Tariel Oniani - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Thief in Law 2021



Even in the youth, Tariel Oniani decided to tie his life with the criminal world. He became famous as a thief in law and the leader of the famous Kutais group.

Childhood and youth

Tariel Oniani was born on June 2, 1952 in Georgia, Georgian nationality. About the early years of the biography of the famous criminal knows little.

Tariel Oniani and Daughter Gwance

He was brought up in a miner's family, who died due to the collapse. After that, the young man decided that he would not work in a mine, and chose the illegal way to mining money.

Personal life

A man does not give interviews and is not divided by the details of his personal life. He has a daughter of Gwance and the son of the Buba, but about who presented the authority of the heirs, not reported. The girl leads a secular life and often publishes a photo on the net, the guy is engaged in business.

Criminal activity

For the first time, the criminal was arrested for theft, after which the court decision was sentenced to 2.5 years of conclusion. Soon after liberation, the guy was crowned with the solution of respected thieves. In the criminal world, he received the nickname tarot. Freedom Tariel was lingering for a while and went for the bastard on the same article.

In subsequent years, a man has repeatedly turned out to be in prison, but it only increased his authority. Tariela managed to collect around loyal supporters, together with whom he founded the Kutais group, which was among the largest in Georgia.

It is because of one of the minions, the thief in the law arose conflict with Vyacheslav Ivankov on nicknamed a Jap. Their confrontation was delayed for years and lasted before the death of the enemy.

After the expiration of the regular punishment, Tariel moved to Moscow, where he continued to conduct an illegal business. During this period, he managed to avoid the attention of law enforcement agencies, but because of the restless setting, a man decided to go to Europe.

Tariel Oniani in youth

Taro ass in France, where he was engaged in trading with fake documents and alcohol smuggling. After the accomplice of criminal authority was detained, they were interested in local authorities. For some time, the criminal was supervised, and his telephone conversations listened. As a result, the police included information about the illegal drug deliveries.

The thief in the law was detained, but the lawyers managed to achieve the liberation of the ward. Another reason for which the identity of Oniani is interested in the laws of the law was the loud killing of Businessman David Sanikidze. In the process of the investigation, it turned out that the killed was a business partner of a Japanese, and the fingerprints of the fingers of Brother Taro found on the packet with the remedy.

However, there was not enough evidence to present the accusation, and the authority was safely left to Spain. There he has established a construction business and began to lead illegal business with Shakro young. After the last arrested, oniyan had a conflict with Aslan Usoyan (Sant Hasan), with whom he could not share the ownership of the former accomplice.

In 2005, Tarot himself was in the center of attention of the Spanish Guardians of the Law. The reason, according to media information, became the dossier on the authorities in Spain, who transferred the police a retired employee KGB Alexander Litvinenko. The operation "OSA" took place, during which searches were conducted in the possession of the criminal. But Tariela itself managed to escape. This news commented on Alimzhan Tahtakhunov (Tyativchik), who called a man with a businessman with good connections.

Oniani returned to Moscow, where, together with Gel Turtswadze, opened CJSC Exprestsed, which occupied by fuel and metals. At this time, a man continued to lead the war with Sant Hasan. He made the deprivation of the thieves title of one of the opponent's supporters, and he, in turn, transferred to the law enforcement agencies information about the place of the branch of criminals.

However, behind the bars, the man was not at all therefore, and because of the abduction of a businessman, to which he was involved. By the decision of the court, Tarot sentenced to 10 years of conclusion. Already when the thief in the law was under investigation, a Japanese was killed.

The death of Ivankova stirred by the criminal world, after which his supporters considered Tariela involved in the atrocity. Therefore, they decided to defend the Taro and let it among the criminals that the need for violence over it. But the authority of Oniani turned out to be quite large to save life. Later, with the same mysterious circumstances, Grandfather Hassan died, and the main challenger on the thief throne was the lot of Guli.

In the spring of 2019, Taro left the colony "Black Dolphin" and was free. The news appeared that the criminal was deported to Georgia, after which he plans to go to Turkey. But the man was again detained and extradited to Spain at the request of the authorities.

Tariel Oniani now

According to information from open sources, in April 2020, the thief in law was convicted for 4 years by decision of the Spanish court. Now he is serving a sentence.

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