on a trip to Russia, he visited the Crimea and the Caucasus. After a visit to the United States of America, a man released a story translated into English.

In the 1900s, the writer became interested in social and political journalism, it did not prevent me from becoming a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Korolenko defended the oppressed Little Russian peasants and the Jews, paid attention to the injustices that deployed around.

After the October Revolution, Korolenko, the former humanist, condemned the political device and the ideology of the Bolsheviks. He expressed its principal position in the "letters to the Lunacharsky" and other documentaries of the 1920s.

Vladimir Lenin reacted on the essay and early essays, criticizing the writer for the pressure on people. According to the archival documents submitted in the photo albums, the authorities took part of the etching of the creator of stories, essays and stories.

Korolenko forced to turn to the help of foreign editors, in Paris and the cities of America began the publication of a number of books. Copies of the scandalous messages to the People's Commissioner of Enlightenment Opponents of the Russian Revolution transferred to French.


In the early 1920s, the "History of My Contemporary" was written, scheduled as a publication from several full-fledged volumes. Korolenko intended to convey the life experience and summarize the results of journalistic work.

The work remained unfinished due to unexpected death - inflammation of the lungs provoked a fatal outcome. The grave of the writer was located in the ancient necropolis of Poltava, this memorial place loved to visit the cultural people.

In August 1936, the burial of Korolenko was transferred to the territory of the garden, where the house-museum was later opened. In the exposition assembled by girlfriend, historians and literary crumbs, there are works and hundreds of memorable things published during the lifetime.


  • Museums of Vladimir Korolenko exist in Zhytomyr, Poltava, the village of Dzhanhot Krasnodar Territory, Nizhny Novgorod and exactly.
  • Name V.G Korolenko is the libraries of Kharkov, Chernigov, Moscow, Izhevsk, Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Zaporizhia, Novosibirsk and many other cities.
  • Korolenko Streets are in more than 50 cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and even Israel.
  • The Drama Theater of Udmurtia in Izhevsk is named V. G. Korolenko.
  • On the events of the Multan business, where Korolenko performed the defender of the peasants, the play "Russian Friend".
  • In the homeland of the writer in Zhytomyr, a monument is established.
  • The name of Korolenko was awarded universities of Poltava and a glazing, as well as schools in Poltava, Zhytomyr, Nizhny Novgorod, Kharkov, Kerch, Noginsk.
  • Postage stamps with a portrait of Korolenko were published in the USSR in 1953 and in Ukraine in 2003.
  • The monthorny courtyard of the National Bank of Ukraine issued an anniversary coin dedicated to V. G. Korolenko.
  • The name of the writer wore Soviet passenger motor ship.
  • In honor of Korolenko named the small planet 3835.
  • In 1990, the Union of Writers of Ukraine established the Literary Prize named after Korolenko for the best Russian-speaking literary work of Ukraine.


  • 1885 - "Sleep Makara"
  • 1885 - "In a bad society" ("Children of the Dungeon")
  • 1886 - "Essays and Stories"
  • 1886 - "Blind Musician"
  • 1890 - "Pavlovsky Essays"
  • 1895 - "without language"
  • 1899 - "Marusina Zaimka"
  • 1990 - "A moment"
  • 1905-1921 - "The history of my contemporary"

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